
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 25 Fatah terrorists, operatives, and affiliates found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE.
لمشاهدة صور 25 إرهابياً من فتح، وعملاء، ومنتسبين موجودين في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع الإنترنت لـ”أنسِر فلسطين”، انقر هنا.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Alaa Mohammad Odeh, 30 years old, was killed by Israeli soldiers at Za’atara checkpoint on the night of June 2, 2014 in the West Bank town of Huwara. Hundreds of mourners from Nablus and the surrounding towns arrived to Huwara around 1pm to take part in the traditional funeral rites – a march to the house of the deceased, prayers, and finally the interment of the body. Mohammad is survived by his wife and two young children.
According to witnesses, he had gone to the checkpoint that night to get an order of cell phones, and had left his taxi to pick up the delivery. As he approached the checkpoint on foot, Israeli soldiers opened fire, shooting him first in the legs, then the upper body, over fourteen times. Witnesses report that a Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulance arrived at the scene while Odeh was still alive, however the soldiers did not allow the medics to treat him, or take the body to a hospital. This story has been corroborated by the taxi driver, as well as other Palestinian eyewitnesses.
See more at: http://iwps.info/2014/06/04/huwara-mourns-the-loss-of-martyr-alaa-mohammad-odeh/#sthash.JHaRm3ut.dpuf
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 26, 2014 at 5:17 pm REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme hum
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
‘Alaa Muhammad ‘Awad ‘Odeh 30 years old, resident of Huwara, Nablus District, killed on 02 Jun 2014 in Za’tara, Nablus District, by live ammunition. . Additional information: Shot to death by soldiers and Border Police officers at Za’tara checkpoint after he fired a handgun at them, injuring a soldier.
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The PA, Peaceful? Tapuah Terrorist a Fatah Member
Monday night shooter revealed to be Fatah member – belying perception that terror only stems from Hamas.
Arutz Sheva Staff, 03/06/14 14:18
The Palestinian Arab terrorist responsible for shooting at IDF soldiers at the Tapuah junction in Samaria is also a Fatah member, Ma’an reveals Tuesday – confirming suspicions that the unity pact between Fatah and Hamas will lead to a dramatic upswing in terror attacks against Israelis.
Alaa Mohammed Awad Odeh, 31, shot at IDF soldiers late Monday night at the Tapuah junction near Ariel, in the second terror attack at the site in one week. IDF soldiers and Border Police immediately shot and killed Odeh; one soldier was lightly wounded and treated at the scene by army medics.
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Palestinians claim man shot by police was unarmed
Hamas praises attack by man identified as Fatah member; wounded border policeman involved in similar incident last year
3 June 2014, 12:10 pm
A Palestinian man who was killed by Border Police in the West Bank Monday night was unarmed and had not opened fire on Israeli forces before being killed, his family said Tuesday. Israeli reports indicated that the man had first shot and hit an Israeli policeman before being killed by return fire.
The man, identified by relatives as Alaa Muhammad Awad Audah, 30, had arrived at a checkpoint near the Tapuah Junction in order to receive a shipment of cellphones for a store he owns, but was shot and killed as he approached, the Palestinian Ma’an news agency reported. Audah was married with two children, and his home village of Hawara declared three days of mourning, the report said.
According to Israel Radio, Palestinian witnesses said the man was an unarmed Fatah member who was not involved in any political activity. Fatah confirmed Audah was a member and said he had been killed “in cold blood.”
But the extremist movement Hamas, which has just joined a unity government with Fatah, praised the “shooting attack” as a “natural response to the crimes committed by the Zionist occupation.” Hamas spokesman Husam Badran added that “resistance is inherent in the minds and hearts of young Palestinians, and every effort to forget or cancel this resistance will end in failure.”
According to the IDF, Audah opened fire on Border Police forces near Tapuah Junction and was killed by return fire. One policeman was lightly injured in the incident.
The wounded policeman was hit twice in the legs and hospitalized in stable condition, but still managed to shoot the attacker. The same officer had been involved in an incident in November at the same junction, when a Palestinian was killed after he attacked an army post with a flare gun, the Hebrew news site Walla reported.
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JUNE 3, 2014 12:00 PM
Day After Unity Deal, Hamas Lauds Terrorist Shooting at Israeli Checkpoint (AUDIO)

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) new partner, Hamas, praised an overnight shooting attack against soldiers at a checkpoint in northern Samaria, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported.
The Gaza-based group lauded what it called “the shooting attack that took place at the Tapuach Junction in eastern Shechem that led to the death of Alaa Mahmoud Odeh and the wounding of a Zionist soldier,” Ma’ariv said.
Israeli troops shot and killed Odeh, 31, of the village of Awartaa when he pulled out a pistol and opened fire on them, near midnight.
But while Hamas hailed the shooting attack as “heroic,” rival-turned-partner Fatah denied that he was armed.
The group is headed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who recently signed a unity deal with the terrorist organization, and swore in a 17-member joint government on Monday.
“The blood of the victim was not shed in vain; he was shot in cold blood,” said a statement released by the group, Channel 10news said.
In the call, a quick volley of shots are first heard, and then an individual in the vehicle who is apparently waiting for the dispatcher asks a second person, “Do you see who was killed?” as both try to figure out where the shooting is taking place:
Dispatcher: “Call center.”
Motorist: “Shalom. There are shots being fired at Tapuach Junction.”
Dispatcher: “Yes.”
Two shots ring out.
Motorist: “There – did you hear that?”
An initial investigation revealed that after Odeh pulled out a gun and opened fire, the senior Border Guard soldier and a Nahal Brigade soldier at the scene charged towards the terrorist and fired back, killing him, according to Army Radio.
“I received an alert from (an Israeli) resident that a suspicious individual was at the hitchhiking post near the checkpoint,” the border guard said.
“I sent the (IDF) soldier to check the suspect, and then saw he was firing at us,” he said. “I and the Nahal Brigade soldier charged and ‘neutralized’ the terrorist.”
One soldier sustained a light-to-moderate wound in his leg during the firefight, and was evacuated to Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva a short time later.
IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, who was in the area, visited the scene of the attack minutes after it transpired. Army reinforcements were deployed to the scene.
Gantz congratulated the soldiers on their bravery, according to Israel’s Channel 2.
Groups of Palestinians later gathered nearby and hurled stones at passing Israeli motorists, wounding two who were hit by the rock barrages. Security forces dispersed them.
Later Tuesday afternoon, several dozen Israelis gathered in the same area, charging that “terrorism had again reared it’s head,” and demanded the IDF be more proactive in quelling attacks.
The locale has been the site of numerous attacks against soldiers and Israeli civilians.
Last Friday, IDF troops thwarted a would-be suicide bomber who approached them, and later fanned out in hot pursuit of his accomplices.
IDF sources said the terror cell provided the suspect, a Shechem (Nablus) – area resident, with clear instructions on how to perpetrate the attack.
A senior source at the IDF Central Command told Ma’ariv daily that they had no prior intelligence alerts that such an attack was in the offing.
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Israel: Troops Kill Palestinian Gunman at West Bank Checkpoint
June 3, 2014, 3:24 AM GMT-4 / Updated June 3, 2014, 4:24 AM GMT-4 / Source: Reuters
RAMALLAH West Bank – Israeli troops on Tuesday shot dead a Palestinian who the military said had opened fire and wounded a soldier at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.
The Palestinian mainstream Fatah group identified the man as Alaa Odeh, a 30-year-old mobile phone shop owner, and along with relatives accused soldiers of killing him in cold blood.
In a statement, the military said “a Palestinian gunman opened fire and wounded a border policemen, and the force returned fire, killing the perpetrator.”
It posted on Twitter a photograph of a pistol on the ground and said the attacker had fired six shots. Odeh’s family was quoted as saying in media reports that he was at the checkpoint awaiting a delivery of phones.

The night-time incident came hours after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas swore in a new unity government, healing a rift with Hamas Islamists in Gaza, and raising tensions with Israel.
The shooting occurred at the same checkpoint where troops, four days ago, arrested a Palestinian who the military said was wearing an explosives belt.
U.S.-led peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians collapsed in April and some analysts have warned of a possible spike in violence given the lack of any clear way forward to resolve the generations-old conflict.
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نابلس: استشهاد علاء عودة (30 عاما) برصاص الاحتلال على حاجز زعترة
تاريخ النشر: 03/06/2014 – 04:50
ذكرت مصادر فلسطينية أن الشهيد الذي سقط برصاص الاحتلال بعد منتصف الليلة الماضية على حاجز زعترة العسكري القريب من مدينة نابلس، هو الشاب علاء عودة ( 30 عاما)، من بلدة حوارة القريبة من حاجز زعترة .
وكانت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية ذكرت فجر اليوم أن مواطنا فلسطينيا استشهد جراء إطلاق قوة من جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي النار عليه في جنوب مدينة نابلس في الضفة الغربية، بعد منتصف ليل الاثنين – الثلاثاء.
ونقلت عن سلطات الاحتلال ادعاؤها بأن الفلسطيني أطلق النار على قوة تابعة لوحدة حرس الحدود وأصاب أحد أفرادها بجروح وُصفت بأنها طفيفة، قبل أن يطلق أفراد القوة النار عليه وأردوه قتيلا.
ووفقا للجيش الإسرائيلي فإن الفلسطيني وصل إلى حاجز زعترة الواقع جنوب مدينة نابلس وأطلق النار باتجاه قوة حرس الحدود من مسدس بحوزته، وأن أحد أفراد حرس الحدود وجندي من جيش الاحتلال أطلقا النار عليه واستشهد في المكان.
وهرعت إلى المكان قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال، كما وصل إلى الحاجز رئيس أركان جيش الاحتلال، بيني غانتس. وتم نقل الجندي الإسرائيلي الجريح إلى مستشفى “بيلينسون” في مدينة بيتاح تيكفا.
وذكرت تقارير صحافية فلسطينية أن قوات الاحتلال أغلقت حاجز زعترة وأعلنت أن المكان هو منطقة عسكرية مغلقة ومنعت المواطنين الفلسطينيين من الاقتراب من موقع الحدث. وأفاد شهود عيان فلسطينيون بأن قوات الاحتلال منعت وصول طواقم الإسعاف الأولي الفلسطينية إلى المكان والاقتراب من الشهيد الذي نزف حتى استشهد.
وسبق ذلك مواجهات بين قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال والمواطنين الفلسطينيين في عدة مناطق في نابلس، بينها مخيم بلاطة، بعد وصول عدد كبير من المستوطنين بحافلات إلى “قبر يوسف” في المدينة بادعاء أداء صلوات فيه. وألقى الشبان الفلسطينيون الحجارة على قوات الاحتلال التي كانت تطلق قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع.
Nablus: Alaa Odeh, 30, was killed by israeli gunfire at the Za’atra checkpoint
Published: 03/06/2014 – 04:50
Palestinian sources said that the martyr who was shot dead by the israeli occupation after midnight last night at the Za’atra military checkpoint near Nablus city, was a 30-year-old man from the town of Hawara near the Zaatra checkpoint.
Israeli media reported earlier in the day that a Palestinian was killed when an Israeli occupying army shot him south of the West Bank city of Nablus, just after midnight Monday-Tuesday.
The israeli authorities quoted the israeli authorities as claiming that the Palestinian had shot and killed a border guard unit and wounded one of its members, which was described as minor, before being shot dead by members of the force.
According to the Israeli army, the Palestinian arrived at the Za’atra checkpoint south of Nablus and opened fire at the border guard force with a pistol in his possession, and was shot and killed by a border guard and an Israeli army soldier.
Large forces from the Occupying Army rushed to the scene, and the chief of staff of the occupying army, Benny Gantz, arrived at the checkpoint. The wounded Israeli soldier was taken to The Belinson Hospital in the town of Petah Tikva.
According to Palestinian press reports, the Israeli occupation forces closed the Za’atra checkpoint and declared the place a closed military zone and prevented Palestinian citizens from approaching the site of the incident. According to Palestinian eyewitnesses, the Israeli occupation forces prevented Palestinian first aid crews from reaching the scene and approaching the martyr, who bled to death.
This was preceded by clashes between large israeli troops and Palestinian citizens in several areas of Nablus, including the Balata refugee camp, after a large number of settlers arrived by bus at The Tomb of Joseph in the city, claiming to have prayed there. Palestinian youths threw stones at the occupying forces, who were firing tear gas canisters.
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فيديو يكشف كيف قتل جنود الاحتلال الشاب علاء عودة على حاجز زعترة بالقرب من نابلس صباح اليوم
رام الله – دنيا الوطن
قتلت قوات الاحتلال صباح اليوم الثلاثاء شابا فلسطينيا على حاجز زعترة شمال الضفة الغربية.
وأدعت المصادر العبرية أن جندي من قوات الاحتلال أصيب بعد قيام الشاب علاء عودة (30 عاما) بإطلاق النار عليهم من مسدس بحوزته، ووصفت المصادر إصابة الجندي بالطفيفة.
وقالت مصادر محلية فلسطينية أن قوات الاحتلال تمنع طواقم إسعاف الهلال الأحمر من الوصول للمكان حتى لحظة كتابة الخبر.
واقتحمت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي منزل عائلة الشهيد وهو من بلدة حوارة جنوب نابلس شمال الضفة الغربية المحتلة، وأبلغت عائلته باستشهاده الليلة الماضية، وفتشت منزله واستجوبت أهله.
وقال مواطنون إن دوريات الاحتلال انتشرت خلال ساعات الفجر في جميع أنحاء البلدة وداهمت منزل ومحل للاتصالات يملكه الشهيد وأجروا تفتيشا مكثفا فيه، عقب الكشف عن هويته بعد إطلاق النار عليه على حاجز زعترة جنوب البلدة.
وأفادت مصادر محليه نقلًا عن شاهد عيان كان متواجدًا على الحاجز لحظة استشهاد عودة بأنه كان متوجهًا إلى مدينة رام الله ولم يكن مسلحًا، وأطلق أحد الجنود النار على قدمه بعد وقوفه خلف مركبه على الحاجز ما أدى لسقوطه على الأرض، وبعد ذلك أطلق الجنود وابلًا من أسلحتهم وأغلقوا الحاجز على الفور.
وأكد أهالي البلدة أن عودة لم يكن له نشاط سياسي، وأنه تاجر أجهزة خلوية وأعدم بدم بارد الليلة الماضية على الحاجز.
وشهدت البلدة حالة من الحداد على روح الشهيد أغلقت المحال التجارية منذ ساعات الصباح.
Video reveals how israeli soldiers killed young Alaa Odeh at the Zaatra checkpoint near Nablus this morning
Ramallah – Dunya Al Watan
Israeli troops killed a Palestinian youth tuesday morning at the Za’atra checkpoint in the northern West Bank.
The Israeli army has been trying to prevent the israeli army from carrying out its activities in the occupied Palestinian self-rule sector.
Palestinian local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces are preventing Red Crescent ambulance crews from reaching the place until the time of writing.
The Israeli occupying forces raided the family home of al-Shaheed, from the town of Huwara, south of Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank, and informed his family of his death last night, searched his house and interrogated his family.
Residents said that israeli patrols spread during the early hours throughout the town and raided a house and a communications shop owned by the martyr and conducted an intensive search there, after his identity was revealed after he was shot at the Za’atra checkpoint south of the town.
According to local sources, quoting an eyewitness who was present at the checkpoint at the moment of the martyrdom of Odeh that he was heading to ramallah and was not armed, and one of the soldiers fired on his foot after standing behind his boat on the checkpoint, which led to his fall to the ground, and then the soldiers fired a barrage of their weapons and closed the barrier To me right away.
Residents of the town confirmed that Odeh had no political activity, and that he had traded mobile devices and was executed in cold blood last night at the checkpoint.
The town witnessed a state of mourning for the martyr and shops have been closed since the morning hours.
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June 4, 2014 · by IWPS Team · in Army Attack, Human Rights
Initial reports from the Israeli military stated that soldiers had opened fire on Odeh, after he shot and wounded a member of the Israeli border police – a story that has been condemned by Odeh’s friends and family. According to them, he had gone to the checkpoint that night to get an order of cell phones, and had left his taxi to pick up the delivery. As he approached the checkpoint on foot, Israeli soldiers opened fire, shooting him first in the legs, then the upper body, over fourteen times. Witnesses report that a Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulance arrived at the scene while Odeh was still alive, however the soldiers did not allow the medics to treat him, or take the body to a hospital. This story has been corroborated by the taxi driver, as well as other Palestinian eyewitnesses.

Alaa Mohammad Odeh was a Fatah terrorist. He arrived at the Za’atra military checkpoint and opened fire at the border guard force with a pistol. He was shot and killed by a border guard policeman and an Israeli army soldier. One Israeli soldier sustained light-to-moderate wounds in his leg during the firefight, he was hit twice in the leg and still managed to kill the terrorist.
Palestinian media gave a different account of the incident. They stated that Odeh was not armed when he arrived at the military checkpoint. Upon his arrival, one of the soldiers stationed there shot himself in the leg by accident and fell to the ground. This prompted other soldiers to fire multiple rounds at Odeh, killing him. Palestinian media also wrote that Odeh was not engaged in any political activity.
As far as political activity was concerned, Odeh was a Fatah operative which was corroborated by various media statements, martyr posters, and Fatah itself. Unarmed? There is a picture of the pistol alongside Odeh’s ID papers. Soldier shot himself in the leg accidentally? Twice? The Palestinian allegations are proven false by the corroborated facts reported by various media sources and by B’Tselem, a pro-Palestinian NGO. Most noteworthy, is the fact that Hamas praised Odeh’s attack, directly contradicting his family’s statements that he was not armed and executed by the Israeli military.
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“حركة فتح تدين جريمة اغتيال الشاب علاء عودة وتؤكد استمرارها في طريق الوحدة والنضال”
04 يوليو 2014 – 11:08
حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني – فتح:
بسم الله الرحـمن الرحـيم
بيان صادر عن الهيئة القيادية العليا لحركة فتح في قطاع غزة
“حركة فتح تدين جريمة اغتيال الشاب علاء عودة وتؤكد استمرارها في طريق الوحدة والنضال”
تدين الهيئة القيادية العليا لحركة “فتـــــح” في قطاع غزة جريمة اغتيال الشاب علاء عودة، بعد إطلاق الرصاص عليه من قِبل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على حاجز زعترة جنوب نابلس، والتي تأتي في إطار الردود الإسرائيلية على إعلان حكومة التوافق الوطني الفلسطيني، حيث كثفت قوات الاحتلال عمليات المداهمة والاعتقال والاستيطان، وصعدت إجراءاتها العنصرية ضد الأسرى الذين يخوضون إضراباً عن الطعام منذ اثنين و أربعين يوماً، إلى جانب سلسلة من الإجراءات “العقابية” المرفوضة، التي أقرتها ضد السلطة الوطنية على الرغم من حالة الإجماع الدولي على دعم حكومة التوافق الوطني .
إن حركة “فتــــح” في قطاع غزة إذ تنعى الشهيد علاء عودة، فإنها تعاهد الشهيد و جميع أبناء شعبنا على الاستمرار في طريق الوحدة الوطنية، ومسيرة النضال ،والتمسك بالثوابت والتصدي للحملة الإسرائيلية الشرسة التي تستهدف في المقام الأول مصادرة القرار الوطني الفلسطيني المستقل، ليتسنى لها القفز على حقوق شعبنا المشروعة، وهو ما لم تسمح به حركة فتح التي كانت ولا تزال وستبقى صمام الأمان لشعبنا، فدماء الشهداء وآلام الأسرى وتضحيات شعبنا بكل أشكالها ستظل حاضرة فى وجداننا ، وبوحدتنا الوطنية النابعة من إرادتنا ، وبصمودنا وثباتنا سيتحقق الإنجاز الوطنى بإقامة دولتنا الفلسطينية المستقلة ذات السيادة وعاصمتها القدس الشريف.
المجد والخلود لشهدائنا الأبرار
الحرية لأسرانا البواسل
وإنها لثورة حتى النصر
الهيئة القيادية العليا لحركة فتح في قطاع غزة
Fatah condemns the assassination of young Alaa Odeh and confirms its continuation on the path of unity and struggle
Palestinian National Liberation Movement -Fatah:
In the name of God, the merciful, the merciful.
Statement issued by fatah’s top leadership in the Gaza Strip
“Fatah condemns the assassination of young Alaa Odeh and confirms its continuation on the path of unity and struggle””
The supreme leadership of the Fatah movement in the Gaza Strip condemns the assassination of young Alaa Odeh, after he was shot by Israeli occupation soldiers at the Za’atra checkpoint south of Nablus, which comes as part of the Israeli responses to the announcement of the Palestinian National Consensus Government, where the forces of The occupation raids, arrests and settlements, and stepped up its racist measures against prisoners who have been on hunger strike for forty-two days, along with a series of “punitive” measures rejected, which it adopted against the National Authority despite the international consensus to support The government of national consensus.
The movement of “Fatah” in the Gaza Strip, in which it mourns the martyr Alaa Odeh, pledges the martyr and all our people to continue on the path of national unity, the march of struggle, and to stick to the constants and to confront the fierce Israeli campaign, which is aimed primarily at confiscating the Palestinian national decision. The blood of martyrs, the pain of prisoners and the sacrifices of our people in all its forms will continue to be present in our conscience, and with our national unity stemming from our will, and with our steadfastness and steadfastness, the achievement will be achieved. The national establishment of our independent and sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
Glory and immortality for our righteous martyrs.
Freedom for our brave families
And it’s a revolution to victory.
Fatah’s top leadership in the Gaza Strip
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“As he approached the checkpoint on foot, Israeli soldiers opened fire, shooting him first in the legs, then the upper body, over fourteen times. Witnesses report that a Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulance arrived at the scene while Odeh was still alive, however the soldiers did not allow the medics to treat him ….”
B’Tselem, a pro Palestinan human rights NGO: “Shot to death by soldiers and Border Police officers at Za’tara checkpoint after he fired a handgun at them, injuring a soldier.”
The B’Tselem narrative is corroborated by media reports and by Hamas who praised “the attack”. The allegation that when an ambulance arrived at the scene, Odeh was still alive, is not supported by the facts. This is a picture of Odeh after he had just been shot:

The appearance of the body and the fact that he was shot 14 times makes it highly unlikely that he was alive when the ambulance arrived. In addition, the allegation that the soldiers did not allow the medics to treat him is also patently false, he was dead when they arrived.