
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 15 unaffiliated terror operatives/rioters found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE.
لعرض صور لـ 15 من الناشطين الإرهابيين/المشاغبين غير المنتسبين إلى مواقع فلسطين، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
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Bahaa Samir Badir, 13 years old, was killed on Thursday October 16, 2014 when Israeli forces raided the West Bank village of Beit Laqiya. The IOF shot Bahaa 3 times in the chest, and he died 2 hours later at the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. Ma’an reports the boy was shot at “close range” and suffered from “severe bleeding”. Haaretz reported the unit’s commander “open fired” killing the boy.
According to Mondoweiss, the Israeli military police will be investigating the circumstances surrounding the killing of the boy by the Israeli military. These investigations almost never result in any disciplinary action– let alone criminal charges.
Bahaa’s death brings the total number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank so far this year to 42, in addition to the nearly 2,200 Palestinians slain during Israel’s summer offensive across Gaza.
Bahaa’s death is not an isolated incident. Rather, it is part of a larger Israeli strategy to target Palestinian youth to strip Palestinian society of its core. There was nothing violent about Bahaa, but he was a Palestinian child, one of Israel’s biggest threats. We will always remember you, Bahaa.
Sources: Mondoweiss, Ma’an News, Haaretz
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- GINGER October 16, 2014 at 11:08 pm REPLYI’d give my own life for that of a child. My heart and soul cries. Like
- ROSEMARY HELEN BROUGHAM October 17, 2014 at 4:54 am REPLYGod welcome you, Bahaa, and bring your murderer to justice.Like
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH October 17, 2014 at 8:57 am REPLYMy sincere condolences to your family and friends. Bahaa, your life, all your hopes and dreams were stolen from you by war criminals. In your memory we will continue the fight for freedom for Palestine.Like
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER October 18, 2014 at 12:20 am REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme humLike
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Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
HA’ARETZ 10/26/14

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Palestinian Family Says It Has Proof Boy Shot by IDF Troops Posed No Threat
Bahaa Samir Badr was hit by a bullet in a West Bank village on October 16 when troops opened fire on Palestinians they said were throwing firebombs; he died on the way to the hospital.
Jack Khoury Oct 26, 2014 8:31 AM
The family of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli soldiers this month says it has footage showing that the boy did not throw a firebomb or otherwise endanger the soldiers who had entered his…
The IDF spokesman said in response that a violent, illegal disturbance took place in Beit Laqia on October 16, during which several rioters threw stones and firebombs at an IDF unit. One rioter threw firebombs from a short distance. The soldiers felt their life was in danger and after one of the firebombs hit the vehicle they opened fire, wounding the rioter critically. He was taken to hospital and later died.”
HA’ARETZ 10/16/14

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Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Teen in West Bank Clashes
Army says forces returned fire after Palestinians hurled firebombs at them.
Jack Khoury Oct 16, 2014 8:56 PM
A Palestinian teen critically wounded in clashes with Israeli security forces in the West Bank died in a Ramallah hospital on Thursday.
According to the Israeli army, a unit entered the village after stones were thrown in the area. As the unit left the village, soldiers stepped off their vehicle to repair an unspecified malfunction when Palestinians started hurling firebombs at them, from a distance of about 20 meters, the army said. The unit commander opened fire at the Palestinians, killing the teen. Military Police is expected to investigate the incident.

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الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النار ويقتل فتى في الضفة الغربية
بهاء بدر، 13 عام، يموت جراء طلقة نارية في الصدر. يقول الجيش الإسرائيليانه القى قنبلة حارقة على الجنود؛ قوات السلطة الفلسطينية تقتل فلسطيني في الخليل
إيلان بن تسيون 17 أكتوبر 2014, 09:37
قتل صبي فلسطيني بالرصاص على يد جنود إسرائيليين قرب رام الله مساء الخميس بعد إلقاءه زجاجة حارقة.
ذكرت وسائل الإعلام الفلسطينية أن بهاء سمير بدر (13 عام)، أصيب في صدره من قوات الجيش الإسرائيلي في بلده بيت لقيا في الضفة الغربية.
وقال الجيش الإسرائيلي أن جنديا أطلق النار على الصبي عندما ألقى قنبلة حارقة على الوحدة بينما كانت تغادر القرية في شمال رام الله، بالقرب من مستوطنة بيت إيل في الضفة الغربية.
The Israeli army opens and kills a boy in the West Bank
Bahaa Badr, 13, dies from a gunshot to the chest. The Israeli army says it threw a Molotov cocktail at the soldiers; Palestinian Authority forces killed a Palestinian in Hebron
Ilan Bin Tzion October 17, 2014, 09:37
A Palestinian boy was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers near Ramallah on Thursday evening after throwing a Molotov cocktail.
Palestinian media reported that Bahaa Samir Badr, 13, was wounded in the chest by IDF forces in his home, Beit Liqia, in the West Bank.
The Israeli army said that a soldier shot the boy when he threw a Molotov cocktail at the unit as it was leaving the village in northern Ramallah, near the Beit El settlement in the West Bank.

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Palestinian boy killed near Ramallah, firebombs thrown at J’lem building
IDF open fire at youth who threw firebomb during West Bank clash; in separate incident, Molotov cocktails thrown at police car, building in capital.
Noam (Dabul) Dvir |Published: 10.17.14 , 00:11
A 13-year-old Palestinian boy was killed on Thursday by IDF fire after he threw a Molotov cocktail during clashes in the Palestinian town of Beit Liqya in the West Bank.
In a separate incident, four firebombs were hurled at a residential building in Jerusalem. Also on Thursday, vandals threw firebombs at a police car and at a vehicle belonging to an Arab resident of Silwan in east Jerusalem.
In Beit Liqya, Bahaa Samir Badir (13) was killed during clashes that erupted between IDF troops and locals. The violence broke out when the forces entered the village after rioters threw stones at the security fence. An initial investigation by the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division revealed that local Palestinians began throwing firebombs at army jeeps that were leaving the area.
After one of the firebombs was hurled from a close range, the troops felt their lives were in danger and thus opened fire. No injuries were sustained by IDF soldiers. A Military Police investigation will be carried out into the incident.
Director Ahmed Betawai of the Ramallah Hospital said that 13-year-old Badir was shot three times in the chest and died of his wounds about two hours after the incident…

حماس تنعي الشهيد بهاء بدر وتدعو لتصعيد المقاومة

الجمعة 17 أكتوبر 2014 10:36 ص / بتوقيت القدس +2GMT
نعت حركة “حماس” الشهيدبهاء الدين سمير بدر (13عامًا) الذي ارتقى أمس خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في قرية بيت لقيا غرب رام الله، في مسيرات تضامنية مع المسجد الأقصى المبارك.
وقدمت الحركة التهاني لعائلة الشهيد بدر وأهالي قريته بيت لقيا، وعموم أبناء الشعب الفلسطيني، داعية للثأر للشهيد وتصعيد المقاومة ردًا على جرائم الاحتلال.واعتبرت تجدد دماء الشهادة في الضفة الغربية على أعتاب المسجد الأقصى المبارك تأكيداً على التفاف الشعب الفلسطيني حول حقوقه وتمترسه خلف مقدساته وإصراره على حمايتها والدفاع عنها.ودعت حماس الجماهير الفلسطينية للتعبير عن التحامها بقضية الأقصى ومدينة القدس والانخراط في المسيرات التي تشهدها الضفة الغربية في جمعة الدفاع عن الأقصى.
Hamas mourns the martyr Bahaa Badr and calls for an escalation of resistance
Fri 17 Oct 2014 10:36 am/Jerusalem time + 2GMT
The “Hamas ” martyr child Baha al-Din Samir Badr, 13, who rose on Thursday during confrontations with the Israeli occupation in the village of Beit Kalla, west of Ramallah, in solidarity marches with the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The movement congratulated the family of the martyr Badr and the people of his village, Beit Akra, and all the Palestinian people, calling for revenge for the Martyr and escalation of resistance in response to the crimes of the occupation.
The renewed blood of testimony in the West Bank on the doorstep of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque was seen as an affirmation of the Palestinian people’s circumvention of their rights and their determination to protect and defend them.
Hamas called on the Palestinian public to express its commitment to the Al-Aqsa issue and the city of Jerusalem and to engage in marches in the West Bank in the Juma al-Aqsa defence.
On October 16, 2014, an Israeli army unit entered the West Bank village of Beit Liqya after stones were thrown in the area. As the unit was leaving the village, soldiers got out of their vehicle to repair a malfunction when several Palestinians started throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at them. One rioter threw a firebomb from a short distance, about 20 meters.
After Bahaa Samir Badr hurled a Molotov cocktail at the jeep from close range, IDF soldiers opened fire, hitting him three times and wounding him. Two hours later he died of his wounds.
Hamas published a mourning poster honoring and memorializing the death of Bahaa Samir Badr. They referred to him as the Hamas martyr child who rose during confrontations with the Israeli occupation. While no Hamas affiliation is evident in any of the Hamas narrative, one thing is clear, Badr was a combatant who confronted the IDF. This is why Hamas congratulated Bahaa Samir Badr’s family.
“Bahaa Samir Badir, 13 years old, was killed … shot … 3 times in the chest, … at “close range” ….”
The fact that Bahaa Samir Badir was shot 3 times at close range is correct. But what the website left out was the fact that Badir hurled Molotov cocktails at the IDF from a short distance, about 20 meters, and after one of the firebombs hit the IDF vehicle, he was shot in self defense.
By omitting this material fact, the website is falsifying the narrative.
“Haaretz reported the unit’s commander “open fire” killing the boy.”
Haaretz DID NOT characterize (report) the incident as an IDF commander, unprovoked, who for no known reason, opened fire killing the teen, “the unit’s [IDF] commander opened fire killing the boy.” Again, the original Humanize Palestine website leaves out a material fact to falsify the narrative.
Haaretz DID report that as the IDF unit left the village, soldiers stepped off their vehicle to repair a malfunction and when they did, Palestinians, Badr, started hurling firebombs at them from a distance of about 20 meters. The unit commander, THEN, opened fire at the Palestinians, killing the teen.
“Bahaa’s death is not an isolated incident … part of a larger Israeli strategy to target Palestinian youth … There was nothing violent about Bahaa, but he was a Palestinian child, one of Israel’s biggest threats.”
“Nothing violent about Bahaa”? He was shot and killed when he threw Molotov cocktails at an IDF vehicle. Hamas, a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, congratulated Badr’s family for the violent actions of their son that resulted in his death, they issued a mourning poster to commemorate his death.