
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
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Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
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Mutaz Atallah Qassem, 22 years old, was shot dead on October 21, 2015 near Ramallah after allegedly attacking an Israeli soldier and settler near the illegal Adam settlement in the Ramallah district. He was from the town of al-Eizariya.
Sources: Ma’an News, Al Jazeera
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
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Palestinian shot dead near Ramallah after stabbing Israeli soldier
OCT. 21, 2015 4:51 P.M. (UPDATED: DEC. 26, 2015 1:06 P.M.)

RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot dead near Ramallah after allegedly attacking an Israeli soldier and settler near the illegal Adam settlement in the Ramallah district.
The Israeli army confirmed that a soldier, reportedly 19, was critically wounded after earlier reports suggested the victim was a civilian settler.
Israeli police said the suspect stabbed the Israeli soldier in the neck and was shot dead by Israeli forces.
A second suspect was detained at the scene and the area was closed off, he added.
The Palestinian liaison office identified the suspect as Mutaz Atallah Qassem, 22, from the town of al-Eizariya.
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One attacker shot and killed at scene, security forces apprehend another suspect.

A terrorist stabbed and seriously wounded a female IDF soldier on Wednesday in an attack in Kikar Adam, north of Jerusalem in the Binyamin region. The wounded soldier was from the Home Front Command’s Kedem battalion.
A second female soldier shot and killed the knife attacker, the IDF said. Another suspect was apprehended near the scene of the attack.
According to Magen David Adom paramedics, the hurt 19-year-old victim suffered wounds to her upper body….
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Female soldier severely hurt in Wednesday attack regains consciousness
The female soldier who was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in the West Bank on Wednesday has regained consciousness, hospital officials say.
She remains in serious condition and is being treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.
The soldier, named as Dikla Magdish, 20, was stabbed by a Palestinian man near the Adam junction, near the Hizme checkpoint north of Jerusalem, on Wednesday.
The attacker, identified as 22-year-old Muataz Atallah Qassem of East Jerusalem’s Eizariya neighborhood, was shot and killed by a Home Front Command soldier at the scene.
A suspected accomplice was arrested.
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The condition of the seriously wounded female soldier is no longer life-threatening
The situation of the wounded soldier improved and is now stable
Dikla Magdish who was critically injured in the attack last Wednesday, has regained consciousness and started breathing without life-support
Channel Seven, 24/10/2015
Good news. Improvements continue this morning in the condition of Dikla Megidish, the soldier wounded in the terrorist’s brutal attack last Wednesday.
Magdish, who was hospitalized in the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, is conscious, breathing on her own, and her condition is moderate and stable.
Magdish, 19 years old, was badly injured in the brutal surprise attack. The terrorist who stabbed her in the neck was then killed by a female soldier, who was standing nearby. Two other terrorists were arrested, suspected of aiding the attack. “During a foot patrol in order to prevent the throwing of stones at Route 60, the terrorist stabbed my friend in the neck and I immediately fired several bullets at him. He moved towards me and I kept shooting in order to remove the threat”, described the friend after the attack.
On October 21, 2014, Mutaz Atallah Qassem was shot dead after stabbing a female IDF soldier in the neck. A second female soldier shot and killed the terrorist who was not affiliated with any Palestinian terror organization. A suspected accomplice was also arrested.
The soldier, 19 year old Dikla Magdish was critically injured and placed on life-support – she survived. The attack took place while the soldiers were on foot patrol. The soldier who shot and killed Qassem told a story of how, after he had stabbed her friend, Magdish, in the neck, she fired several bullets at him as he advanced on her, continued shooting until he was no longer a threat.
Wave of Terror 2015-2019
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The recent series of attacks against Israelis is the direct result of incitement by radical Islamist and terrorist elements, calling on Palestinian youth to murder Jews.
Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership. The Palestinian Authority goes so far as to pay convicted terrorists a monthly allowance – the more serious the offense, the more money they receive. The families of terrorists killed by Israeli security forces during a terror attack receive a monthly
“pension” as well.
According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorisn Information Center (ITIC), beginning in September 2015, there has been a wave of terrorist attacks which began on the Temple Mount and in east Jerusalem. The attacks later spread to Judea and Samaria and even crossed the Green Line into Israel under the battle cry of “Al-Aqsa mosque is in danger.”
The current wave of terrorist attacks is part of the PA’s strategy of “popular resistance” (i.e., popular terrorism) adopted by the PA and Fatah at the Sixth Fatah conference in August 2009. Statements by Fatah, Hamas and PIJ spokespersons have described the attacks as “heroic actions” and “the natural response to Israel’s crimes”.
The terrorist attacks, which had been concentrated in greater Jerusalem, spread to other locations in Israel, including Kiryat Gat in the south, Tel Aviv, Afula in the north, and Gan Shmuel (near Hadera) and Raanana (in the center of the country). The attacks have been carried out by young lone terrorists, most of them from east Jerusalem, and some from Judea and Samaria. There were also two Israeli Arabs (from Nazareth and Um el-Fahm), Palestinians staying in Israel illegally, two women and two children. They were motivated for the most part by the lie spread by the Palestinian media that Israel allegedly threatened Al-Aqsa mosque, as well as by the frustration, desperation and anger of the younger generation. Generally speaking, the terrorists have not been operatives of any established terrorist organization, and the current wave of terrorism has not been directed by any organization, but rather is directly inspired by the intensive incitement accompanying it.

منفذ عملية الطعن “معتز قاسم” يروي القدس من دماء غزة : حكاية عائلته الغزيّة وكيف غادرت إلى القدس ؟
رام الله – خاص دنيا الوطن
شاء القدر قبل 15 عاما ان يرحل المواطن عطالله قاسم”55 عاما” من مدينة رفح جنوب قطاع غزة الى مدينة القدس عاصمة دولة فلسطين، لينشئ مزرعة دواجن كمشروع تجارى هناك بعد خسارته الفادحة فى مزرعته سابقاً فى رفح.
رحل الاب من رفح حاملاً متاعه وابنائه السبعة تاركاً خلفه اخوانه واقاربه واحبابه، ليتمكن من انجاح مشروعه من جديد فى القدس وتسديد المبالغ المستحقة عليه لاصدقائه والتجار، بعد تحفيز اخواله المقيمين بالقدس للجوء اليها والاقامة فيها.
معتز قاسم ” 22 عاما” واحد من الابناء السبعة المقيمين بكنف والده فى منزلهم المستأجر فى القدس، ترعرع فى ازقتها الجميلة وتعلم فى مدارسها وزار القدس كثيراً، حتى منذ طفولته حاول الهجوم على جندى اسرائيلى يتجول داخل الاقصى معترضا على وجوده داخل اقصانا.
معتز الشاب المحبوب بين الجميع والاكثر محبة لدى اخوانه الثلاثة المعاقين نتيجة الشلل الدماغى، توجه لسوق العمل بعد الانتهاء من الثانوية العامة، وعمل فى شركة سنيورة لصناعة المرتديلا.
وفى اليوم الذى اختار فيه معتز وقرر ان يدافع عن الاقصى ويرتقى شهيداً الى العلا، غادر عمله داخل المصنع ليسجل له دوام جزئى، وطلب من اصدقائه فى المصنع قبل المغادرة ان يسامحوه جميعا، وحينما سألوه عن هذا الطلب المفأجئ، اجابهم بأن هذه رغبته، وانطلق ليودع امه فى المدرسة الخاصة التى تعمل فيها” حسبما قال والده”.
واضاف لدنيا الوطن” بعد مغادرة ابنى للمصنع عاد للبيت والتقيته على درج المنزل، وحينما سألته عن سبب عودته مبكراً للمنزل، تهرب من الاجابة حتى لا يضعف امامى ودخل المنزل قليلًا، وتوجه بعدها ليسلم على والدته، ولم تشعر والدته باى شئ، غادر بعدها لمسرح العملية والانتقام”.
مر هذا اليوم سريعا على معتز مودعاً لاهله واحبائه لينتقم للعربدة الاسرائيلية على القدس ودفاعا عنها، ليروى هذه المرة ارض القدس بدماء غزة.، بعدما تابع الظروف السياسية للقضية الفلسطينية ،والاجتماعية المغلقة فى وجه اسرته هناك، وزيادة معاناة الشعب الفلسطينى، فكان الانتقام والثأر.
استل سكينه وتوجه لنقطة تجمع جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلى، وهجم قبل يومين فى ساعات العصر على مجندة اسرائيلية وطعنها عدة طعنات، ولاحق جندى اخر محاولا طعنه امام الثكنة العسكرية، الا ان رصاص احدى المجندات اخترق جسده بعشرات الرصاصات لتصعد روحه الى السماء، بعيدا عن عائلته فى قطاع غزة واسرته فى القدس.
ويتابع والده لدنيا الوطن” انهالت الاتصالات علينا تبلغنا بالخبر بالاضافة لبلاغ الارتباط باستشهاده، والحمدلله ان الهمنا الله الصبر والسلوان، على الرغم من استغرابى من شعور وصبر اهالى الشهداء على التلفاز سابقا، وها انا اليوم اعيش نفس الاحساس”.
ولم يتم تسليم الشهيد لذويه ولم يسمحوا لهم بالقاء نظرة الوداع عليه داخل المستشفى، كما الكثير من الشهداء الذين اعلنت اسرائيل عنهم سيدفنوا فى مقبرة الارقام، وما زالت المجندة المصابة فى حال موت سريرى فى المستشفيات الاسرائيلية.
واشار والد الشهيد ان الاحتلال الاسرائيلى اعتقل ابنائه، وحاول فى ليلة تنفيذ معتز للعملية دخول العيزرية واقتحام منزله، الا ان سكان الحى وجيرانه تصدوا لعملية الاقتحام، وقد تم افتتاح بيت عزاء للشهيد فى العيزرية ورفح.
وتمنى قاسم الذى يعمل فى مجال صيانة الحاسوب، ان يعود واسرته الى قطاع غزة، رغم المحاولات الفاشلة بعودته لحصوله على رفض امنى من الاحتلال الاسرائيلى، وسيعمل فى الايام المقبلة على اعادة تقديم طلبات جديدة ليعود لغزة، ويعيش حياته بين اهله ورفاقه واحبابه.
The perpetrator of the stabbing ,”Moataz Qassem”, tells Jerusalem from the blood of Gaza: the story of his precious family and how did you leave for Jerusalem?
Umallah – Especially The World of The Homeland
15 years ago, fate wanted to leave 55-year-old Atallah Qassem from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip to Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine, to establish a poultry farm as a commercial project there after his heavy loss at his former farm in Rafah.
The father left Rafah carrying his seven belongings and children, leaving behind his brothers, relatives and loved ones, so that he could succeed his project again in Jerusalem and pay the amounts owed to his friends and merchants, after motivating his friends living in Jerusalem to take refuge in it and stay there.
Moataz Qassem, 22, one of the seven sons living in his father’s house in Jerusalem, grew up in its beautiful alleys and learned in its schools and visited Jerusalem a lot, even since his childhood he tried to attack an Israeli soldier walking around al-Aqsa objecting to his presence inside our border.
Moataz, a young man loved by all and the most loving of his three brothers disabled by cerebral palsy, went to the labor market after completing high school, and worked in the Company Of Siniora for the manufacture of the apostate.
On the day he chose Moataz and decided to defend al-Aqsa and raise a martyr to Alala, he left his work inside the factory to register him part-time, and asked his friends in the factory before leaving to forgive him all, and when they asked him about this sudden request, he answered them that this is his desire, and went to say goodbye to his mother in the private school “You work there,” his father said.
This day passed quickly on Moataz, calling on his family and loved ones to avenge the Israeli of Jerusalem and its defense, this time to irrigate the land of Jerusalem with the blood of Gaza. Revenge and revenge.
He took his knife and went to the gathering point of the Israeli occupation soldiers, and attacked two days ago in the afternoon on an Israeli female soldier and stabbed her several stabwounds, and pursued another soldier trying to stab him in front of the military barracks, but the bullets of one of the soldiers penetrated his body with dozens of bullets to climb his soul to the sky, away from his family in the Gaza Strip Gaza and his family in Jerusalem.
“The contacts with us have been informed of the news in addition to the communication of the link to his martyrdom, and thank God that god has given us patience and patience, despite the astonishment of the feelings and patience of the people of the martyrs on television before, and here I am today living the same feeling,” he said.
The martyr was not handed over to his family and did not allow them to take a good look at him inside the hospital, and many of the martyrs announced by Israel will be buried in the cemetery of numbers, and the injured soldier is still in the event of my death in Israeli hospitals.
The palestinian minister said the israeli army had arrested the soldiers and said they were not aware of the attack.
The united nations has been working to find a way to achieve the goal of a free trade agreement between the two countries, the statement said.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that beginning in September 2015, “Israel has experience a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young.” These acts of terrorism were the result of incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and encouraged by the Palestinian leadership.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that an examination of the identities of these terror operatives revealed a characteristic shared by all – they are young lone actors that are not members of any established terrorist organization. They were basically motivated, incited by the same false narrative spread by the Palestinian media that Israel is allegedly a threat to the al-Aqsa mosque. This is exactly the case with Mutaz Qassam.
The article in Dunya al-Watan tells a story of incitement and explains what motivated Mutaz Qassam. It begins with the following statement: “… even since his childhood he tried to attack an Israeli soldier walking around al-Aqsa objecting to his presence inside our border.”
The article’s narrative continues: “On the day he chose Moataz and decided to defend al-Aqsa and raise a martyr to Alala ….”
“Revenge and revenge”
“He took his knife and went to the gathering point of the Israeli occupation soldiers, and attacked two days ago in the afternoon on an Israeli female soldier and stabbed her several stabwounds, and pursued another soldier trying to stab him in front of the military barracks, but the bullets of one of the soldiers penetrated his body with dozens of bullets to climb his soul to the sky….”
Mutaz Qassam is the quintessential story of “popular resistance” (i.e., popular terrorism), terrorism adopted by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah at the Sixth Fatah conference in August 2009.
Mutaz Atallah Qassem … was shot dead … after allegedly attacking an Israeli soldier and settler …
Qassem did not “allegedly” attack an Israeli soldier. An incident that is “alleged” is an incident without proof that it actually took place. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Qassem stabbed Dikla Magdish in the neck and was then shot dead.
An Israeli soldier was not merely “attacked”. She was stabbed in the neck.
No “settler” was attacked in the incident.