
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 6 members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE.
لمشاهدة صور لـ 6 أعضاء من الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين وجدت على أنسِدِة المواقع الفلسطينية’ معرض الصور، انقر هنا.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Hashem Khader Abu Maria, 45 years old, staff member and Human Rights Defender of the Defense for Children International-Palestine, was killed today, Friday July 25, 2014, by Israeli forces while peacefully participating in a solidarity march with Gaza. He was among three Palestinians who were shot and killed today in the West Bank village of Beit Ummar.
“Hashem served as the coordinator of DCI-Palestine’s community mobilization unit, promoting constructive child participation throughout the occupied Palestinian territory. His most recent work focused on Palestinian teens monitoring and documenting child rights violations in Hebron. He is survived by his wife Samira, his son Ayham, 11, and his two daughters, Siba, 6, and Majdal, 13.” via DCI-Palestine
See more at: http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/nora-barrows-friedman/human-rights-defender-among-three-palestinians-killed-live-fire-west
[Photos courtesy of DCI-Palestine]
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 25, 2014 at 3:39 pm REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme hum.Like
- TULAY AZIZE TUNCAY July 26, 2014 at 4:26 am REPLYWe continue the fight for freedom and justice in your honor. Now you have true peace.
- TULAY AZIZE TUNCAY July 26, 2014 at 4:26 am REPLYWe continue the fight for freedom and justice in your honor. Now you have true peace.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*On October 8, 1997, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. Department of State

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6 Palestinians Killed in West Bank amid Protests against Gaza Assault
Six Palestinians were killed on Friday as protests erupted across the West Bank in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been under Israeli assault for the last 18 days.
The deaths come after a Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces late Thursday in clashes at Qalandia, bringing the total death toll in the West Bank to nine Palestinians slain in the last three days as they participated in demonstrations.
Large protests were held in Huwwara, Beit Ummar, Hebron, Halhul, Bilin, Ramallah, Tuqu, al-Arrub, and in Jerusalem.
The Palestinians slain during the protests were identified as Khaled Azmi Khaled Yousef, 18, Hashem Abu Maria, 47, Tayeb Abu Shehada, 22, Sultan al-Zaaqiq, 30, Abd al-Hamid Breigheth, 35, and Eid Fadhelat, 32.
Beit Ummar
In Beit Ummar, Palestinians clashed with Israeli soldiers in protest of Israel’s assault on Gaza.
Organizers from the Palestine Solidarity Project said that approximately 900 people attended the protest and that Israeli forces opened fire with live ammunition.
Hashem Abu Maria, 47, was shot in the chest and died soon after. Organizers said that Abu Maria worked with Defense of Children International-Palestine and was shot approximately 30 minutes into the demonstration.
Sultan al-Zaaqiq, 30, was also slain by Israeli forces during the clashes.
Additionally, Abd al-Hamid Breigheth, 35, was shot in the chest by Israeli forces and died of his wounds.
Organizers said that the three will be buried today in the cemetery in Beit Ummar, which is also by the Israeli military watchtower.

Click HERE to view website
“Three Palestinians were fatally shot by Israeli forces in Beit Ommar, near Hebron in the southern West Bank, according to local activists, as a demonstration erupted into a violent confrontation. They identified the three as Sultan Shuqdam, Abd al-Hamid Breigheth, and Hashem Abu Maria.”
Hashem Abu Maria was shot and killed during a violent confrontation with Israeli troops in Beit Ommar.


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الشعبية تؤبن رفيقها القائد هاشم ابو ماريا في ذكرى مرور أربعين يوماً على استشهاده

رام الله – دنيا الوطن
نظمت الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين في محافظة الخليل ( بيت أمر) حفل تأبين لشهيدها القائد والمعلم هاشم ابو ماريا و شهداء نصرة غزة الشهداء سلطان الزعاقيق وعبد الحميد بريغيث في ذكرى مرور أربعين يوماً على استشهاد وسط اقبال جماهيري وبحضور قيادات وكوادر الجبهة وعائلات الشهداء ، وفصائل العمل الوطني وشخصيات وطنية واعتبارية، قدموا من كافة ارجاء فلسطين من الجليل الى الخليل .
وافتتح عريفا الحفل الرفيقة ايمان شلالدة والرفيق يوسف بريغيث مرحبين بالحضور الكرام باسم الشهداء وباسم الشهيد الرفيق أبومارية، ودعوهم للوقوف دقيقة صمت حداداً على أرواح الشهداء، ومن ثم عزف السلام الوطني الفلسطيني وقسم الجبهة الشعبية الذي القاها مجموعة من الملثمين .
وفي كلمة الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين والتي القاها القيادي في الجبهة الرفيق بدران جابر ، والتي اكد فيها على مناقب الشهيد ومسيرته الوطنية والكفاحية ، مؤكدا ان الحفاظ على دماء الشهداء يكون بالوحدة الوطنية المبنية عاى اسسس وقواعد كفاحية والتخلي عن النهج التفاوضي العبثي .
كلمة القوى الوطنية والاسلامية في بلدة بيت امر القاها الدكتور رفيق ابو عياش والذي عبر فيها عن فخره بالقوى الوطنية والاسلامية في البلدة على أن تحيي ذكرى الشهداء، وتحدث عن دور القائد هاشم في اشاعة الروح المقاومة ، واشاعة اللحمة والوحدة بين ابناء الشعب الواحد ، وقال ان هاشم حالة من الصعب ان تتكرر .
كلمة المكتب الدائم للقوى الوطنية والاسلامية في محافظة الخليل والتي القاها الرفيق ابو لبن ، اكد من خلالها على اهمية وضرورة الوحدة الوطنية في مكافحة المخططات “الصهيونية”في المنطقة ، والتصدي للهجمة الاستيطانية ، وتحدث ابو لبن
ان الشهيد هاشم لم يكن شخص عادي ، بل شخص حمل الهم العام والمصلحة العامة وغلبها على المصالح الفردية والفئوية والحزبية .
كلمة اسر الشهداء الثلاثة والتي القاها كلا من الدكتور يوسف ابو مارية ممثلا عن اسرة الشهيد هاشم ، وكلمة اسرة الشهيد عبد الحميد بريغيث والتي القاها الاستاذ جلال بريغيث ، وكلمة اسرة الشهيد سلطان الزعاقيق ، والتي القتها الطفلة اسيل مطلق ، حيث اكدو جميعهم على مناقب الشهداء ، وضرورة ان ان يبقى الشهداء حاضرين وذلك من خلال عدم التفريض بالحقوق الوطنية والوحدة الوطنية .
محمد كنعانة ممثل حركة ابناء البلد في فلسطين التاريخية اعتبر أن قضية الشهداء قضية شعب مناضل في كافة اماكن تواجده شهداء رسموا الخارطة السياسية لمواصلة الحياة على طريق النضال الوطني مع العدو “الصهيونية”، وهي قصة شعب لا يموت ولا يهان استمد من شهدائه روح المقاومة والنضال حتى اصبح فكراً ومنهجاً وسبيلاً عُبّد وعمُّد بدماء الشهداء.
ووجه التحية الى الاسرى وعلى راسهم الرفيق احمد سعدات .
كلمة الحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الاطفال ، القاها الاستاذ رفعت قسيس مدير عام الحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الاطفال ، تحدث فيها عن مناقب واخلاق الرفيق هاشم وعن مدى قناعته ان الاطفال لا بد وان يتحرروا يوما ما الاحتلال ” الصهيوني” لينعمو بحياة تليق با طفال فلسطين .
المحامية سهر فرنسيس ممثلا عن اصدقاء الشهيد تحدثت عن هاشم الانسان هاشم المناضل هاشم الذي لا يعرف الانكسار هاشم الذي يبتسم في اصعب الظروف ، هاشم كان مدرسة في الحب والصدق والانتماء .
وفي ختام الحفل، كرمت قيادة الجبهة الشعبية اسر الشهداء والمؤسسات والقوى الوطنية ، حيث سلمت ذويهم دروع تذكارية تحمل اسمائهم وصورهم .
وتخلل الحفل عرضاً فنيا يحاكي قصة الشهادة قدمه اشبال وزهرات الجبهة الشعبية

The People commemorate their comrade, Commander Hashem Abu Maria, on the 40th anniversary of his martyrdom
Ramallah-Dunia al-Watan
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Hebron Governorate (Beit Amer) held a memorial ceremony for her martyr, commander and teacher Hashim Abu Mariah and martyrs of Nasra Gaza martyrs Sultan Al-Zaaqiq and Abdelhamid Brigayth in commemoration of 40 days of martyrdom amid mass turnout and in the presence of the leaders and cadres of the front and martyrs The national action groups and national and legal personalities from all over Palestine came from Galilee to Hebron.
He opened the ceremony of Comrade Iman Shalaldeh and Comrade Yusuf Brigayth welcoming the Honorable presence in the name of the martyrs and in the name of the martyr Comrade Abu Marais, and invited them to observe a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs, and then play the Palestinian National peace and the section of the Popular Front delivered by a group of masked men.
In the speech of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which was delivered by the leader of the front comrade Badran Jaber, in which he emphasized the virtues of the martyr and his patriotic and combative march, stressing that the preservation of the blood of martyrs is a national unity built on the bases and rules of the struggle and abandoning the absurd negotiating approach.
The speech of the national and Islamic forces in the town of Beit an order delivered by Dr. Rafiq Abu Ayash, in which he expressed his pride in the national and Islamic forces in the town to commemorate the martyrs, and spoke about the role of Commander Hashim in spreading the spirit of resistance, and the spread of meat and unity among the people of one population, and said that Hashim case E is hard to repeat.
The speech of the permanent Office of the National and Islamic forces in Hebron Governorate, which was delivered by Rafiq Abu Laban, through which he stressed the importance and necessity of national unity in the fight against the plans/”Zionism” in the region, and the response to the settlement attack, and Abu Laban spoke
The martyr Hashem was not an ordinary person, but a person who carried public concern and the public interest and prevailed over individual, factional and partisan interests.
The words of the three Martyrs ‘ families, which were delivered by Dr. Yousef Abu Marais, representing the family of the martyr Hashim, and the speech of the family of martyr Abdelhamid Brighth, delivered by Prof. Jalal Brigheth and the family of martyr Sultan al-Zaaqiq, which was delivered by the child Aseel Mutlaq, where they all took on the virtues of martyrs That the martyrs should remain present through the lack of interaction with national rights and national unity.
Mohamed Kanana, representative of the Palestinian movement in historical Palestine, considered that the issue of martyrs is the issue of a militant people in all places of the martyrs who painted the political map to continue life on the path of national struggle with the enemy “Zionism”, a story of a people who do not die or be insulted derived from the martyrs the spirit of resistance Until he became a thought, a method, a way, a slave and baptized the blood of the martyrs.
He paid tribute to the captives and to the clothed of the companion Ahmed Saadat.
The word of the global Movement for the Defence of children, delivered by Prof. Refaat Qassis, Director general of the Global Movement for the defence of children, spoke about the virtues and morals of comrade Hashim and the extent of his conviction that children must be freed someday the occupation/”Zionist ” to be a life worthy of loam Palestine.
Lawyer Sahar Francis, a representative of the Friends of the martyr, spoke about Hashem al-Human Hashim al-activist Hashim, who does not know the refraction Hashim, who smiles in the most difficult circumstances, Hashim was a school of love, honesty and belonging
At the end of the ceremony, the PFLP leadership honored the families of the martyrs, the institutions and the national forces, where they delivered commemorative shields with their names and images.
The ceremony featured a technical presentation that simulates the story of the testimony presented by the Popular Front cubs and flowers
The obituary can be seen on the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s website, click HERE to view obituary
الشعبية تنعي رفيقها الشهيد القيادي هاشم خضر ابو ماريا
نشر 25 يوليو 2014 | 15:01

حجم الخط
بيان نعي قائد مناضل
الشعبية تنعي رفيقها الشهيد القيادي هاشم خضر ابو ماريا
نعت الجبهة الشعبية باسم الأمين العام للجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين ونائبه الرفيق أبو أحمد فؤاد وكافة قيادتها وكوادرها لجماهير شعبنا الفلسطيني رفيقها الشهيد القيادي هاشم خضر أبو ماريا 47 عاماً , الذي استشهد بعد ظهر اليوم الجمعة أثناء تأدية دوره الوطني خلال المواجهات التي اندلعت بين مئات من المتظاهرين بعد الظهر في بلدة بيت أمر. حيث فتح جنود العدو الصهيوني النار بغزارة على المتظاهرين مما أدى الى استشهاد رفيقنا البطل والشهيد البطل سلطان الزعاقيق 30 عاماً ليلتحقا بكوكبة شهداء شعبنا في غزة المقاومة و البطولة والنصر ورام الله ونابلس وحواره .
وأشادت الشعبية بمناقب رفيقها القائد مشيرة أنه انخرط في صفوف الجبهة والنضال الوطني منذ نعومة أظافره وتعرض الى الاعتقال عدة مرات، وكان نموذجاً للمناضل الصلب ومن أشد المدافعين عن حقوق شعبنا من خلال عمله في الحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الأطفال. ولقد لقد كان رفيقنا صلباً ومبدئياً ويقرن القول بالعمل وأول من هب في معركة الدفاع عن غزة , حيث كتب في آخر مشاركة له على صفحته على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي ”
(حان آوان دحر كل المنظّرين لأفكار التعايش والتكافل والتسامح والتلاقي والتعانق والتحاضن والتقبيل والتجميل مع دولة العدو ومؤسساته وإحلال مفاهيم التكافل والتعاون والتكافل بين ابناء الشعب الفلسطيني، وإشاعة ثقافة الوحدة والمقاومة والانتماء والهوية. لا مجال للمخاجلة بعد اليوم وعلى مجاميع شباب الانتفاضة المباشرة في تنظيم صفوفهم جيداً، ووضع خطط معالجة لكل هذه الترهات التي تغّولت كثيراً في سنوات التراخي والخلاف).
بتلك الكلمات الثورية ختم رفيقنا حديثة ليقرن القول بالعمل ويلتحق بكوكبة الشهداء الابرار وليرسم لنا طريق فلسطين المعبد بالدم والتضحيات.
وعاهدت الجبهة الرفيق القائد وكل الشهداء على المضي في طريقهم، مؤكدة في الوقت ذاته بأن معركة المقاومة في كل بقاع فلسطين سوف تتواصل حتى تحقيق النصر في فلسطين كل فلسطين .
المجد للشهداء والنصر للثورة الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين
الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين
دائرة الإعلام المركزية
The people mourn their martyred leader, the martyr Hashim Khader Abu Maria
Activist’s obituary statement
The popular mourns her companion martyr leader Hashim Khader Abu Mariah
The Popular Front is called the general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), his deputy comrade Abu Ahmed Fouad, and all her leadership and cadres to the masses of our Palestinian people, her fellow leader Hashem Khader Abu Mariah, 47, who was martyred Friday afternoon while performing his national role during the confrontations That erupted among hundreds of protesters in the afternoon in the town of Beit commanded. The Zionist enemy soldiers opened fire on the demonstrators, resulting in the martyrdom of our heroic comrade and heroic martyr Sultan al-Zaaqiq 30 years to join the constellation of martyrs of our people in Gaza, resistance, heroism, victory, Ramallah, Nablus and his dialogue.
The people praised the qualities of her comrade leader, pointing out that he had been involved in the ranks of the front and the national struggle from the very beginning and was subjected to arrest several times, and was a model of the crucifixion and the most defender of our people’s rights through his work in the global movement for the defence of children. Our companion has been solid and principled, combining the work and the first in the battle for defending Gaza, where he wrote in his last post on his social networking site.
It is time to defeat all the theoreticians of the ideas of coexistence, solidarity, tolerance, convergence, hugging, kissing, and beauty with the enemy State and its institutions, and to replace the concepts of solidarity, cooperation and solidarity among the Palestinian people, and to promote a culture of unity, resistance, belonging and identity. No room for the future. After today, the youth groups of the immediate uprising are well organized, and plans are in place to deal with all these nonsense, which are so much more so in the years of inaction and disagreement.
With those revolutionary words, we stamped our modern companion to associate the words with the work, join the constellation of the Righteous martyrs, and draw the path of Palestine, the temple with blood and sacrifices.
The LTTE has promised comrade leader and all the martyrs to go on their way, stressing at the same time that the Battle of resistance in all parts of Palestine will continue until the victory in Palestine is achieved in all of Palestine.
Glory to the martyrs and the victory of the revolution. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Service

Click HERE to view website
Click HERE to view archived website
PFLP mourns Comrade Hashem Abu Maria, murdered by occupation forces
On behalf of the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Sa’adat; his deputy, Comrade Abu Ahmad Fouad; and all of the leaders, cadres and members of the Front, and the Palestinian masses, the Popular Front mourns its comrade, the martyred leader Hashem Khader Abu Maria, 47, who was murdered by occupation forces Friday afternoon in Beit Ummar, occupied Palestine.
Our comrade Hashem Abu Maria and his fellow heroes, the sons of the Palestinian people, Sultan Shuqdam and Abdelhamid Al-Brigheith, are martyrs of the resistance of our people, killed when the Zionist enemy soldiers opened fire massively on hundreds of demonstrators. They are part of the resistance of our people in Gaza, in Beit Ommar, in Ramallah, Nablus and everywhere in occupied Palestine.
The Front praised the comrade as a leader, noting that he was in the ranks of the national liberation struggle and the PFLP from an early age, arrested several times, and was a model for a steadfast struggler and advocate for the rights of our people through his work in Defence for Children International. He was committed to stand alongside the battle to defend Gaza from the occupation assault, and he wrote in his last post before his murder on his Facebook page,: “It is clear the defeat of the ideas of tolerance, normalization…snuggling, kissing and beauty with the enemy state and its institutions, and instead the rise of the concepts of solidarity, cooperation and mutual support among the Palestinian people, promoting a culture of unity and resistance, a sense of belonging and identity…the youth are rising and the Intifada regrouping..”
With those words, this true revolutionary comrade went to join the demonstration and joined the martyrs of Palestine, his blood shed at the hands of the occupier’s forces.
The Front pledges to the leader and his fellow martyrs, to all of the martyrs who have fallen on the path of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine, that the struggle of the resistance everywhere in Palestine until all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, is liberated.


Click HERE to view website
Belgium’s Support of PFLP Linked NGOs
December 29, 2019
In 2015-2018, the Belgium government (Directorate-General for Development Cooperation; DGD) provided €109.08 million in aid to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Of this, approximately €18.9 million (17.2%) was provided to “NGOs and Civil Society.”
According to DGD, “recognized [Belgian] NGOs” provide funding to local NGOs through “co-financing programmes,” where DGD provides up to 85% of the total grant.
In the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, many Belgian-funded NGOs promote delegitimization and anti-Israel narratives, including promoting lawfare and BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns. Some of these groups also have ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated as a terrorist organization by the EU, US, Canada, and Israel.
Palestinian NGO Staff Arrested as Part of PFLP-Terror Cell
PFLP-linked NGOs funded by Belgium
Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC) and Health Work Committees (HWC)
Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
Bisan Center for Research and Development (Bisan)
Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P)
In 2017-2021, DGD is providing the Belgian NGO Broederlijk Delen (BD) with €1.3 million for “Enhance[ing] Palestinians’ dignity through better access to rights and creating opportunities for personal and community development.” BD lists eight local partners including DCI-P, a PFLP-linked Palestinian NGO that seeks to convince government officials, UN bodies, and the general public that Israel is systematically abusing Palestinian children. In 2017-2019, according to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) database, BD provided DCI-P with €92,900. In addition, in 2014-2016, the last year BD detailed its funding to NGOs on its annual reports, BD provided DCI-P with €120,000, including €96,000 from DGD.9
Numerous individuals with alleged ties to the PFLP terrorist organization have served as employees and as board members at DCI-P. In June 2018, in light of these PFLP links, Citibank and Arab Bank closed accounts belonging to DCI-P. Global Giving, a US-based crowdfunding resource, also removed DCI-P from its website.
Hashem Abu Maria was coordinator of DCI-P’s community mobilization unit and was hailed by the PFLP as a “leader” after his death in 2014. The PFLP announcementpraised his work for DCI-P, stating “he was in the ranks of the national liberation struggle and the PFLP from an early age, arrested several times, and was a model for a steadfast struggler and advocate for the rights of our people through his work in Defence for Children International.”
The Belgium government, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, DGD, provided monies for “recognized Belgian NGOs”. These NGOs provided funding to local NGOs such as DCI-P.
DGD provided the Belgian NGO Broederlijk Delen, BD, with monies. BD funded DCI-P. DCI-P is a PFLP-linked Palestinian NGO. Numerous individuals with alleged ties to the PFLP terror organization have served as employees and as board members at DCI-P. Abu Maria was one of these employees.
In light of these PFLP links, Citibank and Arab Bank closed accounts belonging to DCI-P. Global Giving, a US-based crowdfunding resource, also removed DCI-P from its website.
Hashem Abu Maria was the coordinator of DCI-P’s community mobilization unit. He was cited by the PFLP as a leader, a “Commander” in the terrorist organization.
PFLP: “The Front pledges to the leader and his fellow martyrs, to all of the martyrs who have fallen on the path of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine, that the struggle of the resistance everywhere in Palestine until all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, is liberated.”
TRANSLATION: The PFLP pledges to Abu Maria, that the struggle of the resistance, terrorist organizations, will continue until Israel is obliterated and ceases to exist, the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.
Hashem Khader Abu Maria…staff member … of the Defense for Children International-Palestine…
Hashem served as the coordinator of DCI-Palestine’s community mobilization unit, promoting constructive child participation throughout the occupied Palestinian territory. His most recent work focused on Palestinian teens monitoring and documenting child rights violations in Hebron….
FACT#1: DCI-P is a PFLP linked NGO that seeks to convince government officials, UN bodies, and the general public that Israel is systematically abusing Palestinian children. Numerous individuals with ties to the PFLP, a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, have served as employees and as board members. Abu Maria was one of these individuals.
FACT #2: Hashem Abu Maria was a “Commander” in the PFLP terror organization, he was a terrorist operator. His alleged work with DCI-P enabled his mission, as Commander, with the PFLP.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Hashem Khader Abu Maria was an example of this.
Below, two photographs of Abu Maria, one above the other for comparison:

The top photograph of Abu Maria, is how Abu Maria is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 45 years old, staff member and Human Rights Defender of the Defense for Children International-Palestine, was killed today, Friday July 25, 2014, by Israeli forces while peacefully participating in a solidarity march with Gaza
The bottom photograph of Abu Maria is who Abu Maria truthfully was, a terror operative commander. The Abu Maria killed when a demonstration erupted into a violent confrontation; the comrade leader; The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Hebron Governorate (Beit Amer) held a memorial ceremony for her martyr, commander and teacher Hashim Abu Mariah.
Abu Maria held the rank of Commander in a Palestinian terrorist organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This was his real work, this can be seen in the photograph below: