
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
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Fadi Samir Alloun, 19 years old, was killed on Sunday October 4, 2015 in the al-Misrara area, in Bab al-Amoud in occupied east Jerusalem. He was chased by an Israeli mob before being gunned down.
Friends and family told the Quds news site that Fadi had a beautiful singing voice and often gave the call to prayer from the Martrys Mosque in the Jerusalem village of Issawiyeh.
“Fadi’s family had long been victims of Israel’s occupation policies in Jerusalem. According to Quds, his mother had been a permit to return to Jerusalem from Jordan, where she had gone after her father died. Israel refused to allow the family to reunite, meaning Fadi and his father lived in Jerusalem, while his mother and brother Muhammad remained in Jordan.
Friends said Alloun was a sensitive and quiet person who never showed anger toward anyone.”
Sources: Electronic Intifada; IMEMC; Quds News
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER October 7, 2015 at 5:54 pm REPLYOm mani padme hum. May he rest in peace.Like
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH October 12, 2015 at 3:46 am REPLYSincere condolences to Fadi’s friends and family. A tragic loss.Like
- Pingback: In Memory: Fadi Samir Alloun | thequietstar
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
(*The National Resistance Brigades is the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a U.S. Department of Treasury designated “Specially Designated Terrorist” / SDT. It was responsible for the murder of 50 individuals in at least 54 terrorist attacks.)

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In second attack, Israeli teen stabbed near Jerusalem’s Old City
Palestinian assaults Israeli near Damascus Gate, and is shot dead by police; victim reportedly in moderate condition
By TOI STAFF4 October 2015, 4:14 am

A Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli teen outside Jerusalem’s Old City early Sunday morning, in the second such attack in the past day.
The suspected assailant was reportedly shot dead by Israeli security forces.
The 15-year-old victim, later named as Moshe Malka, was moderately injured and received treated on site by paramedics. He was taken to Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital in stable condition with wounds to the chest and back.
The attack took place near the Old City’s Damascus Gate.
The attacker reportedly fled the scene after stabbing the teen. A video posted online appeared to show him several hundred yards from the site of the attack, on the light rail tracks, where he was shot by police officers.
Hamas media identified the suspected stabber as Fadi Aloon, a resident of the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya. In a Facebook post from an account attributed to Aloon he expressed his intent to become a martyr (shahid) and entreated God to forgive for his sins.

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On Sunday, a 15-year-old was injured in a terror attack in Jerusalem. Fadi Alon, the terrorist responsible for the stabbing attack who fled the scene, was neutralized and eliminated a short while afterwards by Police officers that came to the scene. MK Ahmed Tibi from the United Arab List compared this to the terror attack at Jerusalem’s Gay Pride Parade. His statements caused a storm on social media.
In a statement that was published on his facebook page, Tibi claimed: “My name is Fadi. I am 19 years old. I was chased by Israeli settlers then ran for help from the Israeli Police and then they shot me to death.” Tibi asked why Alon was eliminated but not Schlissel, who stabbed participants at Jerusalem’s Gay Pride Parade and murdered the late Shira Banki: “He was not shot with a bullet by Police officers.”
Before Alon implemented the terror attack that targeted 15-year-old Moshe Malka that resulted in moderately injured him, he wrote on his twitter account that he desired to die as a shahid (Islamic martyr): “Allah, give me victory till I achieve martyrdom for Palestine against the oppressive Jews.” Following the terror attack, Israeli Security Forces arrested his father and other members of his family.

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– 10/14/2015
Israeli police under scrutiny for shooting knife-wielding assailants
In the last few weeks, Israeli security forces haven’t hesitated to use live rounds to take down multiple knife-wielding assailants, with numerous such cases captured on amateur videos and uploaded to social media networks.
When these videos have been published, the Israeli authorities’ response has always been the same: “If the assailant doesn’t obey the police’s orders to drop the knife, they are authorised to shoot him,” says Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. “And if police officers believe their lives or the lives of civilians are in danger, it is absolutely necessary for them to shoot the attacker, at the risk of killing him.”
So is the use of live ammunition justified? We took a close look at three cases, and asked the opinion of a French security consultant who has worked with the French authorities.
Two pieces of footage that show the police response to an alleged knife attack on October 3 in East Jerusalem have sparked widespread indignation, with critics accusing security forces of carrying out an extrajudicial killing. The videos show an Israeli policeman firing seven times at Fadi Alloun, a 19-year-old Palestinian. They claim that he had stabbed an Israeli youth.
Two different videos of the scene were posted online.
The first video, which was published online the very next day, shows Israelis following and yelling at a young man who is briskly walking away on tramway tracks. He starts heading towards a police car, but an officer shoots him seven times. It’s impossible to see from the images whether or not the youth is armed.

The second video was uploaded on October 11 and gives a clearer picture of what happened. The young Palestinian can be seen walking down the tramway tracks. Amongst the Israelis following him, voices can be heard crying out: “Kill him! Kill him!” At 0:17, the Palestinian appears to lunge at a group of Israelis with an object before drawing back. He crosses the tramway tracks, before again waving the object – possibly a knife – at two police officers at 0:34. One officer aims his gun at the Palestinian whilst men in the crowd shout: “What are you doing with pepper spray?” “Shoot him!” Then, a police car arrives. As he heads for the vehicle, an officer jumps out of the car and shoots him seven times.

Here’s what the security consultant had to say:
“As a general rule, in a self-defense situation, you can use firearms to counter an attacker using a knife as soon as the life of a police officer or a third party is directly and imminently threatened.”
So did Fadi Alloun pose an immediate threat?
“It seems that the youth keeps walking towards the officers despite their warnings. He doesn’t pose an immediate threat, but the deteriorating security situation, with the civilians all around, could explain the police’s reaction.”

To view the video on the France24 website, click HERE


*The National Resistance Brigades was founded in 1969 with the DFLP, and in 1974 they were responsible for the Ma’alot Massacre of 25 schoolchildren and teachers. The National Resistance Brigades would later take part in the First Intifada of 1988-1995 and the Second Intifada of 2000-2005, during which they fought against the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) of Israel in various battles. (Historica, click HERE to view website)
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The DFLP was designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department on Oct. 8, 1997, but was delisted on Oct. 8, 1999 due to its (briefly) changed position on the Oslo process. Nonetheless, the group has continued to carry out terror attacks. The DFLP was added, however, to the list of U.S. Treasury Department’s Specially Designated terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 al-Qaeda terrorist attacks (“The Return of Palestinian Nationalist Terrorism,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, May 3, 2002). As the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has said, these designations “prohibit all financial transactions with the DFLP and Hawatmeh and block all of the group’s assets in the U.S.”
According to the University of Maryland’s START Global Terrorism Database, the DFLP participated in at least 54 terrorist attacks between 1974 and 2014. With one exception—an Aug. 3, 1974 assault in France that left no victims—every attack took place in Israel or in PA or Hamas-ruled areas. As of 2014, these attacks resulted in at least 50 murdered and twice as many wounded. Twenty-nine of these terrorist attacks occurred after the U.S. de-listed the DFLP as a terrorist organization.
A 2013 profile of the DFLP by Jane’s World Insurgency and Terrorism noted:
“Since 2006, the DFLP’s armed wing, the National Resistance Brigades has engaged in sporadic projectile attacks on Israeli military posts located along the border with Gaza as well as civilian targets located in Israel’s Southern district. It claimed responsibility for a series of such operations in 2006 and 2007 in conjunction with other Palestinian factions – including the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, politically affiliated with Fatah, and the An-Nasser Salah ad-Din Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC).”

The following webpage is an archived file. The original webpage no longer exists

الجبهة الديمقراطية تنعى الشهيد فادي علون
القدس المحتلة – وكالات الانباء – عدد القراءات :3570 – 2015-10-04

نعت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين، بمزيد من الفخر والاعتزاز شهيدها البطل فادي سمير مصطفى علون (19عاما)، الذي ارتقى شهيدا فجر يوم الأحد الموافق 4\10\2015م، على ثرى العاصمة القدس، اثر عملية تصفية جبانة اقترفتها دولة الاحتلال، بعد محاولة قطعان المستوطنين وبتغطية من جيش الاحتلال بالاعتداء على الشهيد في حي المصراره بمدينة القدس، ما اضطره للدفاع عن نفسه ومواجهة المعتدين، ما أسفر عن قيام جيش الاحتلال باطلاق رصاصات الغدر الصهيونية الى جسده بدم بارد والتأكد من تصفيته ومنع الطواقم الطبية من الوصول اليه.
وحملت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين المسؤولية الكاملة لدولة الاحتلال الصهيونية على عملية اعدام الشهيد فادي علوان، واعتبرت الجبهة الديمقراطية ان هذا التصعيد الدموي الذي تنفذ دولة الاحتلال بحق كافة المقدسات الاسلامية والمسيحية، لن يكسر ارادة شعبنا الفلسطيني بل يزيده عزما وإصرارا على المقاومة والصمود.
ودعت جماهير شعبنا الفلسطيني بكافة قواه الوطنية الحية الى تحويل كافة مناطق الاحتكاك الى ساحات مواجهة ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني وقطعان مستوطنيه وتصعيد المقاومة الشعبية في وجه الاحتلال.
وشددت الجبهة الديمقراطية على ضرورة تشكيل لجان حراسة مشتركة من الكل الفلسطيني للتصدى للاعتداءات المتكررة من قبل سلطات الاحتلال ومستوطنيه، وتحمي المواطنين وممتلكاتهم وتردع اعتداءاتهم المتكررة بحق الكل الفلسطيني.
وتعاهد الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين شهيدها البطل فادي علوان بالاستمرار بالمقاومة والنضال حتى دحر الاحتلال، وبناء الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة كاملة السيادة وعاصمتها القدس وعودة اللاجئين وتقرير المصير.
The Democratic Front mourns the martyr Fadi Aloun
Occupied Jerusalem – News agencies – reads: 3570 – 04-10-2015
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) called its martyr Fadi Samir Mustafa Alloun, 19, who rose as a martyr at dawn on Sunday, 4 October 2015, on the wealth of the capital, Jerusalem, following a cowardly liquidation committed by the occupying power, after the attempt of herds of settlers and covered by The occupation army attacked the martyr in al-Masrara neighborhood of Jerusalem, forcing him to defend himself and confront the aggressors, which resulted in the occupation army firing the bullets of Zionist treachery into his body in cold blood and making sure to liquidate it and prevent medical staff from reaching him.
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) blamed the Zionist occupation state for the execution of martyr Fadi Alwan. Increases his determination and determination to resist and hold out.
It called on the masses of our Palestinian people, with all their living national forces, to turn all areas of friction into arenas of confrontation against the Zionist occupation and the herds of settlers and to escalate popular resistance in the face of occupation.
The Democratic Front stressed the need to form joint guard committees from all Palestinians to deal with repeated attacks by the occupation authorities and settlers, protect citizens and their property and deter repeated attacks against all Palestinians.
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) pledges its hero Fadi Alwan to continue to resist and fight until the occupation is defeated, and to build an independent, fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, the return of refugees and self-determination.

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فيصل : المقاومة والانتفاضة الرد الطبيعي على هستيريا الاحتلال ومستوطنيه

رام الله – دنيا الوطن
نظمت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين اعتصاما جماهيريا في على مدخل مخيم مارا لياس في بيروت، تضامنا مع الشعب الفلسطيني في الضفة الفلسطينية والقدس بمشاركة حشد واسع من ابناء المخيمات وبحضور ممثلين من فصائل المقاومة واللجان والاتحادات الشعبية والمؤسسات الاجتماعية، رفعت فيها الاعلام الفلسطينية واللبنانية ورايات الجبهة واليافطات وسط هتافات تحيي صمود الشعب الفلسطيني وتندد بالاحتلال .
وفي نهاية الاعتصام تحدث الرفيق علي فيصل عضو المكتب السياسي للجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين ومسؤولها في لبنان فحيا ابطال العمليات البطولية ضد المستوطنين وحيا صمود الشعب الفلسطيني في مواجهة قمع الاحتلال وجيشه الفاشي في الضفة والقدس ونابلس والخليل وقلقيلية وجنين ورام الله والعيسوية وعموم الضفة المحتلة.
فيصل دعا لاجتماع عاجل للاطار القيادي المؤقت م.ت.ف لوضع خطة مواجهة شاملة والقطع الكامل لاتفاق اوسلو ومفاعيله ووقف التنسيق الامني واطلاق العنان للمقاومة والانتفاضة الشعبية الشاملة في الضفة والقدس والى بناء جهة مقاومة موحدة في قطاع غزة لتشكل سندا للانتفاضة ورادعا للاحتلال لمنع الاستفراد بالضفة والقدس واهلها وتشكيل اللجان الشعبية للدفاع عن القرى والمدن الفلسطينية.
كما دعا فيصل لتحرك دولي عاجل لوقف الارهاب الاسرائيلي واجراءات الاحتلال وحماية الشعب الفلسطيني وتمكينه من تقرير مصيره باقامة الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة بعاصمتها القدس وعودة اللاجئين .
وطالب بدعم شعبي ودولي من احرار العالم لوقف هذه النازية الاستيطانية الجديدة والتحرك العاجل لمحاكمة اسرائيل وعزلها ومحاسبتها على جرائم الحرب التي ارتكبتها بحق شعبنا وشعوب امتنا العربية والعالم.
كما دعا الى استعادة الشعوب العربية لدورها في دعم القضية الفلسطينية وشعب فلسطين باعتبارها القضية المركزية لاحرار العرب.
أضاف فيصل مؤكدا على معادلة الانتصار لشعبنا تقوم على ثوابت موحدة ولغة واحدة الارهاب والاحتلال لايوجه الا بالمقاومة والاستيطان لايواجه الا بالانتفاضة والتهويد والقتل لايواجه الا بالقوة والقتل والفاشية والمجازر لاتواجه الا بالوحدة.
وختم موجها التحية لشهداء العمليات البطولية وشهداء فلسطين والضفة وفي مقدمتهم الشهيد مهند حلبي والشهيد الرفيق فادي علون ابن العيساوية .
كما وجه فيصل التحية للمراسلين الاعلاميين وفي مقدمتهم مراسلة الميادين حنان محاميد التي جرحت وهي تغطي هجوم الهستيريا الاسرائيلية على الشعب الفلسطيني.

Faisal: The resistance and the uprising are the natural response to the hysteria of the occupation and its settlers
Ramallah – Dunya Al Watan
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) organized a mass sit-in at the entrance to the Mara Lyas camp in Beirut, in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Palestinian West Bank and Jerusalem, with the participation of a large crowd of camp children and in the presence of representatives of the resistance factions, committees, popular unions and social institutions, in which Palestinian and Lebanese flags, front banners and banners were raised amid chants of “resistance” and condemnation of the occupation.
At the end of the sit-in, Comrade Ali Faisal, a member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and its official in Lebanon, saluted the heroes of heroic operations against the settlers and saluted the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of the oppression of the occupation and its fascist army in the West Bank, Jerusalem, Nablus, Hebron, Qalqilya, Jenin, Ramallah, Issawiya and all the occupied West Bank.
Faisal called for an urgent meeting of the interim leadership framework M.T.F. to draw up a comprehensive confrontation plan and completely cut off the Oslo accords and its effects, stop security coordination, unleash the resistance and the popular uprising in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and build a unified resistance in the Gaza Strip to form a support for the intifada and a deterrent to the occupation to prevent the isolation of the West Bank and Jerusalem and its people and the formation of popular committees to defend Palestinian villages and cities.
The united states has a long-held policy on the iraq issue, the report said.
He called for the support of the free people and the world to stop this neo-colonial Nazi and to urgently try Israel, isolate it and hold it accountable for the war crimes it committed against our people, the peoples of our Arab nation and the world.
He also called for the arab peoples to regain their role in supporting the Palestinian cause and the people of Palestine as the central cause of the Free Arabs.
Faisal added that the equation of victory for our people is based on unified principles and one language, terrorism and occupation is directed only by resistance and settlement, which is faced only by intifada, judaization and murder, only faced by force, murder, fascism and massacres, only confronted by unity.
He concluded by paying tribute to the martyrs of the heroic operations and the martyrs of Palestine and the West Bank, especially the martyr Muhannad Halabi and the martyr Rafiq Fadi Alloun, son of Al-Issawiya.
Faisal also paid tribute to the media reporters, led by Al-Mayadeen correspondent Hanan Mahmood, who was wounded while covering the Israeli hysteria attack on the Palestinian people.

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الديمقراطية تحمل الاحتلال مسؤولية اعدم الشهيد فادي علون في القدس المحتلة بدم بارد

رام الله – دنيا الوطن
تحمل الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وحكومة نتنياهو المسؤولية الكاملة عن عملية اغتيال الشهيد فادي علون ابن القدس وعضو الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين، وتؤكد بأن عملية الإعدام التي أظهرتها التسجيلات المصورة على يد جنود الاحتلال في شارع الواد بالبلدة القديمة، جرت بالتزامن مع اعتداء المستوطنين على الشهيد علون.
واعتبرت الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين ان عملية تصفية المناضل علون تأتي في سياق حملة تصعيد مسعورة وعنصرية للمستوطنين الذين يحتلوا الشوارع ويهتفوا بالموت للعرب ومعهم قوات الاحتلال الذي يمارس أبشع عمليات التنكيل والقمع وإطلاق الرصاص المطاطي والحي على التجمعات والمظاهرات الفلسطينية وصولاً لعمليات التصفية الجسدية كما جرى في عملية الاغتيال الجبانة بحق الشهيد فادي علون ابن التسع عشرة ربيعاً.
وتدعو الجبهة الديمقراطية لتحرير فلسطين أبناء شعبنا وقواه وفصائله لتوحيد الصف في مواجهة هذه الهجمة العنصرية وتشكيل لجان حماية شعبية في مختلف القرى والإحياء وإلى تصعيد المقاومة الشعبية وتحويل كل المناطق الفلسطينية إلى ساحات مواجهة للاحتلال والمستوطنين، وتؤكد أن هذا التصعيد الدموي الإسرائيلي لن يكسر ارادة شعبنا، بل يزيده تمسكاً بحقوقه وإصراراً على الكفاح والمقاومة لالحاق الهزيمة بالاحتلال ومشاريع الاستيطان التوسعية ومحاولات تهويد القدس وطرد سكانها واخضاع ارادة ابنائها.
Democracy holds the occupation responsible for the execution of the martyr Fadi Aloun in occupied Jerusalem in cold blood
Ramallah – Dunya Al Watan
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine holds the Israeli occupation forces and the Netanyahu government fully responsible for the assassination of The Martyr Fadi Alloun, son of Jerusalem and a member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and asserts that the execution shown by the israeli occupation soldiers on Al-Wad Street in the Old City was carried out in conjunction with the settlers’ attack on Martyr Alloun.
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) considered that the liquidation of the militant Alloun came in the context of a frenzied and racist campaign of settlers occupying the streets and shouting death to the Arabs, along with the occupying forces, who are carrying out the most heinous acts of abuse, repression and firing of rubber bullets and live bullets at Palestinian gatherings and demonstrations, in order to achieve physical liquidation, as was done in the cowardly assassination of 19-year-old martyr Fadi Alloun.
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls on our people, their forces and their factions to unite in the face of this racist attack, to form popular protection committees in various villages and to revive, to escalate popular resistance and to turn all Palestinian areas into arenas facing occupation and settlers.
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The armed wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the National Resistance Brigades, has expanded their online presence over the last several months. The DFLP used to be on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) but was removed in 1999 due to its “absence of terrorist activity,” according to the FTO report.

The DFLP is a part of a coalition of militant groups in the Gaza Strip who operate under the Joint Room. The Joint Room is made up of 13 factions who act as a quasi-Palestinian army when conflict breaks out against Israel. The most recent action by the Joint Room was dubbed “Operation Roar for the Dawn.” The operation consisted of a two-day salvo of rockets against Israel for the killing of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander, Baha Abu al-Ata.
In Sept. 2019, the DFLP took to application called Telegram to expand their online footprint. Telegram enables the uploading of text, picture and video to users who join the group’s channel.
The Gaza Strip’s militant groups are no stranger to the use of Telegram as a form of publishing information to public. The most powerful militant groups, such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, have been active on the social media platform for several years.

The DFLP’s first post was a video of several mortar launches against Israeli cities and communities along the Gaza Strip’s border in Nov. 2019. The attack was a part of a reprisal campaign by the members of the Joint Room during operation “Roar for the Dawn.”

Generally, the DFLP released videos of military training and propaganda banners via their channel. However, from time to time, there are publications, especially videos, of IDF military activity in and around the Gaza Strip. This can be interpreted as a warning that the militant group notices the IDF activity around them and is paying attention.

As recent as last week, the DFLP and its military wing published a statement via its Telegram channel mourning the death of the IRGC’s Qods Force chief, Qasem Soleimani, after he was killed by an airstrike in Baghdad, Iraq.
The homage paid to Soleimani from a Sunni militant group in Gaza offers a perspective of the respect the group and its leaders have for the former Shiite Qods Force chief.
The DFLP will likely continue to use social media, specifically Telegram, to publish the groups’ activities to the public. The group also uses Facebook to publish information. However, over the last few years, Facebook has tightened its rules and enforcement against promoting violence on its platform. It has closed multiple accounts of the group, including its activists.
This is has been the biggest factor for the migration of Palestinian militant groups, such as the DFLP, to move their social media operations to Telegram. It is more secure, popular and the likelihood of having their channel shut down is far less than on Facebook.
The identification, tracking, and closing of Telegram channels run by al-Qaeda and Islamic State groups over the years seems to be a greater priority for the social media company compared to the accounts run by Palestinian militant groups.
So far, there has been little evidence of a Telegram channel being shuttered over incitement or violence, over the years of tracking Gaza-based factions on the application. Smaller channels operated by activists and supporters have also been spared from Telegram’s account closures.
Due to the lack of enforcement against channels run by Palestinian militant groups, they will likely continue to run unabated and without fear of losing channels with subscribers that are in the tens of thousands.
Joe Truzman is a contributor to FDD’s Long War Journal.
Fadi Samir Alloun was a member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP). The DFLP has been designated by the U.S. Treasury Department as a Specially Designated Terrorist (SDT). As of 2014, the DFLP was responsible for the murder of 50 individuals in at least 54 terrorist attacks. Their military wing, the National Resistance Brigades has engaged in missile attacks on Israeli military posts as well as civilian targets located in southern Israel.
Prior to the stabbing incident, in a Facebook post from an account attributed to Alloun, he expressed his intent to become a martyr (shahid) and entreated God to forgive for his sins.
He had also posted on his twitter account that he desired to die as a shahid (Islamic martyr): “Allah, give me victory till I achieve martyrdom for Palestine against the oppressive Jews.”
On October 4, 2015, Fadi Alloun attacked Moshe Malka. He stabbed the 15 year old in the chest and back. Alloun then fled the scene and videos show him several hundred yards from the site of the attack, briskly walking down the light rail tracks pursued by pedestrians shouting at him.
In one of the videos, it was reported that Alloun could be seen lunging at a group of Israelis with an object, possibly a knife. He is then seen waving an object (knife) at police officers. A police car arrives on scene, he heads for the vehicle, an officer exits the car and shoots him seven times, killing him.
“Fadi Samir Alloun, … killed … He was chased by an Israeli mob before being gunned down.”
Fadi Alloun was not chased by an Israeli mob and gunned down.
After stabbing a 15 year old, Fadi Alloun fled the scene of the attack and was followed by Israeli pedestrians intent on preventing his escape before the arrival of police.
A police car arrives, Alloun heads for the vehicle with a knife in his hands, he ignores the officers warnings and is shot dead.
“Friends said Alloun … never showed anger toward anyone.”
He had posted on his twitter account that he desired to die as a shahid (Islamic martyr): “Allah, give me victory till I achieve martyrdom for Palestine against the oppressive Jews.”