
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 29 Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades terror operatives found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE
لمشاهدة صور النشطاء الإرهابيين في الجهاد الإسلامي وسرايا القدس وعددهم 29 والذين تم العثور عليهم في معرض صور مواقع أنسنة فلسطين ، انقر هنا.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)



Yousef Jaber Drabiah, 25 years old, was killed on August 1, 2014 when an Israeli tank shell struck an ambulance in Rafah when it was trying to reach injured people in the Msabbeh neighborhood north of Rafah. He was an ambulance volunteer, murdered while on duty trying to rescue others from the Israeli massacre.
Atif Alzamli was killed in the same attack.
Source: IMEMC, Al Jazeera
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- Pingback: In Memory: Atif Alzamli | Humanize Palestine
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH August 4, 2014 at 2:01 am REPLYYousef, you were killed serving your people and your country. Your honourable life cut tragically short. You had so much more to give to the world.Sincere condolences to your family, friends and colleagues.Liked by 2 people
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER August 4, 2014 at 8:07 am REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme humLiked by 1 person
- A August 4, 2014 at 8:47 am REPLYMay Allah (swt) grant you Jannah
And all the victims like you, and your people who have to endure this
And all those who believe in truth, goodness, love and justice
AmeenLike - RABIAH August 4, 2014 at 5:17 pm REPLYU r martyred by filthy forces and inshaAllah Palestine will b free soon. U was v brave, and this cruel world doesn’t deserve beautiful ppl like u. My prayers r with u and all the ppl of Palestine and all the ppl in suffering throught out the world. We r proud of u as a human, u given ur life for saving humanity. May Allah reward u highest in jannah with other Palestinians AmeenLike
- RACHEL August 10, 2014 at 5:42 pm REPLYAs a Christian, my prayers go out to all the people hurting so badly in Palestine.Like
- JULIA INGRAM August 11, 2014 at 10:43 am REPLYI represented Yousef Jaber Drabiah in a vigil in Portland, Oregon on August 10th. My heart goes out to his family and all who are suffering under the occupation. We care about you.
With love, Julia Ingram
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*The al-Quds Brigades is the military wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization

Click HERE to view al-Quds Brigades, Saraya al-Quds website, Yousef Drabiah webpage
الشهيد المجاهد يوسف جابر درابيه: السباق دوماً في طلب الشهادة
السبت 01 أغسطس 2015

الإعلام الحربي _ خاص
قصة المسعف الشهيد لن تنتهي بعد , فبعيونها الممتلئة بالدموع قالت أم تامر والدة الشهيد المجاهد “يوسف درابيه” :” كان يوسف نعم الابن البار الهادئ الخجول الذي كان دائماً حريصاً على إسعادنا وإدخال البسمة والسرور في البيت , فتميز بالقلب الرقيق لكثرة حبه للأطفال والعطف عليهم , فأطفال الحي بكوا على فراقه”.
تقول والدته :” استفاق نجلي الشهيد يوسف من نومه ليبدل ثيابه التي كان يرتديها بزي الإسعاف والطوارئ الذي اعتاد على ارتدائه، متزين بسترة بيضاء كعريس في يوم زفافه ولسانه يصدح بكلمات لن أعود, سأبقى في عملي لإنقاذ أحبائي وأهلي من همجية الاحتلال”.
بدورها قالت “نيبال عقل” خطيبة الشهيد يوسف لـ”الإعلام الحربي” :” تعرفت على يوسف رحمه الله قبل أربعة سنوات فهو نعم الشاب الخجول المجتهد الكتوم الحريص على مصلحة مجتمعه, كان دائماً يسعى من خلال مشاركاته بمؤسسات المجتمع المدني أن يصبح قائد له دور فعال في المجتمع لخدمة دينه ووطنه, وكان “يوسف” طيب القلب يشارك كل يوم اثنين أمام الصليب الأحمر بفعاليات الأسرى لنصرتهم في زنازينهم, وكان بمثابة ابن لكل أم اكتوى قلبها بفراق ابنها خلف القضبان”.
وأضافت: كنا ننتظر بفارغ الصبر مجيء أغسطس لكي نتزوج به ولكن رحل يوسف في الأول من أغسطس ليتزوج بسبعين حورية من الجنة ان شاء الله.
من جانبه قال أبو تامر والد الشهيد “يوسف درابيه” والذي يعمل سائق سيارة إسعاف في وزارة الصحة لـ”الإعلام الحربي” :” جن جنوني وبكيت لأن رفقائي سائقي الإسعاف عاطف الزاملي والممرض يوسف شيخ العيد استشهدا في قصف سيارتهما ولم أستطيع أن أفعل لهما شيئا أو أنقذهما بسبب النار المشتعلة في السيارة وتوالي القصف الصهيوني, ولم أكن أعلم ان ابني يوسف الشاب المتطوع كان معهم وعندما أبلغوني أن ابني استشهد صمتُ ولم أبكي رغم تفحم جثته , فكفنته ودفنته بنفسي”.
التزامه في بيوت الله
عاش شهيدنا المجاهد يوسف داربيه حياته منذ صغره في بيوت الله عز وجل , فتمكن من حفظ بعض أجزاء القران الكريم , حيث التزم بالصلاة في المسجد، وكان يصلي الصلوات الخمس حاضراً في المسجد وخاصة صلاة الفجر، وكان كثيراً ما يحث إخوانه من الشباب الإسلامي على الالتزام في الصلاة والمحافظة عليها, وكان قلبه معلقاً بمسجد الفاروق القريب من منزله , يمكث طويلا بالمسجد لحضور الدروس الدينية الإسلامية وجلسات القرآن الكريم، وجميع الندوات المختلفة على أيدي شيوخ العلم.
حرص على أن يعلم الأطفال ما تعلمه من أهل العلم , فكان يجلس في حلقة ذكر كل يوم وحوله مجموعة من أطفال المساجد لكي يتعلمون منه تلاوة القران وقصص الرسول والصحابة رضوان الله عليهم.
مشواره الجهادي
فلسطين الحبيبة كيف أحيا بعيداً عن سهولك والهضاب، هكذا ينشد أطفالُ فلسطين منذ صغرهم، حُب الوطن لم يضاهيه حب، ففلسطين ليست مجرد بقعة على الخريطة، بل هي حياه بأكملها تسكن نفوس المجاهدين الشرفاء، كيف لا وكل يوم تغتصب، وتدنس بأقدام الصهاينة، فنخوة الشهيد المجاهد يوسف أبت إلا أن تختار طريقا ً يخترق به الصعاب، ويلحق بركب المجاهدين، فبدأ بالانضمام للرابطة الإسلامية الإطار الطلابي لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي وهو في المرحلة الثانوية ، لتكونَ العيون عليه لنشاطه وتفانيه في خدمة الطلاب، لينتقل َ إلى أرض الميدان فارسا ً مرابطا ً حاميا ً للثغور.
تقول والدته :” كان يوسف يخرج للرباط في الليل، وكنت اصحوا طول الليل، ادعوا أن الله يحفظه، ويحفظ كافة المجاهدين، إلى أن يعود، ليتوضأ ويذهب للمسجد لصلاة الفجر، ينام قليلا ً ويذهب لعمله في الإسعاف.
وأضافت أم تامر: حصل يوسف رحمه الله على العديد من الدورات الكشفية التي مكنته من الارتقاء إلي أعلى المراتب فأصبح عضو المجلس الأعلى لقيادة كشافة الفارس وأبرز من أسس تلك المجموعات الكشفية , كما وحصل على العديد من الرتب والشهادات الكشفية، وساهم في تنظيم العديد من دورات المخيمات لعناصر كشافة الفارس في قطاع غزة.
وأوضح والد الشهيد أن نجله “يوسف” تعلم منه ممارسة العمل الاسعافي , واستمر في الحصول على الدورات الاسعافية حتى أصبح قائداً في الإسعاف، كما تمكن من خوض التجربة والعمل في صفوف الإسعاف الحربي يقدم العلاج الفوري للمجاهدين الذين يصابوا أثناء التدريبات التي تقيمها سرايا القدس.
موعد مع الرحيل
بتاريخ 2014/8/1م كان الشهيد المجاهد يوسف جابر درابيه على موعد مع الرحيل عندما خرج من بيته وهو مزين بالثوب الأبيض لكي ينقذ الناس من الموت فبدل الثوب الأبيض بثوب متفحم جراء استهداف طائرات الاحتلال الصهيوني لسيارة الإسعاف التي كان يستقلها ليلقى ربه شهيداً صائماً مصلياً رابع أيام عيد الفطر المبارك.

His jihadist career
Beloved Palestine How do I live away from the sahk and the plateaus, so the children of Palestine desire since their childhood, love of the homeland was not matched by love, Palestine is not just a spot on the map, it is a whole life inhabiting the souls of the honorable Mujahideen, how not and every day raped, and defiled by the feet of the Zionists, the Jihad martyr To choose a path that penetrates the odds, and is attached to the mujahideen, he began to join the Islamic association The Student Framework of the Islamic Jihad and he is at the secondary level, to be eyes on him for his activity and dedication in the service of the students, to move to the field of a knight stationed protector of the Thuwar.
His mother says: ” Yusuf was coming out to Rabat at night, and I was awake all night, claiming that God preserved him, and kept all the mujahideen, until he returned, to do Wudoo ‘ and go to the mosque for Fajr prayers, he sleeps a little and goes to work in the ambulance.
She added: Youssef Rahmtalla has received many scouting courses that enabled him to rise to the highest ranks and became a member of the Supreme Council for the leadership of Scout Knight and highlighted the foundations of those Scout groups, as he received many ranks and testimonies scout, and contributed to the organization of many courses The camps for the Knight Scouts in the Gaza Strip.
The father of the Martyr explained that his son “Yusuf ” Learn from him the practice of emergency work, and continued to receive emergency courses to become a leader in the ambulance, and managed to experience and work in the ranks of the military ambulance provides immediate treatment for the mujahideen injured during the training of Saraya Jerusalem.
Appointment with departure
On the date of 2014/8/1m, the fighter martyr Yusuf Jaber Darbiya was on a date with departure when he got out of his house and was decorated with the white dress to save people from death so instead of the white dress in a charred gown because of the targeting of Zionist occupation planes to the ambulance he was travelling to throw his God a martyr fasting The fourth day of Eid al-Fitr.
On August 2, the “human rights” NGO PCHR wrote:
At approximately 15:30 (August 1), Israeli warplanes bombarded an ambulance of the Ministry of Health. As a result, 3 health workers were killed: ‘Aatef Saleh al-Zameli, 42, the driver; Yousef Ejmai’an al-Zameli [Sheikh al-Eid], 33, a nurse; and Yousef Jaber Darabih, 25, a volunteer paramedic.
The Nurse

Click HERE to view his webpage on this website
The Driver

Click HERE to view his webpage on this website
And ofcourse, Yousef Jaber Drabiah……
The Paramedic

…three health workers, all three al-Quds Brigades terror operatives…
In the ranks of the Saraya
I love our martyr Atef al-Zamili since he was young and he wished to be a mujahideen carrying arms and wandering and wandering in the fields of vengeance and dignity. But his jihad was in another great way. He was Jihad in his field of expertise as a war medic. He joined the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad. His work in the military ambulance unit of the Al-Quds Brigades, which is concerned with many aspects of the health of the Mujahideen of the Saraya, and has participated Shahdna Mujahid special jihad missions and we will protect them for security reasons.
Appointment with departure
On 1-8-2014 m, “August nael ” was on a date with iftar at the martyrs and on the al-Mustafa Basin–peace be upon him–he rose a martyr by God’s permission–come–Zionist perfidious planes fired a number of rockets at the ambulance he was travelling in while trying to rescue a number of wounded And the martyrs from the family of Sheikh al-Eid in Mosbah area, accompanied by paramedics Yousef Jaber Drabé and Yousef Ajmihan Sheikh al-Eid, martyred after the journey of Jihad supervisor in the ranks of the brigades of Jerusalem, we calculate it as well and we do not ask God for anyone, and we pray to Allah Almighty to accept our martyr with his mercy and to live with And the righteous, and to inspire his family and his relatives patience and solace and to compensate them well.
Atif Alzamli, The Driver, participated in missions concerned with the health of al-Quds Brigades operatives, special jihad missions which are protected for security purposes. The ‘Terror Ambulance’ was such a mission.
It was stated in the translated Alzamli narrative above that the ambulance was on a mission to rescue …. martyrs from the family of Sheikh al-Eid. This family was an al-Quds Brigades terror family:

The Webpage of one of the terrorist in the picture above, tells the story of what occured on August 1, 2014. His name was Mohammed Hazem Ahmed Sheikh Eid. This is his Webpage on the al-Quds Brigades Website:

A date with the Jinan
He has always dreamed of the body that worked for God, and tired in his way, and struggled to uphold his word, and provided a defense of sanctities, and link to the gaps of Muslims, long dreamed of martyrdom and tranquility next to the beloved Prophet.
On the afternoon of Friday, 1/8/2014, our martyrs Hazem Sheikh Al Eid had a date with the martyrdom. His soul was blown up by his brothers, his brothers, Yusuf, Mahmoud, Ibrahim, his wife and his children, to rest the body next to his Lord. The mission of the soldiers, and to carry the Secretariat men who believed what they pledged to God, some of them died and some of them waiting and did not change.
That the family of Sheikh Eid gave six brothers from the Jerusalem Brigades in addition to the wife of the martyr Ibrahim with her three children, and the daughter of the martyr Omar, who was martyred later.
Two brothers, Jihad, Omar and his daughter Sarah, were martyred on July 14 when they were hit by a missile fired by a Zionist reconnaissance plane that led to their immediate death, and did not spend much time losing the family 3 of their children. On August 1, 2014, where the martyrs of the brothers, Yusuf, Mahmoud, Hazem, Ibrahim, his wife and three children were directly targeted by more than 4 missiles by reconnaissance planes and targeting an ambulance was charged with their ambulance from the place, which led to the death of the crew of the ambulance of 3 paramedics in the massacre of ugly Wendy L. Here is the forehead.
… targeting an ambulance that was to evacuate them…

Above, the “Terror Ambulance” that was on a “special jihad mission” to rescue al-Quds Brigades operatives and their family members, terrorist combatants.
A YouTube video published by the Israel Defense Forces on July 22, 2014, demonstrates how ambulances are utilized by terrorists in combat. The video can be seen HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)
Terrorists Use Ambulance for Transportation in Gaza
IDF forces recently identified two Palestinian terrorists using an ambulance to travel within Gaza. On a daily basis, Hamas uses ambulances, houses and other civilian infrastructure to protect its terrorists.


The original Humanize Palestine website contains many narratives whose stories overlap. Some terror operatives on the website are either related by family, by the terror organizations they belong to, or by a shared incident. All the narratives are false and in effect, conceal the true identity of the terrorist. The Yousef Jaber Drabiah narrative is an example of this obfuscation.
This narrative is shared with two other terror combatants on this website, Yousef Jameen Sheikh al-Eid and Atef Salih Alzamli. All three narratives share the same incident and the same terror organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades.
Drabiah was not simply an “ambulance volunteer”, he was a member of a terrorist organization, the al-Quds Brigades, and worked in its military ambulance unit where he participated in many “special jihad missions.”
“Yousef Jaber Drabiah … was killed on August 1, 2014 when an Israeli tank shell struck an ambulance … when it was trying to reach injured people … He was an ambulance volunteer, murdered while on duty trying to rescue others from the Israeli massacre.”
FACT #1: Yousef Jaber Drabiah was not murdered. He was killed in combat, he was a terror operative on a special jihad mission, a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades.
FACT #2: He was not “an ambulance volunteer”. He was a member of the al-Quds Brigades and he worked in the military ambulance unit of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
FACT #3: A tank shell DID NOT strike the ambulance. The ambulance was targeted by a missile fired from and aircraft after it was identified as carrying terror operatives.
FACT #4: The ambulance WAS NOT trying to reach injured “PEOPLE”. It was attempting to rescue combatants and their family members.
FACT #5: Drabiah WAS NOT “on duty rescuing others from the massacre”. A quote from the al-Quds Brigades website, Alzamli webpage: “… the military ambulance unit of the Al-Quds Brigades, which is concerned with many aspects of the health of the Mujahideen of the Saraya, and has participated Shahdna Mujahid special jihad missions and we will protect them for security reasons.“
The al-Quds Brigades “military” ambulance was on a “special jihad mission”, it was trying to reach “injured people” but those injured people were “Mujahideen of the Saraya”, al-Quds Brigades combatants, terror operatives.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Yousef Jaber Drabiah was an example of this.
Below are two pictures of Drabiah, side by side, for comparison:

The photograph of Drabiah on the left is how Drabiah is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, killed on August 1, 2014 when an Israeli tank shell struck an ambulance in Rafah when it was trying to reach injured people in the Msabbeh neighborhood north of Rafah. He was an ambulance volunteer, murdered while on duty trying to rescue others from the Israeli massacre.
The photograph on the right is who Drabiah truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Drabiah who appears on the al-Quds Brigades website, the Drabiah who was a member of its military ambulance unit, the Drabiah who was on a special jihad mission to rescue members of the Sheikh al-Eid family, al-Quds Brigades fighters. The Drabiah, the terror operative, who was in an ambulance targeted by a missile fired by an Israeli aircraft.

