بتسيلم – يحيى أبو حربي
בצלם – יחיא אבו ח’רבייד

(taken from the B’Tselem webpage)
Yihya Ibrahim Sa’id Abu Harbid
18 years old, resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza District, killed on 24 Jul 2014 in Beit Hanoun, North Gaza District, by gunfire. Participated in hostilities member of the military wing of Hamas. Additional information: Killed during a gun battle with soldiers in northern Beit Hanoun.
“Killed during a gun battle with soldiers ….”

“ He was a specialist in the Qasami sniper unit, mastered the use of the Draganov weapon ….”
“… he climbed over one of the houses in Hamad Street with his rifle The Dragnov looking for enemy soldiers to kill … and the sniper of the treacherous enemy sniped him with a shot to hit his heart, and he pronounced the testimony ….”
Yahya Abu Harbied was an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades sniper who “climbed over a house on Hamad Street with his rifle…searches for enemy soldiers”. His rifle was the Russian Dragunov sniper rifle. Before he could target any IDF troops, an IDF sniper killed him, “shooting him with a bullet to the heart“.

Read Yahya Abu Harbied’s complete narrative by clicking HERE
As previously stated, the B’Tselem databases create the illusion that Palestinian combatants killed by the Israeli security apparatus are victims, victims of an “occupier“. The Yahya Abu Harbied narrative is an example of this misinformation.
Harbied, B’Tselem alleges, was killed in a gun battle with Israeli soldiers. The narrative implies that he was the victim of a firefight with Israeli troops.
The B’Tselem narrative is patently false. Harbied DID NOT die in a gun battle with Israeli soldiers. He was a sniper, a lone gunman, clandestinely seeking out a target. A sniper does not engage in gun battles, he works alone in secrecy. Harbied was killed by another sniper, an Israeli sniper who fired one round, striking Harbied in the heart. This was no “gun battle” as B’Tselem would like readers to believe.
The B’Tselem false narrative clearly serves a very useful purpose. It has readers believing that Harbied was a victim, a victim of a gun battle with Israeli soldiers.
Yahya Abu Harbied, the terror operative combatant, re-imagined by B’Tselem as the victim.
While the B’Tselem databases have re-imagined Palestinian terror operative combatants as victims, the U.S. Department of Justice has identified who the truthful victims were, they closed down a Hamas fundraising scheme and will redirect the Hamas assets to the factual victims, the victims of their terrorism. The event documented below occurred in August 2020:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized Hamas and al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, and B’Tselem represented them as victims, Yahya Abu Harbied is one example.
Now the real victims have been identified. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.