بتسيلم – عبدالله عمارة
בצלם – עבדאללה אמארה

(taken from the B’Tselem webpage)
‘Abdallah Mansur Radwan ‘Amarah
23 years old, resident of Gaza city, killed on 20 Jul 2014 in Gaza City, by gunfire from an aircraft. Participated in hostilities member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed in his family’s home in the neighborhood of a-Shuja’yah.
“… killed … by gunfire …”
“Killed in his family’s home ….”

The story of his martyrdom
He bade farewell to his family, neighbors and friends before joining to participate in the food storm battle, and when our martyr was working in the signal unit in the Shujaiya neighborhood, and on Sunday 20-7-2014 AD, where the Zionist planes targeted him, after they monitored the place where he was working, and he was accompanied by one of the mujahideen And he was hit all over his body, and the house he and his companions fell on him, and they remained under the rubble for hours, until they were pulled out as two martyrs, may God have mercy on her.

Stations in his life
He was active in the work of the mosque’s committees, especially in the social committee, then joined the ranks of the Qassam Brigades in 2001 AD, worked in the field of military industrialization, received training courses in the signal corps and field command, and participated in repelling a number of repeated enemy invasions of the border areas. A field commander in the Qassam signal corps.
His martyrdom
The Zionist enemy aircraft targeted the house where Alaa was stationed, accompanied by his friend Abdullah Amara, with an F16 missile, after they left the dawn prayer, which led to their martyrdom on 7/20/2014.
Abdulla Amara bid farewell to his family, his neighbors, his friends, he left his home to participate in the 2014 Gaza war as an al-Qassam Brigades terror combatant.
He went to work in the al-Qassam Brigades Signal Corps, military radio communications, which the terror organization located in the “Abu Qasim” building, the Abdullah Mansour Building, a family owned structure. Amara was “working the signal weapon” with one other terror operative, Alaa Barda, a field commander in the signal corps.
Their radio traffic was monitored by the IDF, their location was identified, they were targeted and killed by a missile fired by an F-16.
Read Abdulla Amara’s complete narrative by clicking HERE
The B’Tselem databases create the illusion that Palestinian combatants killed by the Israeli security apparatus are victims, victims of an “occupier“. The Abdulla Amara narrative is an example of this misinformation.
Amara, B’Tselem alleges, was killed in his family’s home by gunfire from an Israeli aircraft. This narrative creates an issue of moral legitimacy, that Israel does not adhere to conventionally accepted standards of conduct. B’Tselem would have the reader believe that Amara was killed in his home, and at the time, not engaged in combat. The B’Tselem narrative promotes the allegation that Israel recklessly attacks civilian targets, the homes of Palestinians. The B’Tselem story simply places Amara in his home when he is killed for no obvious reason.
The entire B’Tselem narrative, however, is patently false.
Amara was not killed in his home, he could not have been in his home. He had bid farewell to his family and neighbors. In fact, he was killed while in a family owned building, the Abdullah Mansour Building.
Amara was not killed by gunfire from an aircraft. He was targeted and killed by a missile fired by an Israeli F-16.
Amara was not simply “present” when killed, he was actively engaged in combat with this al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, Alaa Jamal al-Din Mohammed Bourda:

Bourda was a field commander in the al-Qassam Brigades Signal Corps and Amara also worked in the Signal Corps, military radio communications, command and control. The two died together while “working“, when they were targeted by an IDF missile.
While the B’Tselem narrative was patently false, it did succeed in defining Amara as a victim, a victim of the false allegation that Israel targets of the homes of Palestinian civilians.
Abdulla Amara, the terror operative combatant, re-imagined by B’Tselem as the victim.
While the B’Tselem databases have re-imagined Palestinian terror operative combatants as victims, the U.S. Department of Justice has identified who the truthful victims were, they closed down a Hamas fundraising scheme and will redirect the Hamas assets to the factual victims, the victims of their terrorism. The event documented below occurred in August 2020:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, and B’Tselem represented them as victims, Abdulla Amara is one example.
Now the real victims have been identified. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.