بتسلم – علاء عبد الكريم القرعة
בצלם – עלא אבדולקרים אל-קוארה

(taken from the B’Tselem webpage)
‘Alaa ‘Abd al-Karim Jaber al-Qara
24 years old, resident of Bani Suheila, Khan Yunis District, killed on 30 Jul 2014 in Bani Suheila, Khan Yunis District, by gunfire from an aircraft. Participated in hostilities member of the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. Additional information: Killed while in the company of other Islamic Jihad military branch operatives in the neighborhood of a-Zanna.
“Killed while in the company of other Islamic Jihad military branch operatives ….”

His martyrdom
With the beginning of the Zionist aggression, martyr Alaa joined his group, which was responsible for the planting of improvised explosive devices, and the ambushes of the Zionist occupation army in more than one axis in the area of “al-Zintan”, and on 30/7/2014, the third day of Eid al-Fitr, where our martyr was fasting the six days, was on a date with The testimony, where the martyr did a good job, was one of the most courageous and eager young men and keen to make and give, even a Muslim Brotherhood of the mujahideen gently and asked him to wait a bit and not to get out of the place where they were inside, because the Zionist flight was flying at a low level in the area that They are present, but the martyr whose heart was hanging by God and continued to plant the improvised explosive devices, until his martyrdom was minutes before the Maghrib prayer, and found in his pocket three dates.
Al-Qarra was “inside”, with other terror combatants, concealed and hidden from the searching IDF drones. The other fighters didn’t want him to leave because to do so, would make him a target for the Israeli aircraft. He didn’t listen, he left on his own to continue planting IEDs. The picture below shows al-Qarra at work with an IED. It should be noted that his work required stealth and concealment, and that he work alone:

The B’Tselem narrative that al-Qarra was “killed while in the company of other Islamic Jihad military branch operatives” is patently false. He was planting IEDs until the time of his martyrdom, alone. The question becomes why, why would the B’Tselem narrative state that he was killed in the company of other terror operatives when this was obviously false?
The B’Tselem narrative is untruthful so that the NGO can achieve two objectives. The first objective is concealment. The narrative conceals what al-Qarra was doing when he was targeted and killed. This was necessary before the second more significant objective could be achieved.
The second objective is to represent al-Qarra as a victim. The reader is made to believe that al-Qarra was simply killed while he was with other operatives, killed by the IDF for no apparent reason, the only casualty in the group. This is part of a B’Tselem strategy to create an issue of moral legitimacy, that Israel does not adhere to conventionally accepted standards of conduct. The B’Tselem narrative alleges that al-Qarra, while together with other military operatives in a gathering, was the only one killed, an innocent victim of circumstance.
Read Alaa Abdulkarim al-Qarra’s complete narrative by clicking HERE
The B’Tselem databases create the illusion that Palestinian combatants killed by the Israeli security apparatus are victims, victims of an “occupier“. The al-Qarra narrative is an example of this misinformation.
Alaa Abdulkarim al-Qarra, B’Tselem alleges, was killed simply while in the company of other terror operatives, no explanation of why he was killed or why he was the only operative in the group that was killed. This narrative conjures up a peaceful setting, a group of terror operatives standing around enjoying each others company when suddenly, one of them, al-Qarra, is killed. Why al-Qarra was killed, what he was doing when he was killed, is not part of the narrative. This creates the illusion that this terror operative combatant was a victim of circumstance, the only one in the group who was killed.
The B’Tselem narrative however is patently false. Al-Qarra WAS NOT killed while in the company of other terror combatants. He was killed while he was alone, planting IEDs. The false narrative, in effect, has defined al-Qarra as the victim.
Alaa Abdulkarim al-Qarra, the terror operative combatant, re-imagined by B’Tselem as the victim.