AHMAD SAHMOUD / أحمد سالمود

عائلة ابو جامع



The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.

To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .

لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا



Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists


Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return

Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud, 34 years old, was killed on July 20, 2014 in the bombing of the Abu Jamea family’s home in Khan Younis.

He is the cousin of Khalid Sahmoud, who was killed on July 27, 2014.

Sources: B’Tselem


(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)


  1. SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 28, 2014 at 10:27 am REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme hum



Identifying Palestinian Terrorists


*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.



Click HERE to view al-Qassam Brigades website, Sahmoud webpage

أحمد سليمان محمود سهمود
قائد ميداني
Ahmed Suleiman Mahmoud Shamod
Khan Younes
Field Commander
الشهيد القائد الميداني / أحمد سليمان محمود سهمود
قائد معركة (الزنّة) البطولية
The martyr of the field commander / Ahmed Suleiman Mahmoud Shamod
Commander of the heroic battle

المولد والنشأة 

في التاسع والعشرين من يناير لعام ألف وتسعمئة وثمانين الميلادي ولد البطل المجاهد أحمد سليمان سهمود أبو أنس على أرض خانيونس وسط مدينة بني سهيلا ليتميز منذ طفولته بابتسامة تستقطب قلوب من يراه ليحظى بمحبة عظيمة بين الأهل والناس من حوله ،وليكون الأقرب لوالديه الذين ينتظرا عودته إلى البيت كي يؤنسهم ويضحكهم بحسه الجميل وقلبه الرقيق.

فكان لأحمد نصيبا من اسمه للحمد والثناء عليه من والديه وإخوانه وأهله وكل من نظر إلى أخلاقه أو عاشره، كيف لا؟ وقد تمنى أحد إخوته من أبيه قائلا (ليتني مت أنا ولا هو) لكنها الشهادة والاصطفاء والأقدار.
تربى أحمد في بيت من بيوت فلسطين الطاهرة المحافظة ونشأ نشأة إسلامية بين أهله وخلانه والتزم طاعة الله وحيث تعلم الصلاة في السابعة من عمره وأتقن أحكام التجويد في العاشرة ليرتبط اسمه بالقرآن وبالأشبال الملتزمين بأخلاقهم .

تعليم الشهيد وعمله 

انطلقت رحلة القائد القسامي أحمد سهمود العلمية من مدرسة شجرة الدر حيث تميز في دراسته وتدرج حتى واصل تعليمه الجامعي في أروقة الجامعة الإسلامية ليدرس في كلية التمريض وكانت علاقته مع زملائه مميزة بأخلاقه الحميدة وبابتسامته الرائعة.

صفاته الحميد أثارت أعين وقلوب أبناء الكتلة الإسلامية فكان أحد أبطالها العاملين المجتهدين وقد تأثر أحمد تأثرا كبيرا بالشيخ الدكتور الشهيد عبد العزيز الرنتيسي وبالقائد المجاهد محمود الزهار حيث تخرج من الجامعة الإسلامية حاملا أمانة العلم وأمانة الوطن .

وكذلك يذكر إخلاصه في عمله حيث عمل في مستشفى غزة الاوروبي ثم تنقل للعمل في مؤسسات صحية أخرى فما لبث حتى طلبه منادي الجهاد فلبى طائعا نداء الله وتفرغ للعمل في صفوف كتائب القسام ليكون أحد فرسانها ومجاهديها .

نشأته الدعوية

لتبدأ مسيرة أخرى في حياة شهيدنا البطل والتحق في صفوف حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس، وبايع بعدها جماعة الإخوان المسلمين، وكان شعلة من النشاط، يشارك في كافة الأنشطة الدعوية والمسجدية في منطقته.

ولهمته العالية أصبح شهيدنا أحمد أمير مسجد حمزة بن عبد المطلب في منطقته، حيث كان رجلا فاعلا في عمله ،ذكيا محبوبا صاحب قدرة على التفكير والإبداع مما جعله قدوة حسنة يشار إليه بالبنان في عدد من الميادين الدعوية. 

في صفوف القسام

حينما اشتعلت انتفاضة الأقصى تحرك أحمد نحو إخوانه في صفوف الكتائب متخذا عهدا على نفسه ألا يعود دون مقصده لينال شرف الانتماء لكتائب القسام عام 2005م ولما رأى فيه إخوانه الصدق والرجاحة والذكاء قبلوا انضمامه لصفوف المجاهدين.

ليرتقي في سلمه الجهادي حتى أصبح الشهيد القائد أمير سريته ،متنقلا بين التخصصات العسكرية وقد حصل على العديد من الدورات العسكرية كالمشاة والهندسة وغيرها وقد أبدع في مجال الهندسة فحصل على دورة متقدمة فيها بدرجة امتياز وكان له رؤية واسعة في بعض القضايا التى تخص العمل الجهادي حيث حمل كثيرا من الأعباء الإدارية الأخرى التي كلف بها في كتيبته.

شهادة لم تحن بعد

تعرض الشهيد القائد لعدة محاولات اغتيال كانت أولاها في عام 2008 حيث حاصرته قوات الاحتلال الصهيوني في أحد البيوت ثم قصف الاحتلال البيت ولكن قدر الله ورعايته ردت كيد العدو فقد خرج شهيدنا القائد في اللحظات الأخيرة.
وفي موقف آخر تم استهداف سيارته قبل استشهاده بعدة أشهر في انفجار في مدينة خانيونس.

قبسات من حياته الجهادية

تميز شهيدنا أبو أنس تقبله الله بحبه للرباط كما شارك في صد الاجتياحات العدوانية على حدود المنطقة الشرقية كما شارك في إطلاق قذائف الهاون على المغتصبات الصهيونية قبل الانسحاب عام 2005م.

وقد أشرف على بعض المهام الجهادية الخاصة ضد العدو الصهيوني وكان له دور فاعل ومشهود في إدارة معركة العصف المأكول حيث قاد الإخوة في منطقة الزنة في مواجهة العدو الصهيوني في معركة الزنة المشهورة معركة الدبابات والتي ساءت وجوه اليهود بفضل الله.

موعد مع الشهادة

أبطال لا تعرف اليأس شديدة البأس فبعد رحلة من الجهاد أذاق فيها شهيدنا القائد أبو أنس عدوه المجرم المعتدي الويلات وبعد أن عرف العدو أن خلف ابتسامة أبي أنس المشهورة لهيبا يحرقه وغضبا يتفجر فيهم في منطقة الزنة سعى بكل طاقته للتخلص من هذا البطل الهمام الذي وجه الأبطال والفرسان للتنكيل بهم في معركة العصف المأكول وفي معركة الدبابات خاصة.

فجن جنونه وبدأ يبحث عنه في كل مكان ،وفي المقابل يتلألأ وجه أبي أنس بهجة وفرحا بما أصاب عدوه فيدعو إخوانه بالدعاء له أن يرزقه الشهادة ، ويذكر في هذا المقام أنه زار أهله وأخبرهم أنه “لن يخرج من هذه المعركة إلا طويل العمر” ووصى أمه بأن تدعو له بالشهادة وتطلق الزغاريد إن أتاها شهيدا.

وقد كتب بأفعاله وصية للشباب المجاهد ولأهله وذويه قبل بدء المعركة وفي آخر أيامه، فقد كان يتوضأ لكل صلاة قاصدا تجديد الوضوء لكل صلاة ،صواما مواظبا على دروس العلم ،مبادرا في أعمال الخير.

فبادره الخير بارتقائه شهيدا بإذن الله يوم 20-7-2014م، حينما قامت طائرات العدو الصهيوني الحربية بقصفه وهو يوصي إخوانه بعدم التحدث عبر اللاسلكي خشية عليهم، وأوصاهم بالانشغال بذكر الله فحان قدره بعد أن ارتكب العدو مجزرة بشعة ليرتقي رافعا سبابته إلى السماء بوجهه المنير المبتسم الذي لم تخدشه صواريخ العدوان الظالم لتنتهي رحلة بطل من أبطال القسام وقائدا لم تفارق الابتسامة محياه.

Qassami Field Commander
Screen grab from Ahmad Sahmoud martyr video
Screen grab from martyr video


The stories of his jihadist life
The distinction of our martyr Abu Anas is accepted by God in his love to Rabat he also joined in repelling aggressive invasions on the borders of the eastern region and participated in firing mortar shells at Zionist rapists before withdrawing in 2005.
He supervised some of the special jihadist tasks against the Zionist enemy and was instrumental in the management of the battle of the eaten, where he led the brothers in the region of Zintan in the face of the Zionist enemy in the Battle of the famous Zintan battle tanks, which worsened the faces of Jews thanks to God.

An appointment with the certificate
Heroes do not know despair, very desperate. After a journey of jihad in which our martyr Commander Abu Anas, his enemy, the aggressor, tasted the misfortunes, and after the enemy knew that behind the famous smile of Abu Anas, a flame that burned him and anger that exploded in them in the region of adultery, he sought with all his energy to get rid of this heroic, humor who guided the heroes and knights. To be abused in the battle of edible storms and in the battle of tanks in particular.
He went crazy and started looking for him everywhere, and in return, the face of Abu Anas glittered with joy and joy in what had befallen his enemy, so he called upon his brothers to pray for him to give him martyrdom, and he mentioned in this place that he visited his family and told them that “he will not emerge from this battle only long-term” and recommended his mother to She calls him to testify and releases the holiest if he comes as a martyr.
He wrote with his deeds a will for the mujahideen youth, his family, and his family before the battle began and at the end of his days.
Goodness initiated him as a martyr, God willing, on July 20, 2014, when the Zionist enemy warplanes bombed him and he advised his brothers not to speak over the radio for fear of them, and he commanded them to engage in remembrance of God, so his destiny after the enemy committed a horrific massacre to raise his cause to the sky with his bright enlightening smile Who was not scratched by the missiles of the unjust aggression, to end the journey of a Qassam hero and a leader whose smile did not leave him.



The Military Advocate General (MAG Corps’) (Hebrew: הפרקליטות הצבאית‎, HaParklitut HaTzva’it) is responsible for implementing the rule of law within the Israel Defense Forces. The unit’s objectives include integrating the rule of law amongst IDF commanders and soldiers;⁸ providing commanders with the tools for the effective performance of their missions in accordance with the law; and working with the IDF achieve its goals on all legal fronts. The MAG Corps’, most noteworthly, has the ability to provide legal advice in emergencies and during warfare.[1]

For more about the MAG Corps, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)


A General Staff Mechanism for Fact-Finding Assessments (the ‘FFA Mechanism’) examines Exceptional Incidents that occurred during Operation ‘Protective Edge’. The FFA Mechanism, headed by a Major General, was activated soon after the commencement of Operation ‘Protective Edge’, in the midst of the ongoing hostilities.

To read more about the FAA Mechanism, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Allegation Concerning the Deaths of 27 Persons as a Result of a Strike on a Structure in Khan Younis (20 July 2014)

In media reports and in complaints from NGOs, it was alleged that on 20 July 2014, 27 persons were killed as the result of an IDF strike on the house of the Abu Jame` family in Khan Younis, and others were injured. Subsequently, the incident was referred to the FFA Mechanism for examination.

The factual findings and materials collated by the FFA Mechanism and presented to the MAG, indicated the existence of grounds for a reasonable suspicion that the incident involved a deviation from the rules and procedures applicable to IDF forces. As a result, the MAG ordered a criminal investigation into the incident.

The investigation was thorough and comprehensive. Testimony was collected from one of the individuals injured in the attack, as well as 16 officers who were involved in the approval and carrying out of the attack. Additionally, an extensive number of documents were retrieved, including materials found in the IDF’s relevant operational systems, death certificates, and more.

The investigation’s findings provide that on 20 July 2014, IDF forces carried out an aerial strike on a structure in use by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities against IDF forces maneuvering in the area. The strike intended to target the military infrastructure in the structure as well as a command level military operative, who according to real-time intelligence was commanding military operations against IDF forces from within the structure. During the planning and execution stages of the strike, which took approximately 24 hours, additional information about the structure was received, which corroborated the understanding that the structure contained military infrastructure that presented clear and immediate danger to IDF forces maneuvering in the area.

During the planning stages of the strike it was assessed, on the basis of intelligence information and other checks that were undertaken, that civilians were likely to be present in the structure, but that the expected civilian harm resulting from the strike would not be excessive in relation to the significant anticipated military advantage that would result from striking the military infrastructure and the command level military operative manning it.

Among the precautions taken, including in order to conduct an assessment of how many civilians were present in the structure, it was decided to undertake a process of gathering additional intelligence on the target; a process which continued for approximately 24 hours. Additionally, surveillance conducted on the structure for a number of hours revealed no civilian movement, except for a single unidentified man who entered the structure prior to the attack.

Contrary to the allegation, it was found that a number of warnings were issued in the area of the strike, using various means, which called on civilians to evacuate from the area. It was further found that it would not have been possible to provide a specific warning to those present in the structure prior to the strike, as such a warning was expected to frustrate the objective of the attack. Moreover, it was also found that because the precise location of the military activity in the structure was not known, the strike could not be limited to a particular portion of the building.

As mentioned, it was alleged that 27 persons were killed as a result of the strike, a number far higher than the number of civilians that was assessed to possibly be in the structure. According to the findings, the targeted military operative was among those killed, together with additional military operatives that were apparently killed in the attack.

After reviewing the investigation’s findings, the MAG found that the attack process in question accorded with Israeli domestic law and international law requirements. The decision to attack was taken by the competent authorities, and the attack was aimed at a military objective – a structure used by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities against IDF forces maneuvering in the area, and a command level military operative present therein. The attack complied with the principle of proportionality, as at the time the decision to attack was taken it was assessed that the collateral damage expected to arise as a result of the attack would not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated from it. This assessment was not unreasonable under the circumstances. Additionally, the strike was carried out using precautionary measures aimed at minimizing the potential for harm to civilians, including a lengthy intelligence gathering process which included the use of surveillance prior to the attack, in order to assess the presence of civilians in the structure and in its vicinity. It was further found that the provision of a specific warning prior to the attack to those present in the structure was not required by law as it was expected to result in the frustration of the strike’s objective.

The MAG found that the professional discretion exercised by all the commanders involved in the incident had not been unreasonable under the circumstances. The extent of harm, in practice, to civilians who were uninvolved in the hostilities is a regrettable result, and which was not expected at the time the decision to strike was made, but it does not affect the legality of the attack ex post facto.

Accordingly, the MAG ordered that the case be closed without any further legal proceedings – criminal or disciplinary – to be taken against those involved in the incident.


Ahmad Sahmoud, “command level military operative”, killed in the Abu Jame home, one of the targets of the attack


Click HERE to view website

Bodies of members of the Abu Jame’ family await burial.
A mourner carries the body of a child among 26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, who were killed the previous day during an Israeli attack over the Bani Suhaila neighborhood of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip.
Palestinian mourners carry the bodies of the members of the Abu Jame’ family out of the mosque
Mourners fill the mosque during the funeral for 26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, who were killed the previous day during an Israeli attack over the Bani Suhaila neighborhood of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, July 21, 2014.

Bodies of the Abu Jame family, all wrapped in green Hamas shrouds – a terror family, Hamas, a US Foreign Terrorist Organization – all used as human shields.



A Short Summary of the Tactics of Human Shields Used by the Terrorist Organizations in the Gaza Strip

1. The human shield concept of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip involves the extensive use of civilians as human shields for defending terrorist operatives from Israeli air and ground attacks. It was widely used during Operation Cast Lead1 and is being used again in Operation Protective Edge.

2. The following are past examples of how the terrorist organizations use Gazan civilians as human shields. In ITIC assessment Hamas and the other terrorist organizations will use similar tactics in Operation Protective Edge in addition to what has been done so far, especially if the operation evolves into a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. They are motivated by a desire to make it difficult for the IDF to operate and to exploit civilian casualties for political, propaganda and legal purposes.

3. The main tactics used are:

1) The presence of terrorist operatives and storing weapons in civilian residences – Civilian residences in the Gaza Strip serve the terrorist operatives as safe houses, places to store weapons, surveillance posts and locations from which rockets are fired into Israel. The organizations have also constructed escape and attack tunnels under civilian residences (which were exposed in Operation Cast Lead).

2) Terrorist operatives are assimilated into civilian neighborhoods, which are turned into combat compounds – During Operation Cast Lead terrorist operatives were assimilated into residential neighborhoods and exchanged their uniforms for non-military clothing. During the operation, operational sketches were found proving that entire neighborhoods had been turned into Hamas combat zones. The military- terrorist infrastructures of the terrorist organizations were established near civilian residences and public institutions, from which the operatives fought against the IDF.

3) Rocket fire from populated areas and from the proximity of civilian houses ….

4) Coercion of civilians not to leave their homes in battle zones ….

5) Extensive military use of mosques, hospitals and educational institutions ….


It is widely known that Hamas terror operatives use civilian residences to store weapons and house command and control facilities. This was the case with the Abu Jame residence.

Present in the Abu Jame house, was a command level military operative, Ahmad Sahmoud, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Field Commander. As the Israeli aircraft were in the process of targeting him in the Abu Jame house and were about to strike, he was in contact with his troops via the radio, advising them not to use the radio for communications, revealing their positions, and encouraging them to fully engage the Zionist enemy.

During the planning stages of the strike, the IDF assessed that civilians were likely to be present in the structure, but that the expected civilian harm resulting from the strike would not be excessive in relation to the significant anticipated military advantage that would result from striking the military infrastructure and the command level military operative manning it. The presence of the Abu Jame family, Sahmoud thought, would deter a military strike on his command and control facilities, a classical example of using civilians as human shields, the Abu Jame family would shield Sahmoud from an atttack. But in this case it didn’t work. Sahmoud and additional military operatives were killed, together with members of the Abu Jame family, a family, photographs document, was a family of Hamas terrorists.



Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud, 34 years old, was killed on July 20, 2014 in the bombing of the Abu Jamea family’s home in Khan Younis


FACT #1: Not revealed in the narrative, Sahmoud was a Field Commander in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

FACT #2: The Abu Jame home was being used by Sahmoud as a command and control facility engaged in combat operations against the IDF.

FACT #3: The Abu Jame family home wasn’t the target, Sahmoud, other terror operatives and the al-Qassam Brigades terror infrastructure was. Sahmoud was killed when he was targeted and killed IN the Abu Jame home.


The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud was an example of this.

Below are two pictures of Sahmoud, side by side, for comparison:

The photograph of Sahmoud on the left is how Sahmoud is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 34 years old, was killed on July 20, 2014 in the bombing of the Abu Jamea family’s home in Khan Younis.

The photograph on the right is who Sahmoud truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Sahmoud who appears on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, the Sahmoud who supervised some of the special jihadist tasks against the Zionist enemy and was instrumental in the management of the battle of the eaten, where he led the brothers in the region of Zintan in the face of the Zionist enemy in the Battle of the famous Zintan battle tanks, which worsened the faces of Jews thanks to God.

The Sahmoud killed when IDF forces carried out an aerial strike on a structure in use by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities against IDF forces maneuvering in the area. The strike intended to target the military infrastructure in the structure as well as a command level military operative [Sahmoud], who according to real-time intelligence was commanding military operations against IDF forces from within the structure.



مؤسسة السمع والبصر للتنمية والتأهيل المجتمعي

The Hearing and Sight Foundation for Development and Community Rehabilitation is a Qatari NGO charity. It states that its charitable projects in Gaza support the needy, the poor, widows and orphans, especially the parents of cochlear-planted children, many of whom can not afford rehabilitation fees, transportation and other expenses. This is not completely true and misrepresents what the charity presently does in Gaza.

The charity covertly supports and rewards the families of martyred Palestinian terror operatives, affiliates and combatants such as Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud. By falsely claiming that the charity supports the needy, poor, widows and orphans, the parents of cochlear-planted children, they are concealing their true mission. Receiving aid is not dependent on any of the above. Being needy and poor is not a requirement. The predicate for receiving aid is the family’s affiliation with a Gaza terror organization. The charity supports and rewards the children, widows and orphans of dead Palestinian terror operatives.

Islamic law does not allow adoption, taking someone else’s child as your own. The closest thing to adoption that is is allowed is legal foster care known as “kafala” (كَفَالَة). Kafala is the Islamic legal institution analogous to guardianship and it is used instead of adoption. The Qatari charity is the legal guardian of the 239 children who appeared on their website’s kafala photo gallery, the sons and daughters of martyred Gaza terror operatives. The photo gallery consisted of twenty pages, twelve children per page, eleven on Page 20.

The charity’s website and kafala photo gallery were removed from the internet. Before this happened, most of the website and the twenty pages of photographs were archived. Below, a partial screen grab of one of the archived kafala pages:

The photograph below, the daughter of Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud, appeared on Page 10 of the charity’s kafala photo gallery, http://www.alsam3.net/kafala/page/10/:

علا احمد سهمود
Ola Ahmed Shamod



To view a list of the 18 terror operatives with links to their webpages, click HERE



Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.

In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:


The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, and their families, Ahmad Sulliman Sahmoud was one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.

Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.

To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.