The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)
On July 6, 2014, brothers Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 20 years old, and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 23 years old, died together in Rafah in defense of their nation.
Source: English Aljazeera, Ajyal Radio Network
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.
Click HERE to view Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, Khaled Abdel Hadi Abu Mer webpage
على درب أهله
ولد خالد في كنف أسرة مجاهدة ليلة 27 من رمضان / الثامن عشر من شهر مارس لعام 1993 م، في مدينة رفح شقيقاً لأخيه التوأم مصطفى، فكان لهما النصيب الأكبر من المحبة والدلال لدى أهلهم ووالديهم ، وكان كذاك يحب ويبر والديه ويحترم إخوته وأخواته ويسأل عن الغائب فيهم وعن مستلزمات البيت كي يوفرها إن استطاع ذلك ، ولا نبالغ إن قلنا أن كل من تعامل واختلط معه كان يحبه ويوده لهدوئه ورفعة أخلاقه ، حتى جيرانه وأقاربه الذين أحبوا مجالسته فقد كانت تربطه علاقة صداقة مع جيرانه وأقاربه .
تربى خالد في كنف أسرة مقاومة ، قدمت الكثير لخدمة الجهاد وأهله ، شيمتهم الخير والصلاح والسمعة الطيبة ، فللقد خرجت أئمة ومجاهدين وشهداء ،فصبغ ذلك أبناءها بسمت إسلامي وخلق رباني ، وكان ذلك عونا ً لهم في طريق الدعوة والجهاد في سبيل الله تعالى .
وتميز منذ طفولته بالنشاط وحب المقاومة ، وتربى خالد منذ نعومة أظافره على موائد القرآن وحلقات الذكر متأثراً بوالده الذي كان إماماً لمسجد أبو بكر الذي التزم فيه فقد كان يصحبه أبوه إلى المسجد منذ صغره ، فلما كبر أصبح من روّاد المسجد مقبلا ً على منهج القرآن والسنة ، فكان يشارك في فعاليات المسجد والأنشطة المتنوعة .
عرف فلزم العمل
وتوقف خالد عن دراسته بعد المرحلة الثانوية و من ثم انضم إلى صفوف حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس منذ طفولته ، إلى أن إنضم الى صفوف كتائب القسام في عام 2010 فقد كان ينتظر بشغف أن تأتي هذه اللحظة ليصبح جنديا ً مخلصا ً .
فكانت بدايته مفعمة بالنشاط فمجرد أن أنهى دورة التجنيد تم اختياره للعمل في حفر الأنفاق لما كان يتصف به من صفات جهادية كالسرية الكتمان ، والهمة العالية والإخلاص والعمل بصمت ،وما لبث حتى التحق شهيدنا البطل بصفوف وحدة النخبة القسامية.
بعد ثلاثة أعوام من دخوله الكتائب فكان مقبلا ً غير مدبرا ً في السباق لأن يكون ضمن الصفوف الأولى ، ينتظر يوم رباطه المتقدم بفارغ الصبر كي ينال أجر المرابط في سبيل الله و يا له من أجر عظيم.
فقد روي عن رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أنه “رباط يوم في سبيل الله خير من الدنيا وما عليها ، وموضع سوط أحدكم من الجنة خير من الدنيا وما عليها ، والروحة يروحها العبد في سبيل الله أو الغدوة خير من الدنيا ما عليها “، وأن صحيفة الإنسان تطوى إذا ما مات إلا المرابط فإن أجره ينمى إلى يوم القيامة ، وكذلك يرى الإنسان عند موته مقعده من الجنة أو النار إلا المرابط فهو في صعود دائم في درجات الجنة .
إلى أن تم اختياره للعمل في الاتصالات ليعمل بصمت وبسرية وكتمان ، من أبرز قصص حياته الجهادية أنه كان يعمل في أحد الأنفاق فتسرب إلى هذا النفق بنزين، ففقد وعيه ، وظل يقرأ القرآن ويذكر الأحاديث حتى أن من كان معه قال لقد قرأ حتى أنه أوشك أن يختم جزء تبارك كله ، فكان ذلك مما اعتاد عليه في حياته من قراءة ٍ للقرآن و الأحاديث والمداومة على الأذكار .
قصة استشهاده
كان خالد ضمن الذين شاركوا في حفر النفق التي يمتد أسفل موقع كرم أبو سالم ، حيث كانت مهمتهم تفجير الموقع عبر نفق ، فكان من ضمن الذين تم إبلاغهم بالعملية مع بعض المجاهدين الأفذاذ الذين تم اختيارهم بعناية لكفاءتهم وكتمان سرهم .
وكان قد انقطع عن بيته قبل استشهاده لمدة أسبوع حيث أنه كان يواصل الليل بالنهار في عمله ، و بعد ذلك رجع إلى بيته وأفطر معهم وأكل من الحلوى التي كان يحبها ، ثم ذهب ليصلي التراويح ، فتلقى اتصالاً بضرورة وجوده في النفق لأنه تم فقد التواصل مع أخوة مجاهدين كانوا في النفق ، فذهب برفقة أخيه وأحد المجاهدين ليطمئنوا عليهم ولما نزلوا النفق استشهدوا بالغاز الذي تسرب إلى النفق نتيجة قصف الطائرات الحربية وتم انتشاله مع أخيه التوأم وإخوانه الذين استشهدوا معهم بتاريخ 7/7/2014 .
وكان قدر الله ان يستشهد أخيه في شهر رمضان، نفس الشهر الذي ولدا فيه معا ً ليرحلا عن الدنيا معا ً ،،رحمهم الله.
On the path of his family
Khaled was born into a mujahid family on the night of Ramadan / March 18, 1993, in the city of Rafah, brother of his twin brother Mustafa, and they had the greatest share of love and indulgence among their parents and parents, and he liked that Weber loved his parents and respected his brothers and sisters and asked about the absent In them and about the household needs, in order to provide them if he was able to do so, and we do not exaggerate if we say that everyone who interacted and mixed with him loved him and liked him for his calmness and high morals, even his neighbors and relatives who loved sitting with him, as he had a relationship of friendship with his neighbors and relatives.
Khaled was brought up in a family of resistance, which provided a lot to serve the jihad and its people, they were marked by goodness, righteousness and a good reputation, so imams, mujahideen, and martyrs went out, so he dyed her children with an Islamic character and divine character, and that was a help to them on the path of advocacy and jihad for the cause of God Almighty.
He was distinguished since his childhood with activity and love of resistance. Khaled was raised from an early age at the tables of the Qur’an and the rings of remembrance, influenced by his father, who was the imam of the Abu Bakr Mosque, in which he committed himself. His father used to accompany him to the mosque from a young age. He used to participate in the mosque and various activities.
He knew it was necessary to work
Khaled stopped his studies after high school and then joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, from his childhood, until he joined the ranks of the Qassam Brigades in 2010, as he was eagerly waiting for this moment to come to become a loyal soldier.
His start was full of activity, as soon as he finished the cycle of recruitment, he was chosen to work in tunnel digging because of his jihadist qualities such as secrecy, high-motivation, loyalty and silent work, and it was not until our hero martyr joined the ranks of the Qassam Elite Unit.
After three years of entering the battalions, he was not planning the race to be in the first ranks, waiting impatiently for the day of his advanced tie in order to obtain the wages of the stallions for the sake of God and what a great reward.
It was narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – that “the bond of a day for the sake of God is better than the world and what is on it, and the place of the whip of one of you from Paradise is better than the world and what is on it, and the soul that a servant spends for the sake of God or the next day is better than the world.” And that the man’s newspaper will be folded if he dies except the straddle, and his reward will grow until the Day of Resurrection. Likewise, when a person dies, he sees his seat from Heaven or Hellfire, except for the straddle, for he is constantly ascending the levels of Heaven.
Until he was chosen to work in communications in order to work silently and in secrecy, one of the most prominent stories of his jihad life is that he used to work in one of the tunnels and gasoline leaked into this tunnel, so he lost consciousness, and he kept reading the Qur’an and remembering hadiths so that whoever was with him said he had read until he was about to conclude Part blessed all, and that was what he used to in his life of reading the Qur’an and hadiths and constantly reciting the dhikr.
The story of his martyrdom
Khaled was among those who participated in digging the tunnel that extends below the site of Karm Abu Salem, as their mission was to blow up the site through a tunnel, and he was among those who were informed of the operation with some of the extraordinary Mujahideen who were carefully selected for their competence and confidentiality.
And he had been cut off from his house before his death for a week as he used to continue the night and day at his work, and after that he returned to his house and broke his fast with them and ate some of the sweets that he liked, then he went to pray Taraweeh, and he received a call to the necessity of his presence in the tunnel because communication with his brothers had been lost Mujahideen were in the tunnel, so he went with his brother and one of the mujahideen to reassure them, and when they got out of the tunnel, they were martyred with the gas that leaked into the tunnel as a result of the bombing of the warplanes, and he was pulled out with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7/7/2014.
And God’s predestination was for his brother to be martyred in the month of Ramadan, the same month in which they were born together, to leave the world together, may God have mercy on them.
Click HERE to view the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, Mostafa Abdel Abu Mer webpage
شق توأمه
لا يختلف مصطفى عن أخيه التوأم خالد فلقد ولد في ذات اليوم في كنف أسرة مجاهدة ليلة 27 من رمضان / الثامن عشر من شهر مارس لعام 1993 م . في مدينة رفح شقيقاً لأخيه التوأم خالد، فكان لهما النصيب الأكبر من المحبة والدلال لدى أهلهم و والديهم، وتميز منذ طفولته بالحيوية والنشاط.
كان محبوبا لوالديه لبره وحين معاملته لإخوانه وجيرانه ، حيث أنه كان يضحي بوقته وكل ما أوتي في سبيل إرضاء كل من حوله حتى من كان ممن خالفه تنظيما ً وفكرا ً وذلك لرفعة وعظم أخلاقه، لكنه يذكر أنه كان في طفولته مريضاً ولكنه بعد سنوات عافاه الله تعالى منه ، وكان محبا ً لأخيه مصطفى كثيرا ً ملازما ً له في كل تصرفاته وأفعاله .
تربى خالد في كنف أسرة مقاومة، قدمت الكثير لخدمة الجهاد وأهله ، شيمتهم الخير والصلاح والسمعة الطيبة ، فللقد خرجت أئمة ومجاهدين وشهداء ،فصبغ ذلك أبناءها بسمت إسلامي وخلق رباني ، وكان ذلك عونا ً لهم في طريق الدعوة والجهاد في سبيل الله تعالى .
تربى مصطفى كذلك منذ نعومة اظافره على موائد القرآن وحلقات الذكر متأثراً بوالده الذي كان إماماً لمسجد أبو بكر الذي التزم فيه ، فلما كبر أصبح من روّاد المسجد مقبلا ً على منهج القرآن والسنة ، فكان يشارك في فعاليات المسجد والأنشطة المتنوعة ، وكان يشارك في العمل الجماهيري في مسجده .
أخلص العمل
توقف مصطفى عن الدراسة في أثناء دراسته الثانوية وتوجه للعمل في البناء ليكسب رزقه من عمله ، وكانت رغبته في الانضمام لصفوف الكتائب شديدة ، حيث أنه وبعد أن انضم الى صفوف حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس منذ طفولته مع أخيه انتمى الى صفوف كتائب القسام في عام 2010 فكانت بدايته مفعمة بالنشاط فمجرد أن أنهى دورة التجنيد تم اختياره للعمل في حفر الأنفاق لما كان يتصف به من صفات جهادية كالسرية الكتمان ، والهمة العالية والإخلاص والعمل بصمت.
والتحق شهيدنا البطل بصفوف خاصة السرية التي كان ينتمي اليها وشارك في دورات في تخصص المدفعية وكان مقداما ً ومعطاءً ، فكان حريصا ً على الرباط المتقدم ، يولي أشد الاهتمام للباسه وترتيباته قبل الخروج للرباط ، وكان يحب أن يحافظ على سلاحه نظيفا ً ، فكان اذا خرج للرباط أخذ معه الحلوى لإخوانه المجاهدين .
لن أتركك يا أخي تذهب وحدك
لما لاحظ مصطفى على أخيه ورفيق دربه خالد أنه يغيب فترات عن البيت ، أورد ذلك في نفسه غبطة ً وتوقا ً لمعرفة ما يخفيه عنه أخيه ، فلما عرف بمهمة أخيه خالد ، أخذ يبكي بكاء ً شديدا ً لإخوانه لأنه يريد أن يشاركهم العزة والجهاد حتى اصطحبوه معهم .
وقبل استشهاده بيوم اتصل على بيته وأخبر أهله أنه في خطر وأنه بحاجة لدعائهم ، حتى أنه يوم استشهاده اتصل على أحد مسؤوليه وقال له ” أنا اليوم سأفطر مع والدي في الجنة إن شاء الله “.
وذهب برفقة أخيه الى مكان تنفيذ عملية تفجير موقع كرم أبو سالم ليطمئنوا على إخوانهم الذين كانوا في النفق وأبلغوهم قيادتهم أنهم فقدوا التواصل معهم ، ولما نزلوا النفق استشهدوا بالغاز الذي تسرب إلى النفق نتيجة قصف الطائرات الحربية وتم انتشاله مع أخيه التوأم وإخوانه الذين استشهدوا معهم بتاريخ 7/7/2014 .
وكان قدر الله أن يستشهد أخيه في شهر رمضان، نفس الشهر الذي ولدا فيه معا ً ليرحلا عن الدنيا معا ً ،،رحمهم الله.
Twin slit
Mustafa is no different from his twin brother Khaled, as he was born on the same day in a Mujahid family on the night of the 27th of Ramadan / the 18th of March of 1993 AD. In the city of Rafah, a brother to his twin brother Khaled, they had the largest share of love and indulgence among their families and their parents, and was distinguished since his childhood with vitality and activity.
He was loved by his parents for his righteousness and when he dealt with his brothers and neighbors, as he used to sacrifice his time and all that was given for the sake of satisfying everyone around him, even those who disagreed with his organization and intellect, due to the elevation and greatness of his morals, but he mentioned that he was sick in his childhood, but after years God Almighty recovered him He was very loving to his brother Mustafa, and was very attached to him in all his actions and actions.
Khaled was brought up in a family of resistance, which provided a lot to serve the jihad and its people, they were marked by goodness, righteousness and a good reputation, so imams, mujahideen, and martyrs went out, so he dyed her children with an Islamic character and divine character, and this was a help to them on the path of advocacy and jihad for the sake of God Almighty.
Mustafa was also raised from his earliest years at the Qur’an tables and the dhikr circles, influenced by his father, who was the imam of the Abu Bakr Mosque, to which he committed himself. When he grew up, he became one of the pioneers of the mosque, embracing the approach of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. His mosque.
The most sincere work
Mustafa stopped studying during his high school and went to work in construction in order to earn a living from his work, and his desire to join the ranks of the brigades was strong, as after he joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas since his childhood with his brother, he joined the ranks of the Qassam Brigades in 2010, and his beginning was Full of activity, as soon as he finished the recruitment cycle, he was chosen to work in digging tunnels due to his jihadist qualities such as secrecy, discreetness, high energy, loyalty and working silently.
Our hero martyr joined the special ranks of the company to which he belonged and participated in courses in the artillery specialization. He took sweets with him to his Mujahideen brothers.
I will not let you, brother, go alone
When Mustafa noticed his brother and his companion Khaled that he was absent from home for periods of time, he mentioned this in himself with glee and eagerness to find out what his brother was hiding from him. When he knew of his brother Khaled’s mission, he started crying severely for his brothers because he wanted to share their pride and jihad until they took him with them. .
The day before his martyrdom, he called his house and told his family that he was in danger and that he needed their prayers, so that on the day of his martyrdom he called one of his officials and told him, “Today I will break my fast with my father in heaven, God willing.”
He went with his brother to the place where the bombing of the Karm Abu Salem site was carried out to reassure their brothers who were in the tunnel and told them their leadership that they had lost contact with them, and when they went down the tunnel, they were martyred with the gas that leaked into the tunnel as a result of the bombing of the warplanes and was taken away with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7 / 7/2014.
And God’s predestination was for his brother to be martyred in the month of Ramadan, the same month in which they were born together, to leave the world together, may God have mercy on them.
{مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَنْتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا}
بيان عسكري صادر عن:
…::: كتائب الشهيد عز الدين القسام :::…
كتائب القسام تزف ستة من مجاهديها في عمليات قصف صهيوني على مواقعهم في رفح
استمراراً للثورة الفلسطينية الباسلة في وجه المحتل البغيض، والتي تتعانق فيها دماء أبناء القدس ويافا وطولكرم وقلقيلية والخليل وغزة في يوم واحد من أيام ملحمة شعبنا المجاهد، ترتسم خارطة الوطن السليب بمداد الدماء الزكية الطاهرة التي سالت على أيدي المغتصبين الصهاينة حرقاً في القدس، ودهساً في حيفا، ورمياً بالرصاص في الخليل، وقصفاً في البريج ورفح ..
إننا في كتائب الشهيد عز الدين القسام نزف إلى العلا ثلةً من أبطالنا الميامين، وهم:
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ إبراهيم أحمد محمود عابدين
(39عاماً) من مسجد طارق أبو الحصين في رفح
والذي ارتقى إلى العلا شهيداً –بإذن الله- فجر اليوم الاثنين جراء قصف صهيوني جبان لموقع لكتائب القسام في رفح .
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ جمعة عطية جمعة أبو شلوف
(26 عاماً) من مسجد “مصعب بن عمير” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ إبراهيم داود عبد الفتاح البلعاوي
(25عاماً) من مسجد “الإحسان” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ عبد الرحمن جمال إسماعيل الزاملي
(22 عاماً) من مسجد “عمر بن عبد العزيز” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ خالد عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور
(21 عاماً) من مسجد “أبي بكر الصديق” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ مصطفى عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور
(21 عاماً) من مسجد “أبي بكر الصديق” في رفح
والذين ارتقوا إلى العلا شهداء –بإذن الله تعالى- إثر قصف صهيوني بالطائرات الحربية لأحد أماكن عمل المقاومة في الساعات الأولى من فجر اليوم الاثنين التاسع من رمضان لعام 1435 هـ الموافق 07/07/2014م.
وقد ارتقى شهداؤنا الأبرار بعد مسيرةٍ عظيمةٍ من الجهاد والعطاء والتضحية والبذل في سبيل الله ثم في سبيل الوطن، حتى لقوا ربهم راضين مقبلين غير مدبرين، قابضين على الجمر، نحسبهم كذلك ولا نزكي على الله أحداً ..
وإننا إذ نزف اليوم هذه الكوكبة العظيمة من شهدائنا القساميين، وشهداء شعبنا في غزة والضفة والقدس وفلسطين المحتلة عام 1948م، فإننا نؤكد بأن هذه الدماء الطاهرة لن تضيع هدراً، وأن هذه الجرائم التي ارتكبها العدو لن تمر دون حساب، وسيدفع العدو الصهيوني ثمنها باهظاً، بإذن الله تعالى.
“From the people who believed what they had come to God to do, they believed in them.” We love it and they’re the ones who look and don’t want to.
Military statement issued by:
…::: The Martyr Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades:::
Al-Qassam Brigades injures six of its mujahedeen in Zionist bombings on their positions in Rafah
In continuation of the valiant Palestinian revolution in the face of the abhorrent occupier, in which the blood of the people of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Hebron and Gaza is embraced in one of the days of the epic of our mujahideen people, the map of the country is marked by the blood of the pure, clean, precious blood that was shed at the hands of the Zionist usurpers. In Jerusalem, he was run over in Haifa, shot dead in Hebron, and shelled in Al-Bureij and Rafah.
We in the Brigades of the Martyr Ezzedine al-Qassam bled to al-Ola, a few of our heroes, namely:
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Abidin
(39 years old) from Tariq Abu Al-Hasin Mosque in Rafah
He rose to al-Aala as a martyr at dawn on Monday as a result of a cowardly Zionist shelling of a al-Qassam Brigades position in Rafah.
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Juma Attia Juma Abu Sholouf
26-year-old from The Musab bin Amir Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid/ Ibrahim Daoud Abdel Fattah Al-Ba’awi
(25 years old) from al-Ihsan Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Abdul Rahman Jamal Ismail Al-Zamili
22-year-old from Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Khalid Abdul Hadi Mahmoud Abu Mur
21-year-old from The Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Mustafa Abdul Hadi Mahmoud Abu Mur
21-year-old from The Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Rafah
Those who rose to Ala martyrs, God willing, after a Zionist bombing by warplanes of one of the resistance’s work sites in the early hours of Monday, The Ninth of Ramadan, 1435 Ah, 07/07/2014.
Our righteous martyrs rose after a great journey of jihad, giving, sacrificing and making for God and then for the sake of the nation, until they found their Lord satisfied, unplanned, holding on to the embers, we count them as well and we do not recommend to God anyone.
Today, as we bleed this great constellation of our Martyrs, the martyrs of our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Occupied Palestine in 1948, we affirm that this pure blood will not be wasted, and that these crimes committed by the enemy will not go unaccounted for, and the Zionist enemy will pay a heavy price, God willing. Come on, let’s go.
Poster of the Hamas military wing with pictures of six operatives of the Hamas military wing in Rafah, five of whom were killed in an Israel Air Force attack on the tunnel on July 7, 2014. The dead (from right to left): Ibrahim al-Bal’awi, Khaled Abu Murr, Mustafa Abu Murr, Abd al-Rahman al- Zameli, Ibrahim Abedin, Jum’ah Shalouf (Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, July 7, 2014).
“… five of whom were killed in an Israel Air Force attack on the tunnel on July 7, 2014 …“
“Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Abidin
(39 years old) from Tariq Abu Al-Hasin Mosque in Rafah
He rose to al-Aala as a martyr at dawn on Monday as a result of a cowardly Zionist shelling of a al-Qassam Brigades position in Rafah.“
Click HERE to view Khaled Abu Mur webpage
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: ” … received a call to the necessity of his presence in the tunnel because he lost contact with brothers Mujahideen were in the tunnel, went with his brother and one of the mujahideen to reassure them and when they came down the tunnel were martyred by gas that leaked to the tunnel as a result of the bombing of warplanes and was snatched with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7/7/2014.”
Click HERE to view Mustafa Abu Mur webpage
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “Accompanied by his brother to the site of the bombing of the site of Karam Abu Salem to reassure their brothers who were in the tunnel and told them their leadership that they lost contact with them, and when they came down the tunnel were killed by gas that leaked to the tunnel as a result of the bombing of warplanes and was snatched with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7 / 7/2014.”
Click HERE to view Zamili webpage
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “Days before the operation, the perimeter of the tunnel was bombed by israeli occupation planes, so it leaked into the tunnel poison gas and on the day of the operation was accompanied by two mujahedeen in the tunnel and they were fasting, so it was time for the ears of Morocco, so he went monday to fetch food from one of the eyes, but they did not return after a long period so Abdel Rahman communicated with the leadership and They informed them that the gas had leaked into the tunnel and ordered him to go to Ain tunnel for ventilation as instructed.
But he chose to reassure his brothers the Mujahideen, and he went to them and found them martyred and before he reached the eye of the tunnel he was martyred by gas to rise to Ala…”
Click HERE to view Balawi webpage
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “A few days before the operation was bombed the perimeter of the tunnel, which will be implemented by the operation, and on 7/7/2014 m was in the tunnel four of his brothers Mujahideen in the tunnel went after his mushroom in Ramadan to reassure them but they were killed by gas that leaked as a result of Zionist bombing of the tunnel in 7 / 7/2014.”
Click HERE to view Shalouf webpage
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “He was assigned before the summer war to bring breakfast to the Mujahideen who were stationed in a tunnel, but the vicinity of the tunnel was targeted by Zionist warplanes. The Mujahideen did not know that there was poison gas Leak into the tunnel.
And when he went to attend the brothers stationed in the tunnel breakfast and the tunnel, all of them were killed by gas that leaked to the tunnel in the date 7/7/2014 to be the spark of the war of eating storm.”
al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “… he was attached to the Al-Qassam site with the Shaboura Brigade, where the occupation aircraft bombed the site and our martyr inside it….”
KHALED & MUSTAFA MURR: Leadership told them to go to the tunnel, they had lost contact with the Mujahideen in the tunnel. The brothers went into the tunnel to reassure their brothers in the tunnel, were overcome by poison gas and martyred when they came down the tunnel
ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-ZAMELI: The tunnel perimeter was bombed, leadership informed him of presence of poison gas, instructed him to provide ventilation but he chose to go to the brothers in the tunnel and reassure them, he found them martyred, he was overcome by gas and martyred.
IBRAHIM AL-BAL’AWI: On 7/7/14, before the planned operation, the tunnel perimeter was bombed, four of his brothers were in the tunnel, he went to reassure them but they were killed by poison gas.
JUM’AH SHALOUF: The tunnel was targeted by Zionist warplanes, he went to attend to the brothers in the tunnel, bring them breakfast, poison gas leaked into the tunnel, killing all of them.
Khaled and Mustafa Murr entered the tunnel to reassure their brothers in the tunnel before they were overcome by gas. Zameli chose to go to his brothers in the tunnel to reassure them before he was overcome by gas. And Bal’awi went into the tunnel to reassure four of his brothers who were in the tunnel, when they were all overcome by gas.
Four of the Mujahideen entered the tunnel to reassure their brothers already in the tunnel and the fifth, Shalouf, entered the tunnel to bring breakfast. If every one of the five Mujahideen entered the tunnel to either reassure or bring breakfast, no one was left to actually be in the tunnel. The Izz al-Din story makes no sense and is most likely false
It can reasonably be assumed that the al-Qassam Brigades version of the incident is false. The media narratives below, collectively present a credible narrative of what most likely occurred between the evening of July 6, 2014, Sunday, and Tuesday, July 8, 2014.
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Kerem Shalom residents told to stay indoors after suspected infiltration from Gaza
By YAAKOV LAPPIN JULY 8, 2014 21:30
An explosion occurred in the vicinity of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom on Tuesday evening which security sources suspect was tunnel dug from Gaza and which contained explosives.
Security forces are searching for terrorists who may have infiltrated the area and residents were told to remain indoors.
Click HERE to view website
17 Jul 2014
Early this morning (July 17) IDF forces thwarted an attack by Hamas terrorists attempting to infiltrate Israel via a terror tunnel.
On July 8th, another major terrorist attack was foiled when a massive terror tunnel was exposed and was blown up close to the Kerem Shalom crossing, where dozens of truckloads of goods enter Gaza every day.
Click HERE to view website
Operation Protective Edge – Update No. 1 (As of 1200 hours, July 9, 2014)
Tunnel Blown Up in the Kerem Shalom Region
Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives claimed responsibility for blowing up a tunnel near Kerem Shalom (Qassam.ps, July 8, 2014). Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, interviewed by Al-Jazeera, called the attacks important activities which were an expression of “the victory of the resistance” (Al-Jazeera, July 8, 2014).
Click HERE to view website
Friday, 18 July 2014, 10:00 am
Press Release: Embassy of Israel
On July 8th, another major terrorist attack was foiled when a massive terror tunnel was exposed and was blown up close to the Kerem Shalom crossing, where dozens of truckloads of goods enter Gaza every day.
Click HERE to view website
The Tunnels in Gaza Testimony before the UN Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict
Dr. Eado Hecht
Of the 22 already dug across the border:
a. 17 were destroyed before being used (3 before the war and 14 during the war).
b. 5 were used by Hamas before the Israel Defense Forces managed to destroy them: 1 was exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Kerem Shalom (8 July), 4 were used to infiltrate attack-teams to the outskirts of 5 Israeli villages – Sufa (17 July); Beeri (19 July); Nir-Am and Erez together through the same tunnel (21 July); Nahal Oz (28 July).
Click HERE to view website
Haaretz Probe: IDF Lacked Training, Equipment to Tackle Tunnels in Gaza War
… In the meantime, from April 2014 on, it gradually became clear that Hamas was preparing for the possibility of carrying out a large terror attack by means of a tunnel in the Kibbutz Kerem Shalom area, at the southern edge of the Gaza Strip. The Shin Bet issued a warning to the effect that Hamas was liable to try to capture soldiers and civilians by means of the tunnel, with the aim of obtaining an end to the Israeli and Egyptian blockade on Gaza. The General Command, Southern Command and the intelligence branches made feverish efforts to locate the tunnel. The Gaza Division devoted more than 30 earthmoving vehicles – an extraordinarily large number – to the attempt to uncover the exit shaft in Israeli territory and put up barriers aimed at delaying access from the field near the fence to Kibbutz Kerem Shalom. When the searches on the Israeli side came to nothing, the army was given permission to attack. The Israel Air Force dropped about 30 JDAM precision bombs on the Palestinian side of the border, with the aim of cutting off the tunnel’s route. Nevertheless, on July 6 seven fighters from Hamas’ special Nukba force entered the tunnel and were killed by a landslide caused by one of the bombardments.
The incident at Kerem Shalom was the final trigger for the outbreak of war. Hamas reacted to the killing of its men with heavy rocket barrages, at increasingly distant targets. On the night between July 7 and July 8, the Israeli cabinet decided on Operation Protective Edge – and that is how the fighting that lasted for 50 days began.
Click HERE to view blog
Operation Protective Edge’s Subterranean warfare
During the entire period that included Operations Cast Lead and Pillar of Defense, not much tunnel warfare activity was recorded, but in November 2013, IDF forces destroyed two cross-border tunnels. In March 2014, the IDF demolished another cross-border tunnel. Tunnel warfare began even before Operation Protective Edge was declared, during the escalation that took place following Operation Brother’s Keeper. On July 6, 2014, in response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF took preventive action against a cross-border tunnel in the Rafah area that led to the death of six Hamas operatives.
As a result, Hamas intensified its rocket fire, further escalating the conflict and leading the IDF to launch Operation Protective Edge on July 8, 2014.
Click HERE to view website
IDF: We uncovered Gaza terror tunnel leading to Israel
Military source says six Palestinians killed in tunnel explosion were Hamas members planning ‘significant’ operation, who ‘touched the explosives’ and they detonated.
Yoav Zitun|Published: 07.07.14 , 17:46
A senior IDF official said Monday evening that the six Hamas men killed in an explosion Sunday night in a Gaza had come into contact with explosive materials, and hinted that the explosives had been placed there days earlier by the Israeli military.
The senior source said that the six Palestinians were Hamas members “who were in the tunnel with explosives” and that “the tunnel was intended for a significant terror attack with specialist infrastructure and an anti-soldier force.”
“The operation against the tunnel was undertaken several days ago,” source said, “the Hamas members touched the explosives … and it caused the tunnel’s explosion.” One side of the tunnel, he said, opened in Israeli territory close to the southern Gaza Strip.
According to the source, the IDF will continue to attack similar targets in the coming days….
On July 6, late Sunday night or early Monday morning, July 7, Haaretz reported Hamas fighters entered a tunnel and were killed in a landslide caused by a bombardment. The Gal Pearl Blog reported that on July 6, the IDF took action against a tunnel that led to the death of 6 Hamas operatives.
YNET news reported that on Sunday night, July 6, six Hamas men were killed in an explosion in a tunnel and hinted that the explosives that killed the men may have been planted there days earlier. The Hamas operatives, according to YNET, touched the explosives and when they did they blew up killing them all.
On Tuesday evening, July 8, the Jerusalem Post reported that there was an explosion in the vicinity of Kibutz Kerem Shalom. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that on July 8, a tunnel was exposed and blown up near Kerem Shalom.
On July 8, Scoop reported a tunnel was exposed and blown up close to the Karam Shalom crossing. The Mideast Dig reported that on July 8, a tunnel exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Karem Shalom.
It was stated by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades on their website, that they detonated the explosives in the tunnel on July 8. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reported that the al-Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility for blowing up the tunnel close to the Karem Shalom, either the crossing or the kibutz, they did not specify which. An al-Qassam Brigades spokesman called the blowing up of the tunnel an expression of the victory of the resistance.
The tunnel explosion on July 8 did no damage to the Kerem Shalom crossing. If the al-Qassam Brigades was intending to blow up the crossing and if the explosives were detonated by them with no damage to the crossing, what was the purpose of the tunnel?
The tunnel most likely was constructed to attack the Kibutz Karem Shalom, not the crossing. A senior IDF source said that the six Palestinians were Hamas members “who were in the tunnel with explosives” and that “the tunnel was intended for a significant terror attack with specialist infrastructure and an anti-soldier force.”
It was reported that the tunnel was exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Kerem Shalom. An IDF source stated that one side of the tunnel opened in Israeli territory.
“The air force struck a tunnel leading from Gaza toward Kerem Shalom [Karam Abu Salem], just south of Sufa, about two weeks ago. When Hamas militants entered the damaged tunnel a day or so later, they apparently set off explosives there. Five were killed, and Hamas blamed Israel, escalating the hostilities that grew into the current confrontation.”
Click HERE to view website
Kerem Shalom (Hebrew: כֶּרֶם שָׁלוֹם, lit. Vineyard of Peace) is a kibbutz in southern Israel. Located on the Gaza Strip-Israel-Egypt border, it falls under the jurisdiction of Eshkol Regional Council. In 2018 it had a population of 157.[1]
Click HERE to visit website
IDF airstrikes against an assault tunnel leading to kibbutz Kerem Shalom
Mustafa and Khalid Abu Mur were Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terrorist operatives. They were part of a terrorist cell that had planned to infiltrate Israeli territory via a tunnel to attack military and/or civilian targets. This Hamas operation was underway long before the start of the 2014 Gaza War. It was purely an offensive operation.
The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades narratives and the various media articles cited above, clearly document the offensive nature of this operation. In 2006, a similar terrorist attack in Israel employed the same strategy, infiltration of Israeli territory via an attack tunnel.
“On July 6, 2014, brothers Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 20 years old, and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 23 years old, died together in Rafah in defense of their nation.”
Mustafa and Khaled Abu Mur DID NOT die “IN DEFENSE OF THEIR NATION”. They died in a failed terrorist operation designed to attack military and/or civilian targets on Israeli territory, via an attack tunnel. They died in “one of the resistance’s work sites” (English translation from al-Qassam Brigades website), a Hamas, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades attack tunnel. None of this has anything to do with the “defense of their nation” as stated on the original Humanize Palestine website, it is simply Palestinian TERRORISM. Hamas and their military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). This incident involving six al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, an attack tunnel constructed to penetrate into Israeli territory, and their intent to attack a civilain target, the kibbutz Kerem Shalom, defines what a FTO is.
Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:
Note the green banner at the top of the page:
The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:
This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:
The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized Hamas and al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur were two examples. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.