
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
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Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
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Photo: Al-Tur Facebook Community Page

Ali Sa’id Abu Ghannam, 17 years old, was killed on Friday April 25, 2015 by Israeli Occupation Forces in East Jerusalem, becoming the first child killed by Israel in 2015. Abu Ghannam, from the Al-Tur neighborhood of East Jerusalem, was fatally shot at Al-Zaayyem checkpoint.
From Defence for Children International – Palestine: Speaking to DCIP, Ali’s mother said her son had left home earlier Friday night to attend a wedding. She first heard of a fatality over social media, and only knew that it was her son who had been shot when her husband and son-in-law went to Al-Zaayyem checkpoint and identified the body. Following the shooting, she said, Israeli forces raided the family’s home, searched her son’s room and the rest of the house, and detained his father.
The Palestinian News & Info Agency WAFA reported that the soldiers stopped Ali, who was walking with a young woman from his family, and started provoking the two, before the soldiers uttered vulgar words towards the young woman.
Israeli authorities have refused to release Ali’s body for burial.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists

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Earlier, 17-year-old Palestinian Ali Abu Ghannam attacked border policemen with a cleaver at a checkpoint near Ma’aleh Adumim and then fled, with troops giving chase and firing warning shots in the air, Samri said. Reaching a second checkpoint, Abu Ghannam drew another knife and ran toward security guards there. They shot him dead when he ignored their warnings to stop, Samri said.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the incident took place shortly after midnight at the Al-Zayyim checkpoint near Ma’aleh Adumim.
“The suspect charged them and attempted to stab an officer, and when they ordered him to stop he continued to charge,” said Rosenfeld. “He was shot and killed by one of the officers and pronounced dead at the scene.”
Abu Ghannam’s family rejected the Israeli account of the incident. One relative, Mohammed Abu Ghannam, said he did not believe the boy had been armed and that he had been on his way back from a friend’s party when he was killed.

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Palestinian Tries to Stab Police Officers in Jerusalem and Is Shot Dead, Police Says
The shooting took place after the youth ran toward officers stationed at the A-Zaim checkpoint wielding a large knife, a statement issued by the police said.
Nir Hasson and Reuters Apr 25, 2015 1:48 AM
A Palestinian youth was shot dead Friday night, after he tried to stab Border Police officers at a security post near the A-Zaim checkpoint, East Jerusalem.
A statement issued by the police described the events as follows: The Palestinian, identified as the 17-year-old Ali Abu Ghannam, arrived at the A-Zaim checkpoint. He began running toward a number of police officers at a checking station wielding a large knife. He was pushed back by one of the officers, at which point he started running in the direction of the crossing. The officers shouted at him to stop, warning that they would shoot if he didn’t. Combatants guarding the checkpoint saw the youth running toward them and shot him.
Abu Ghannam’s family rejected the Israeli account of the incident. One relative, Mohammed Abu Ghannam, said he did not believe the boy had been armed and that he was on his way back from a friend’s party when he was killed.
The family was refusing to receive the body, Mohammed Abu Ghannam said, because Israeli authorities had ordered a limit on the number of people allowed at the burial – a measure often imposed by Israel at the funerals of Palestinian militants in Jerusalem.

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APRIL 24, 2015 / 9:33 PM / 5 YEARS AGO
Israeli forces kill two knife-wielding Palestinians – police
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli security forces killed two knife-wielding Palestinian attackers in separate incidents in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem on Saturday, police said.

Earlier, 17-year-old Palestinian Ali Abu Ghannam attacked Israeli border police with a cleaver at a checkpoint in East Jerusalem and then fled, with troops giving chase and firing warning shots in the air, Samri said.
Reaching a second checkpoint, Abu Ghannam drew another knife and ran toward security guards there. They shot him dead when he ignored their warnings to stop, Samri said.
Abu Ghannam’s family rejected the Israeli account of the incident. One relative, Mohammed Abu Ghannam, said he did not believe the boy had been armed and that he had been on his way back from a friend’s party when he was killed.
The family were refusing to receive the body, Mohammed Abu Ghannam said, because Israeli authorities had ordered a limit on the number of people allowed at the burial — a measure often imposed by Israel at the funerals of Palestinian militants in Jerusalem.

Israeli Police Officers Kill Two Palestinian Men
By Diaa Hadid
April 25, 2015
JENIN, West Bank — Two Palestinian men were fatally shot by the Israeli police after attacking officers with knives, one at a contested shrine in the West Bank and the other at a checkpoint near East Jerusalem, a police spokeswoman said Saturday.
They were the latest in a recent spate of attacks by Palestinians who appear to be acting alone and without the backing or instruction of any organization. They have carried out several deadly attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank using vehicles, knives and guns in recent months.
The first shooting took place at the Zayyim checkpoint on the outskirts of East Jerusalem late Friday. A police spokeswoman, Luba Samri, said a man identified as Ali Abu Ghannam, 17, ran toward officers with a knife at another checkpoint, then ran to the Zayyim checkpoint and threatened officers there. They shot him when he tried to stab them, she said, but Palestinian medics who arrived later said it was not clear what had taken place.
The police later released a photograph of a cleaver and what appeared to be a kitchen knife tipped with blood that they said Mr. Abu Ghannam had wielded.
Reuters reported that a relative said the family was refusing to receive the body because Israeli authorities had limited the number of people allowed at the burial. The measure is often imposed by Israel at the funerals of Palestinian militants in Jerusalem and when security officials fear that a funeral will turn rowdy or violent.

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Israeli police: 2 Palestinians shot dead after knife attacks
April 25, 2015 GMT
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli police officers on Saturday shot dead two knife-wielding Palestinians in response to separate stabbing attacks against Israeli officers, police said, before a third attack against police forces later in the day left three officers injured.
In the first incident, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said a 17-year-old east Jerusalem resident named Ali Mohammed Abu Ghannam approached a roadblock with a butcher’s knife and tried to attack officers there. Samri said officers shot Abu Ghannam dead after he refused to lay down his weapon. Dozens of Palestinian youth clashed with police forces following the incident, hurling rocks at the police who responded with tear gas.

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القدس: علي أبو غنام خرج لحفل زفاف وعاد شهيدا
تاريخ النشر: 25/04/2015 – 17:39

أوضحت والدة الشهيد على أبو غنام (17 عاما) من حي الطور في القدس الذي قتل الليلة الماضية برصاص قوات الاحتلال على حاجز الزعيم في القدس، بأنه استأذنها للخروج لحضور حفل زفاف وعاد شهيدا.
وقالت والدة علي، للحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الأطفال، إنه استأذنها للخروج من المنزل، لحضور حفل زفاف صديقه الكائن في قرية الزعيم، وأنها وافقت على ذلك بشرط أن يعود مبكرا للمنزل.
وأضافت أنها تلقت اتصالا من أحد معارفها عند منتصف الليل، يفيد بأن هناك فتى تعرض للاعتداء على أيدي جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المتواجدين على حاجز الزعيم العسكري، لتتوالى بعدها الأخبار المتضاربة.
وتابعت والدة الفتى أبو غنام: ‘بدأت أتابع وسائل الإعلام وأراقب صفحات الأخبار، حيث كانت الصور في البداية غير واضحة، ولكن بدأت الشكوك تساورني بأنه ابني، من خلال ملامح معينة في الصور، وكذلك من خلال ملابسه’.
وقالت: ‘خرج والده وزوج ابنتي نحو الحاجز، وهناك تعرف والده على الجثة وتأكد أنها تعود لابننا علي’، مشيرة إلى أن جنود الاحتلال اعتقلوا زوجها على الحاجز، ومن ثم اقتحموا البلدة وسط إطلاق قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع، وقاموا بمداهمة المنزل والعبث بمحتوياته وتفتيش غرفة علي وتحطيم جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص به.
وقتلت أن قوات قوات ‘حرس الحدود’ الإسرائيلي غنام منتصف ليلة الجمعة السبت، بالذخيرة الحية، على حاجز الزعيم العسكري شرق القدس المحتلة. وادعت شرطة الاحتلال أن الطفل أبو غنام حاول طعن أحد الجنود على الحاجز بواسطة سكين.
ورفضت سلطات الاحتلال تسليم جثمان الطفل إلى ذويه، مشترطة وجود 20 شخصا فقط في تشييع الجثمان، إلا أن والد الطفل رفض ذلك وطالب باستلام الجثمان دون شروط أو قيود، وفق ما ذكرته تقارير إعلامية.
وقالت الحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الأطفال إن أبو غنام أول فتى يقتله جنود الاحتلال بالذخيرة الحية في الأراضي المحتلة خلال 2015. وأضافت أن أبو غنام الذي كان يعمل في قطاع البناء مع أخواله، هو أول فتى يقتل بالرصاص الحي من قبل قوات ‘حرس الحدود’ الإسرائيلي في الأراضي المحتلة خلال العام الجاري 2015.
مضيفة أن قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي قتلت بالذخيرة الحية العام الماضي 11 طفلا وفتى فلسطينيا في الضفة الغربية، من بينهم نديم نوارة ومحمد أبو ظاهر اللذين قتلا برصاص ‘حرس الحدود’ الإسرائيلي في الخامس عشر من شهر أيار الماضي، خلال مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي قرب سجن ‘عوفر’ العسكري في بيتونيا، غرب رام الله.
كما أصابت قوات الاحتلال ما لا يقل عن 32 طفلا وفتى في الضفة الغربية بالرصاص الحي، منذ بداية العام الجاري.
وأشارت إلى أن الحاجز الذي أقامته سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على مدخل قرية الزعيم الفلسطينية وعلى الشارع الالتفافي الإسرائيلي رقم 1 المعروف بـ ‘حاجز الزعيم’، يعتبر بمثابة معبر لدخول مدينة القدس من الجهة الشرقية، ويسمح للإسرائيليين والفلسطينيين من حملة الهوية المقدسية (الهوية الزرقاء) والوفود الأجنبية بالدخول والخروج منه، ويمثل عائقا كبيرا أمام حركة تنقل المواطنين الفلسطينيين في قرية الزعيم.

The mother of 17-year-old Ali Abu Ghannam, from al-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem, who was shot dead by israeli forces at the Al-Zayem checkpoint in Jerusalem, said he had asked her to go out for a wedding and returned as a martyr.
Ali’s mother, the International Movement for the Defense of Children, told the International Movement for the Defense of Children that he had asked her to leave the house to attend his friend’s wedding in the village of Al-Zayem, and that she agreed to do so on condition that he return edhome early.
She added that she had received a call from an acquaintance at midnight, stating that a boy had been attacked by Israeli occupation soldiers at the military leader’s checkpoint, followed by conflicting news.
Abu Ghannam’s mother continued: ‘I started following the media and watching the news pages, where the pictures were initially unclear, but I began to suspect that he was my son, through certain features in the pictures, as well as through his clothes.’
She said: ‘His father and my son-in-law went out towards the checkpoint, and there his father recognized the body and confirmed that it belonged to our son Ali,’ noting that the Israeli soldiers arrested her husband at the checkpoint, and then stormed the town amid the firing of tear gas canisters, and raided the house and tampered with its contents and searched Ali’s room And smash his computer.
Israeli Border Guard forces shot and killed a soldier at midnight on Saturday, with live ammunition, at the military leader’s checkpoint east of occupied Jerusalem. The occupying police claimed that the child, Abu Ghannam, tried to stab a soldier at the checkpoint with a knife.
The israeli occupation authorities refused to hand over the child’s body to his family, requiring only 20 people to be present at the funeral, but the child’s father refused and demanded that the body be received without conditions or restrictions, according to media reports.
The International Movement for the Defense of Children said Abu Ghannam was the first boy killed by israeli soldiers with live ammunition in the occupied territories in 2015. Abu Ghannam, who worked in the construction sector with his brothers, was the first boy to be shot dead by Israeli border guards in the occupied territories in 2015, she said.
She added that the Israeli occupation forces killed with live ammunition last year 11 Palestinian children and boys in the West Bank, including Nadim Nawara and Mohammed Abu Zahir, who were shot dead by the Israeli ‘border guards’ on May 15, during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces near the prison Ofer’ military in Petunia, west of Ramallah.
The occupying forces have also shot at at least 32 children and boys in the West Bank since the beginning of this year.
She noted that the barrier erected by the Israeli occupation authorities at the entrance to the Palestinian leader’s village and on The Israeli Bypass Street No. 1, known as the ‘Al-Zayem Checkpoint’, was a crossing point for entering Jerusalem from the east and allowed Israelis and Palestinians to carry identity. Al-Maqdisiya (Blue Identity) and foreign delegations enter ing and exiting it, and represents a major obstacle to the movement of Palestinian citizens in the village of Al-Zayem.

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الفتى أبو غنام ذهب لحضور حفل زفاف صديقه فعاد شهيداً

رام الله – “وفا”: قتلت قوات الاحتلال منتصف الليلة قبل الماضية، بالذخيرة الحية، الفتى علي أبو غنام (17 عاما) من بلدة الطور في القدس، على حاجز الزعيم العسكري، شرق القدس المحتلة.
وقالت والدة الفتى، للحركة العالمية للدفاع عن الأطفال، إن علي استأذنها للخروج من المنزل، لحضور حفل زفاف صديقه الكائن في قرية الزعيم، وإنها وافقت على ذلك بشرط أن يعود مبكراً للمنزل.
وبينت أنها تلقت اتصالا من أحد معارفها عند منتصف الليل، يفيد بأن هناك فتى تعرض للاعتداء على أيدي جنود الاحتلال المتمركزين على حاجز الزعيم العسكري، لتتوالى بعدها الأخبار المتضاربة.
وأضافت والدة الطفل أبو غنام: ‘بدأت أتابع وسائل الإعلام وأراقب صفحات الأخبار، حيث كانت الصور في البداية غير واضحة، ولكن بدأت الشكوك تساورني بأنه ابني، من خلال ملامح معينة في الصور، وكذلك من خلال ملابسه’.
وتابعت: ‘خرج والده وزوج ابنتي نحو الحاجز، وهناك تعرف والده على الجثة وتأكد أنها تعود لابننا علي’، مشيرة إلى أن جنود الاحتلال اعتقلوا زوجها على الحاجز، ومن ثم اقتحموا البلدة وسط إطلاق قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع، وقاموا بمداهمة المنزل والعبث بمحتوياته وتفتيش غرفة علي وتحطيم جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص به.
والحاجز الذي أقامته سلطات الاحتلال على مدخل قرية الزعيم الفلسطينية وعلى الشارع الالتفافي الإسرائيلي رقم 1 المعروف بـ’حاجز الزعيم’، يعتبر بمثابة معبر لدخول مدينة القدس من الجهة الشرقية، ويسمح للإسرائيليين والفلسطينيين من حملة الهوية المقدسية (الهوية الزرقاء) والوفود الأجنبية بالدخول والخروج منه، ويمثل عائقا كبيرا أمام حركة تنقل المواطنين الفلسطينيين في قرية الزعيم.
وادعت شرطة الاحتلال أن الطفل أبو غنام حاول طعن أحد الجنود على الحاجز بوساطة سكين.
ورفضت سلطات الاحتلال تسليم جثمان الطفل إلى ذويه، مشترطة وجود 20 شخصا فقط في تشييع الجثمان، إلا أن والد الطفل رفض ذلك وطالب باستلام الجثمان دون شروط أو قيود، وفق ما ذكرته تقارير إعلامية.
وأبو غنام الذي كان يعمل في قطاع البناء مع أخواله، هو أول طفل يقتل بالرصاص الحي من قبل قوات ‘حرس الحدود’ الإسرائيلي في الأراضي المحتلة خلال العام الجاري.
وقتلت قوات الاحتلال بالذخيرة الحية العام الماضي 11 طفلا في الضفة، من بينهم الطفلان نديم نوارة ومحمد أبو ظاهر اللذان قتلا برصاص ‘حرس الحدود’ الإسرائيلي في الخامس عشر من شهر أيار الماضي، خلال مواجهات مع قوات الاحتلال قرب سجن ‘عوفر’ العسكري في بيتونيا، غرب رام الله.
كما أصابت قوات الاحتلال ما لا يقل عن 32 طفلا في الضفة بالرصاص الحي، منذ بداية العام الجاري
The israeli occupation forces killed 17-year-old Ali Abu Ghannam from the jerusalem town of Al-Tur at the military checkpoint in east Jerusalem.
The boy’s mother, the International Movement for the Defense of Children, told The International Movement for the Defense of Children that Ali had asked her to leave the house to attend his friend’s wedding in the village of Al-Zayem, and that she agreed to do so on condition that he return ed home early.
She indicated that she had received a call from an acquaintance at midnight, stating that a boy had been attacked by israeli soldiers stationed at the military leader’s checkpoint, followed by conflicting news.
The child’s mother, Abu Ghannam, added: ‘I started following the media and watching the news pages, where the pictures were initially unclear, but I began to suspect that he was my son, through certain features in the pictures, as well as through his clothes.’
She continued: ‘His father and my son-in-law went out towards the checkpoint, and there his father recognized the body and confirmed that it belonged to our son Ali,”, noting that the Israeli soldiers arrested her husband at the checkpoint, and then stormed the town amid the firing of tear gas canisters, and raided the house and tampered with its contents and searched Ali’s room. And smash his computer.
The checkpoint erected by the occupying authorities at the entrance to the Palestinian leader’s village and on Israeli bypass street No. 1, known as the ‘Al-Zayem Checkpoint’, serves as a crossing point for entering Jerusalem from the east and allows Israelis and Palestinians to carry jerusalem identity (Blue Identity). Foreign delegations in and out of it are a major obstacle to the movement of Palestinian citizens in the village of Al-Zayem.
The occupying police claimed that the child, Abu Ghannam, tried to stab a soldier at the checkpoint with a knife.
The israeli occupation authorities refused to hand over the child’s body to his family, requiring only 20 people to be present at the funeral, but the child’s father refused and demanded that the body be received without conditions or restrictions, according to media reports.
Abu Ghannam, who worked in the construction sector with his brothers, is the first child to be shot dead live by Israeli border guards in the occupied territories this year.
Last year, israeli forces killed 11 children in the West Bank, including nadim Nawara and Mohammed Abu Zahir, who were shot dead by Israeli Border Guards on May 15 during clashes with israeli forces near the Ofer military prison in Beitunia, west of Ramallah.
The Occupying Forces have also shot at at least 32 children in the West Bank since the beginning of this year.

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فتح تنعي الشهيدعلي أبو غنام والذي اغتيل ليلة أمس بدم بارد

القدس – دنيا الوطن
نعت حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني فتح في القدس شهيدها
البطل الشبل علي أبو غنام والذي اغتيل ليلة أمس بدم بارد.
جاء ذلك على لسان المتحدث باسم حركة فتح في القدس رأفت عليان والذي اعتبر هذه الجريمة تأتي بعد فشل الاحتلال في تركيع اشبالنا في القدس بسياسة الاعتقال فبدأت بسياسة الاغتيال.
وكما ادان عليان اغتيال الشهيد الشبل أبو غنام “16 عاما” من بلدة الطور شرقي القدس المحتلة، على يد جنود الاحتلال الذين اطلقوا عليه الرصاص من مسافة صفر على حاجز زعيم العسكري.
وحمل عليان حكومة الاحتلال كافة المسؤولية عن هذه الجريمة النكراء، مؤكدا أن حكومة الاحتلال واذرعها التنفيذية فشلت فشلا ذريعا في تركيع اشبال القدس ضمن سياستها العنهجية باعتقالهم، فدأبت الى اعادة ممارستها لسياسة الاغتيال.
معتبرا ان هذه الجريمة النكراء هي مثالا للعربدة الصهيونية وأن ما يجري في مدينة القدس المحتلة يعبر عن العقلية الاجرامية الصهيونية التي لم تكف يوما عن استباحة دماء الشعب الفلسطيني.
واضاف” ان استهداف المقدسيين من شبان مارة و سائقيين ما هو الا تعبير عن حالة الخوف والرعب الذي يعيشه جنود الاحتلال، واستباحتهم للقتل العمد تحت حجج واهية، مستخدمة بذلك الكذب والتزوير لتبرئة جنودها وقواتها”.
واشار عليان ان عملية اغتيال الاطفال هو انتهاك صارخ للمواثيق والأعراف الدولية، وخاصة بعد طلب دولة فلسطين الانضمام للعديد من المعاهدات لحماية حقوق الانسان والأطفال، وأن استهتار حكومة الاحتلال بهذه المواثيق والمعاهدات وضربها بعرض الحائط شأنها أن تزيد من حالة التوتر في المنطقة.
وطالب عليان مؤسسات المجتمع الدولي بالتدخل الفوري والسريع من خلال منظومة القوانين الدولية.
وفي الختام اعلنت حركة فتح في القدس الاضراب الشامل اليوم في المدينة والحداد ثلاثة أيام على روح الشهيد علي ابو غنام، معاهدة جماهير شعبنا العظيم تمسكها بأهداف الشهداء الذين ينيرون لنا درب الحرية والاستقلال بدمائهم الزكية.
كما ودعا عليان كافة ابناء مدينة القدس الى أوسع مشاركة في تشيع جثمان ابنه وشهيدهم البار ابو غنام، رافضا كافة الاملائات والشروط المجحفة التي تضعها قوات الاحتلال لدفن الشهيد، وهذا ان دل على شيئ فهو يدل على مدى خوفهم من
الاحتكاك والمواجهة المباشرة وغضب الشارع المقدسي.
The mourning of the martyr Ali Abu Ghanem, who was assassinated last night in cold blood, was opened
Jerusalem – Dunya al-Watan
The Palestinian National Liberation Movement (PLO) called Fatah in Jerusalem its martyr
The cub’s hero Ali Abu Ghannam, who was assassinated last night in cold blood.
The spokesman for The Fatah movement in Jerusalem, Rafat Alian, said the crime came after the occupation failed to put our cubs in Jerusalem with a policy of arrest and began with the assassination policy.
Alian also condemned the assassination of 16-year-old Martyr Abu Ghannam from the town of Al-Tur, east of occupied Jerusalem, by israeli soldiers who shot him from a distance of zero at the military leader’s checkpoint.
Alian blamed the occupation government for this heinous crime, stressing that the occupation government and its executive arms had failed miserably to leave the Cubs of Jerusalem as part of their policy of arresting them.
He said that this heinous crime is an example of Zionist and that what is happening in the occupied city of Jerusalem reflects the criminal Zionist mentality, which has never stopped desecrating the blood of the Palestinian people.
“The targeting of the Jerusalemites, young people and drivers, is a expression of the fear and terror experienced by the israeli soldiers, and their abhorrence of murder under flimsy pretexts, using lies and forgery to exonerate its soldiers and forces,” he said.
Alian pointed out that the assassination of children is a flagrant violation of international conventions and norms, especially after the request of the State of Palestine to join many treaties to protect human rights and children, and that the occupation government’s disregard for these conventions and treaties and striking them against the wall will increase the tension in the region.
Alian called on the institutions of the international community to intervene immediately and quickly through the system of international laws.
In conclusion, the Fatah movement in Jerusalem announced a full-time strike today in the city and mourning for three days the spirit of martyr Ali Abu Ghannam, the treaty of the masses of our great people, which adheres to the goals of the martyrs who are enlightening us on the path of freedom and independence with their precious blood.
He also called on all the people of Jerusalem to participate in the funeral of his son and martyr Abu Ghannam, rejecting all the hopes and unfair conditions set by the occupying forces to bury the martyr.
Friction, direct confrontation and the wrath of the Holy Street.
“Fatah … its martyr… Ali Abu Ghannam“
Ali Abu Ghannam was a member of Fatah. On April 25, 2015, Ghannam attacked border policemen with a cleaver at a checkpoint. He then ran to a second checkpoint, warning shots were fired, he drew another knife, ran toward security guards there and they shot him dead after ignoring their warnings to stop.
Ghannam’s family stated that he wasn’t armed. The following pictures document the truth:

Ali Sa’id Abu Ghannam … was killed on Friday April 25, 2015 by Israeli Occupation Forces in East Jerusalem … was fatally shot at Al-Zaayyem checkpoint.
The Palestinian News & Info Agency WAFA reported that the soldiers stopped Ali, who was walking with a young woman from his family, and started provoking the two, before the soldiers uttered vulgar words towards the young woman.
17-year-old Palestinian Ali Abu Ghannam attacked border policemen with a cleaver at a checkpoint … second checkpoint, Abu Ghannam drew another knife and ran toward security guards there. They shot him dead when he ignored their warnings to stop ….
Ali Abu Ghannam attacked Israeli border police with a cleaver at a checkpoint in East Jerusalem and then fled, with troops giving chase and firing warning shots in the air … Reaching a second checkpoint, Abu Ghannam drew another knife and ran toward security guards there. They shot him dead when he ignored their warnings to stop ….