أسامة صقر أبو هين
عصام محمد حسنى أبو يوسف
تامر محمد سالم طبش
حسن خليل صلاح أبو جاموس
سليمان سعد بركة
أمجد عدنان الهندي
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
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Brothers Kenan Hassan al-Hallaq (left), 6 years old, and Saji Hassan al-Hallaq,4 years old(right). Their father, Hassan, said Kenan loved solving puzzles, and the boys were looking forward to a stable life (see video below).
Saji (left) and Kenan(right)
Kenan shares a beautiful smile with the world.
Samar Osama al-Hallaq, 29 years old, was the boys’ mother. She was 8 months pregnant with another child on the way. Samar was involved with the Palestinian History Tapestry Project. The project aims to support the traditional craft of Palestinian needlewomen and record Palestine’s history through the sewing of a tapestry.
The boys’ aunt, Hala Akram al-Hallaq, 27 years old, studied English Language and Literature at al-Aqsa University in Gaza. She also served as a project assistant to UNRWA in 2009.
Hala and Hani’s son, Mohammad Hani al-Hallaq, was 2 years old.
Hala’s husband , Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 29 years old, was a web developer at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Gaza.
Hala’s mother, Suad Mohammad al-Hallaq was 62 years old.
The Al-Hallaq family was displaced from Shuja’iyya a few days prior seeking a safer place. They were killed right before breaking fast on July 20, 2014 in an Israeli attack on their house in the al-Ramal area of Gaza.
A tapestry spacer made my Samar, titled Steadfast.
The image symbolizes the stand of Palestinian women prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails. The Hebrew letters stand for Shabas, the Israeli Prison Service
Hassan al-Hallaq, father of Kenan and Saji, survived the strike, but he lost his wife and sons. He speaks about his beautiful family in the interview above.
- NAJIAH July 24, 2014 at 2:14 pm REPLYYa allah… What a beautiful family just wiped out? Ya allah please serve justice now. Please allah… It is the 27th night of ramadan. Allah i beg u on this night… Deliver justice for the sake of these beautiful innocent ppl. Ya allah bless them all a place in janna… At the highest of stations. Please allah… U r the almighty. Deliver justice allah.May you rest in peace beautiful familyLike
- Pingback: Watch this. Protest. Thanks. | Severus Tenenbaum Photographer
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH July 28, 2014 at 6:54 am REPLYDear HassanI cannot begin to imagine how you must feel at the loss of your beautiful, beautiful family. You did everything possible to make life wonderful for them. In spite of your pain and suffering you are still so dignified. My sincere condolences to you.JaneLike
- Pingback: Kenan and Saji Hassan al-Hallaq | The Martyr
- Pingback: Samar Osama al-Hallaq | The Martyr
- Pingback: Mohammad Hani al-Hallaq | The Martyr
- Pingback: Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq | The Martyr
- YASMIN ASLAM August 3, 2014 at 6:18 pm REPLYI can not stop crying. My brother, may Allah give you the strength and patience through this tragic time.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*The specific targeting of an individual by the IDF requires meticulous planning utilizing all the tools available to the intelligence community. After the intelligence is analyzed and the target clearly identified, decisions are made that specify when the attack is to take place, what type of precision weapon to use, and how the attack will minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage.
Planning a targeted military strike utilizing a precision weapon in a civilian environment is a very complex process involving multiple intelligence sources, cutting edge technology, and weeks of planning involving many individuals from an array of disciplines within the military/security apparatus.
The Hani al-Hallaq targeted killing also sheds some light on what may be considered unforeseen complications in an operation of this complexity, collateral damage.
“Surgical precision – The story behind Israel’s targeted killings” can be read by clicking HERE
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“الحلاق”.. موظف حكومي تفانى بعمله حتى نال الشهادة
07 تموز / ديسمبر 2015 02:25هاني الحلاق خلال تكريمه قبل استشهاده
غزة – الرأي – سمر العرعير
ما أن يدق جرس الساعة معلنا عن نهار يوم جديد، تجده يهرع مسرعاً تجاه ما اعتاد عليه لتجهيز نفسه لاستقبال يوم عمل لا يعرف ماهيته بعد.
وبالرغم من عدم تقاضيه راتباً لعدة أشهر إلا أنه كان يُصر دوما على مواصلة عمله ، لاستمرار الحياة في قطاع تكالب الجمع عليه ، ليفقدوه معنى الحياة ، ومن هنا وهناك تبقى الإرادة في أكمال الرسالة وتلبية القسم بأن نبقى مخلصين لله وللوطن ، حتى الرمق الأخير من حياته.
هندسة حاسوب
حديثنا في هذا التقرير عن الشهيد البطل هاني الحلاق الموظف في وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.
ولد الشهيد هاني في العام 1985 في أسرة مكونة من ستة أفراد الأب والأم وهاني وأحمد وأسامة وأشرف ، ليعيشوا حياتهم بعيدا عن الوطن حيث الإمارات العربية ، إلا أن شهيدنا البطل لم يقبل بأن يبقى بعيدا عن فلسطين ، فيهرب من غربة حرمته من غزة ، قادما إليها ، حيث الحنين ، ولإكمال دراسته الجامعية ليدخل تخصص هندسة الحاسوب IT في جامعة الأزهر .
ليصفه ابن عمته خالد الكحلوت بالشمعة التي تحترق من اجل الآخرين ، فبعد وفاة والدته في العام 1997 ووفاة والده في العام 2009 ، عاش في بيت عمته الوحيدة في خانيونس ، أعتمد خلالها هاني على نفسه فكان عصاميا حتى التخرج .
ويضيف ” بعد التخرج عمل الشهيد في شركات الانترنت وال IT فكان بمثابة الأب والأم لإخوانه اشرف وأسامة وأحمد ، فتحمل المسؤولية باكرا بعد وفاه والديه ، حتى أدخلهم الجامعة ، حتى انهوا دراستهم الجامعية “
سكن شهيدنا في بيت للإيجار تاركا شقة العائلة لإخوانه ، فكان مضحيا ، وكان مخلصا في عملة في وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات ، يحب ويحترم زملائه ، يعمل بصمت كل ما يطلب منه دون تذمر أو شكوى .
وأضاف الكلحلوت “لقد كان مجتهدا في عمله حيث نفذ العديد من البرامج والمواقع الالكترونية للعديد من الوزارات والمؤسسات”.
وأمضى الشهيد الحلاق حياته خادما للجميع متواضعا صائما قائما ، محبا للخير أينما كان ، حتى الأنفاس الأخيرة ، حيث استشهد هو وزوجته وابنه ووالدة زوجته وزوجة ابنها ، باستهداف طائرات الغدر الصهيونية للشقة التي كان يسكنها في برج الداعور بحي الرمال ، ليغادر هاني عالمنا بعد حياة مليئة بالحب والتضحية ، لكل من عرفهم .
وأكد الكحلوت أن الموظف في حكومة غزة يستحق بان يأخذ مستحقاته على أكمل وجه ، وأن ما ستمنحه الحكومة للجمعيات الإسكانية يعتبر جزء بسيط أمام التضحية التي قدمها ويقدمها هؤلاء الموظفين.
أثر كبير
أما زميله في العمل محمد النزلي من العلاقات العامة والإعلام بالوزارة قال ” لقد كان لخبر استشهاده أثرا كبير في نفوس زملائه ، لما كان يمثله الحلاق من إخلاص في العمل ، وحبه وتفانيه لزملائه”.
وأضاف النزلي : “لقد كان زميلنا هاني في مقدمة زملائه للمشاركة في كافة الأنشطة اللامنهجية التي كانت تدعو لها العلاقات العامة والإعلام بالوزارة كالإعتصامات وحملات التبرع بالدم والأنشطة الاجتماعية والرياضية والثقافية التي كانت تشارك بها الوزارة”.
وأشار إلى أن الشهيد الموظف الحلاق كان يلتزم بكل جد واجتهاد حيث تميز الشهيد باحترام المواعيد وحرصه على الصلاة جماعة مع زملائه في إدارته ، فكان محبوباً ويتمتع بحسن السيرة وعرف بإخلاصه وحبه لعمله وعرف بحب زملائه إليه لما يتميز بقلبه الطيب والكبير”.
من ناحيته، وصفه مديره في الوزارة إبراهيم أبو جلمبو بالعاشق لعمله كمبرمج تطبيقات ويب ، وحرصه الدائم على تطوير وتصميم موقع الوزارة الحالي بالإضافة إلى مجموعة من مواقع الوزارات ، إلى جانب تطوير وبرمجة بوابة الخدمات الحكومية eportal.gov.psوبرنامج التدريب الحكومي .
جد واجتهاد
وقال أبو جلبمو “كان محبا لعمله صادقا في عطائه ، وعلاقته الطيبة مع جميع زملائه ، لقد كان انتماءه لعمله كبير جدا ، وبالرغم من عدم تقاضيه راتبا إلا انه كان يعمل بكل جد واجتهاد وكان في كثير من الأحيان يتجاوز عدد ساعات العمل فيتأخر بعد الدوام”.
وأكد أن الشهيد قد عانى كثيرا كغيره من الموظفين حيث السكن بالإيجار ، والظروف المادية الصعبة ، لافتا إلى أن ذلك لم يثنيه عن مواصله عمله بكل جد واجتهاد ، مشددا على أن إعطاء الموظف حقه واجب وطني واخلاقى .
بدوره ، عرج المستشار محمد عابد رئيس ديوان الموظفين العام على الموضوع فقال ” ليس غريبا على الذين يفنون أعمارهم خدمة لوطنهم وشعبهم في أحلك الظروف وتحت القصف أن يقدموا أرواحهم ودمائهم لرفعة وطنهم فقد بلغ عدد الشهداء من الموظفين في الجهاز الإداري الحكومي المدني قرابة (70) شهيداً يتم صرف راتب لـعدد (58) منهم والباقيين معاملاتهم قيد الإجراء، وفي الجهاز العسكري أضعاف ذلك.
وأكد عابد على أن قرار تخصيص قطع الأراضي الحكومية هو حق للمواطنين كافة والموظفين خاصة وهو سلوك قانوني سليم لاغبار عليه.
وأضاف “إذا كان التخصيص من صلاحيات المندوب السامي سابقا فليس على الشعب الفلسطيني الارتهان للمندوب السامي بعد رحيله وخصوصا أن القانون الأساسي ينظم صلاحيات السلطات التنفيذية والتشريعية والقضائية والقانون حدد صلاحيات رئيس السلطة وحدد للسلطة التنفيذية صلاحياتها”.
ولفت إلى أنه في إطار الهيكل التنظيمي والإداري والتنفيذي واستناداً للزعم بصلاحيات المندوب السامي البريطاني فيكون وزير الداخلية ممثلاً للمندوب السامي فيما يخص وزارته ، ووزير الاقتصاد ممثلا للمندوب السامي فيما يخص وزارته ، ورئيس سلطة الأراضي ممثلا للمندوب السامي فيما يتعلق بسلطة الأراضي وهكذا وهو بذلك يوقع على مئات القرارات بصفته رئيس سلطة الأراضي ، إن أراد هؤلاء العودة بنا لزمن الانتداب البريطاني والعمل بقوانينه .
وتابع ” من وجهة نظري ( وبشكل قانوني ) فإن التخصيص مقابل كامل ثمن الأرض هو إجحاف بحق الموظف والأصل أن يتم إعفاؤه من جزء كبير من ثمن الأرض تطبيقا للقانون كونه تم تنفيذه للموظفين السابقين والأصل إقامة العدالة بين موظف الأمس وموظف اليوم والمعاملة بالمثل .
وبين أن المتباكين على الأراضي الحكومية ينقسموا مابين حسني النية وسيئي النية ، فقال ” أما حسني النية فنقول لهم أن من قدم دمه لوطنه فلن يخذل هذا الوطن بل يزداد ثباتاً وانتماءُ ، والقرار منطلقاته قانونية وتصب في المصلحة العليا سيما وان أماكن التخصيص تهدف إلى نشر السكان فيها وتوزيعهم عليها والاستثمار الأمثل فيها ، والأمر ليس مقصوراً على الموظفين بل متاح للمواطنين كافة “
وتابع عابد “أما سيئي النية فلن تنفع معهم حجة قانونية أو رأي يستند إلى قانون ولا داعي للانشغال بهم”.
وأشاد رئيس الديوان بجهود الموظفين وضرورة الوقوف لهم وقفه إجلال وكبار لصمودهم الاسطورى، لا سيما الموظفين الثابتين في مواقعهم الوظيفية الحريصون على خدمة شعبهم ووطنهم.
“Barber”[Hallaq] A government employee dedicated to his work until he got the certificate [killed].
As soon as the clock rings, announcing a new day, you find him rushing towards what he used to prepare himself for a work day that he doesn’t know yet.
Although he did not receive a salary for several months, he was always insisting on continuing his work, to continue life in the sector of the gathering, to lose the meaning of life, and from here and there the will remains in completing the message and meeting the oath to remain faithful to God and the nation, until the last breath of his life.
Computer engineering
We talked in this report about the hero martyr Hani Al-Halak, an employee of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
The martyr Hani was born in 1985 in a family of six father, mother, Hani, Ahmed, Osama and Ashraf, to live their lives away from the homeland where the Arab Emirates, but our heroic martyr did not accept to stay away from Palestine, so he escapes from the strangeness deprived him of Gaza, coming to it, where nostalgia, and to complete his studies For a university to enter the major of computer engineering IT at Al-Azhar University.
After the death of his mother in 1997 and the death of his father in 2009, his cousin Khaled al-Kahlot described him as a candle that burns for others, and after the death of his mother in 1997 and the death of his father in 2009, he lived in his aunt’s only house in Khanyounis, during which Hani relied on himself and was self-made until graduation.
He adds that “after graduation, the martyr worked in internet companies and IT, he served as the father and mother of his brothers Ashraf, Osama and Ahmed, so he took responsibility early after the death of his parents, until they entered the university, until they finished their university studies.”
Our martyr lived in a house for rent, leaving the family apartment to his brothers, he was a sacrifice, and he was sincere in currency in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, he loves and respects his colleagues, silently works everything he asks of him without complaining or complaining.
“He was diligent in his work, implementing many programs and websites for many ministries and institutions,” he said.
The martyr al-Halak spent his life as a servant of all, humble and fasting, loving the good wherever he is, until the last breaths, where he and his wife, son, mother of his wife and wife of her son, martyred the targeting of the planes of Zionist treachery to the apartment he used to live in the Tower of Daour in the neighborhood of sand, to leave Hani our world after a life full of love and sacrifice, for all who knew them.
Al-Kahlot stressed that the employee in the Government of Gaza deserves to take his dues to the fullest, and that what the government will give to housing associations is a small part in the face of the sacrifice made by these employees.
Big impact.
His co-worker Mohammed Al-Nazali, from public relations and media at the ministry, said, “The news of his martyrdom had a great impact on his colleagues, because the barber [Hallaq] was dedicated to work, his love and dedication to his colleagues.”
“Our colleague Hani was at the forefront of his colleagues to participate in all the extracurricular activities that the ministry’s public relations and media were calling for, such as sit-ins, blood donation campaigns and social, sports and cultural activities that the ministry was involved in.”
He pointed out that the martyr employee barber [Hallaq] was committed to all the efforts and diligence where the martyr distinguished respect for dates and his keenness to pray group with his colleagues in his administration, he was loved and enjoyed good conduct and knew his sincerity and love for his work and knew the love of his colleagues to him because he is characterized by his good and big heart.’
For his part, his director in the ministry Ibrahim Abu Gilmbo described him as a lover for his work as a web application programmer, and his constant keenness on the development and design of the ministry’s current website in addition to a range of ministry sites, in addition to the development and programming of the government services portal eportal.gov.ps and the government training program.
Very hard
“He was a lover of his honest work in his giving, and his good relationship with all his colleagues, his affiliation with his work was very large, and although he did not receive a salary, he worked hard and often exceeded the number of hours of work and was late after work,” said Abu Gilmo.
He stressed that the martyr has suffered a lot like other employees where housing is rent, and difficult material circumstances, pointing out that this did not dissuade him from continuing his work seriously and diligently, stressing that giving the employee his right is a national and moral duty.
In turn, The Head of the General Staff Office, Mohammed Abed, said, “It is not strange for those who serve their country and their people in the darkest conditions and under bombardment to give their lives and blood to the elevation of their homeland. A martyr who is paid a salary to a number of (58) of them and the rest of their transactions are in the process, and in the military many times that.
Abed stressed that the decision to allocate government plots is the right of all citizens and employees, especially a valid legal behavior that is not to be tolerated.
“If the allocation is the prerogative of the former High Commissioner, the Palestinian people do not have to rely on the High Commissioner after his departure, especially since the basic law regulates the powers of the executive, legislative, judicial and the law, which defines the powers of the head of the authority and determines the powers of the executive authority,” he added.
He pointed out that within the framework of the organizational, administrative and executive structure and based on the claim of the powers of the British High Commissioner, the Minister of the Interior will be a representative of the High Commissioner in relation to his ministry, and the Minister of Economy represents the High Commissioner with regard to his ministry, and the Head of the Land Authority represents the High Commissioner. It relates to the authority of the land and so upon it signs hundreds of resolutions in his capacity as head of the land authority, if they want to return us to the time of the British Mandate and to act on its laws.
“From my point of view (and legally) the allocation for the entire price of the land is an injustice to the right of the employee and the original to be exempted from a large part of the price of the land in accordance with the law because it was implemented for former employees and the origin of the administration of justice between yesterday’s employee and the employee of the day and reciprocity.
He said that those who are weeping on government land are divided between good will and bad faith, he said, “But we tell them that those who gave their blood to their country will not fail this country, but will increase its stability and belonging, and the decision has its legal origins and is in the best interest, especially since the places of allocation are aimed at spreading the population in it and Distribution and optimal investment in it, and it is not limited to employees but is available to all citizens”
“As for those who are ill-intentioned, there will be no legal argument or opinion based on a law and there is no need to worry about them,” Abed said.
The Chief of Staff praised the efforts of the staff and the need to stand them to stand by them and to pay tribute to their legendary steadfastness, especially the staff who are stationary in their positions of office who are keen to serve their people and their homeland.
Hani al-Hallaq was an employee of the Hamas Government of Gaza, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. He was a web application programmer who not only worked on the development and design of the ministry’s website, but also was involved in the design and development of a range of Hamas ministry sites. He implemented many programs and websites for many Hamas ministries and institutions.
He participated “in all the extracurricular activities that the ministry’s public relations and media were calling for….”
He was faithful to God and the Hamas nation until the last breath of his life.
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Al Hallaq family, Gaza City
At approximately 7:20pm on Sunday, 20 July 2014, Israeli aircraft fired three missiles targeting the apartment of Hani Mohammed Al Hallaq, 29, which is located on the second floor in the Cordoba Building in the Al Rimal neighbourhood in western Gaza City. Two missiles hit the apartment while the third fell at the entrance of the building. A family, also from the Al Hallaq extended family, had evacuated their home in the neighbourhood of Al Sheja’iya and sought refuge with their relatives, was present in the apartment. The Ammar family lived on the first floor of the building. The members of Jum’a family had also fled Al Sheja’iya and sought refuge with relatives of the wife, the Ammar family. Three other people were injured in the attack and medical sources at Al Shifa Hospital described their injuries as moderate.
This is not what happened
“Two missiles hit the apartment while a third fell at the entrance of the building”, IS NOT TRUE.
Al-Hallaq was targeted with three missiles, one for each section of his apartment. One of the missiles, the one on the extreme left, after entering the 2nd floor al-Hallaq apartment, blew a hole in the floor and entered the Ammar apartment on the first floor below:
In addition to the severe damage to the Ammar apartment on the first floor, several people present in the apartment were killed:
Below, a more detailed photograph of the damage to one section of the al-Hallaq 2nd floor apartment:
Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq was specifically targeted by the Israeli military during the 2014 Gaza War. He worked for the Hamas government, the terror organization governing Gaza whose military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, was the principal combatant in the 2014 war. The fact that three missiles were used to target each of the three sections of the apartment, illustrates the significance of this targeted killing, the Israeli military was determined to kill him. Hani al-Hallaq’s knowledge of computers and the internet, most likely provided Hamas with tools necessary to prosecute the war with Israel.
Unfortunately, one of the missiles, after entering the al-Hallaq apartment, malfunctioned and blew a hole in the floor of the al-Hallaq second floor apartment and fell into the Ammar apartment on the first floor where it killed several innocent civilians. In addition, several members of Hani al-Hallaq’s family were tragically killed in the strike.
Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq was a member of The Syndicate of Engineers in Gaza Governorates. The fact that he was specifically targeted by a military strike utilizing three missiles may be explained by looking at his membership in the engineers’ syndicate . In addition to al-Hallaq, nine other members of this organization were killed during the 2014 Gaza war:
1- Akram Al-Skafi
2- Ibrahim Al-Kilani
3- Munir Al-Hajjar
4- Osama Abu Hein
5- Issam Abu Youssef
6- Tamer Tabash
7- Hassan Abu Jamous
8- Suleiman Baraka
9- Amjad Al-Hindi
All nine of the martyred engineers above had one thing in common, in addition to being engineers, they all had a Palestinian terrorism nexus.
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نقابة المهندسين بمحافظات غزة تنعي شهداءها المهندسين
تاريخ النشر : 2014-08-28
رام الله – دنيا الوطن
نعت نقابة المهندسين بمحافظات غزة ممثلة بنقيبها م.كنعان عبيد و أعضاء مجالس الإدارة بنقابة المهندسين شهدائها من المهندسين والذي لقوا مصير الابرار واستشهدوا على يد العدوان الغاشم خلال العدوان الأخير على غزة والذي استمر لأكثر من 50 يوماً.
هذا وقد استشهد 10 من المهندسين خلال العدوان وهم: م.أكرم السكافي، وم.إبراهيم الكيلاني، وم.منير الحجار، وم.هاني الحلاق، وم.اسامة أبو هين، وم.عصام أبو يوسف، وم.تامر طبش، وم.حسن أبو جاموس، وم.سليمان بركة، وم.أمجد الهندي.
Engineers Syndicate in Gaza governorates mourns its engineering martyrs
Publication date: 08-28-2014
Ramallah – the world of the homeland
The Engineers Syndicate in the governorates of Gaza, represented by its captain M. Canaan Obaid, and members of the boards of directors of the Engineers Syndicate, called the martyrs of the engineers who met the fate of the righteous and were martyred at the hands of the brutal aggression during the recent aggression on Gaza, which lasted for more than 50 days.
In addition, 10 engineers were martyred during the aggression, and they are: M. Akram Al-Skafi, M. Ibrahim Al-Kilani, M. Munir Al-Hajjar, M. Hani Al-Hallaq, M. Osama Abu Hein, M. Issam Abu Youssef, M. Tamer Tabash, and M. Hassan Abu Jamous, M. Suleiman Baraka, and M. Amjad Al-Hindi.
Akram al-Skafi was the senior member of a terrorist family:
Seven members of the al-Skafi family were terror operative combatants, they and Akram al-Skafi all died together when their house was targeted during the 2014 Gaza war, their story is documented on this website and can be seen by clicking HERE.
The al-Skafi terror family Facebook page can be viewed by clicking HERE.
The IDF conducted an aerial attack on Sha’aban Dachdouch, a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, at a rank equivalent to that of a Battalion Commander. The target was present in an office in the Al-Salam building, an office building. The attack was carried out in the late evening hours, in light of the assessment, premised upon timely intelligence, that there would not be civilians present at that time in the building, which was known to be an office building. Members of the Kilani and Derbas families, who had been staying on the same floor in the building as the target of the attack, were killed.
An English translation from Sha’aban Dachdouch’s al-Quds Brigades webpage reveals what he was doing when he was targeted:
” … he was overseeing and following up on battle plans, giving orders and guidance to his battalion and enhancing the morale of the Mujahideen, over time in the field.“
It has never been explained why the al-Kilani and Derbas families were sharing space, on the same floor in an office building, with a senior terror combatant with the equivalent rank of Battalion Commander, during combat.
A more detailed account of this incident can be seen on this website by clicking HERE.
Muneer and his brother, Bashir al-Hajjar, were traveling in an UNRWA car. The vehicle was targeted with precision weapons. Bashir was killed in the vehicle and an 8 year old child in the vehicle was wounded but not killed. Muneer exited the vehicle and was killed within several minutes by another precision weapon.
Munir’s brother, Bashir, was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror operative who had joined the organization at a young age. Munir was also affiliated with the Foreign Terrorist Organization, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
“منير إبراهيم محمد الحجار”
Munir Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Hajjar
انضم شهيدنا المجاهد لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي وعمل في الإطار الطلابي للحركة الأمر الذي تسبب له بالإعتقال في سجون الإحتلال أكثر من مرة وفي كل مرة كان يخرج أكثر إصراراً على مواصلة مسيرته الجهادية ضد المحتل الغاصب.
His Life
Our mujahid martyr joined the Islamic Jihad movement and worked in the student framework of the movement, which caused him to be arrested in the prisons of the occupation more than once, and each time he came out more determined to continue his jihadist journey against the usurping occupier.
Click HERE to view JEHAD, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad website, Muneer al-Hajjar webpage
A more detailed account of this targeted military strike can be seen on this website by clicking HERE.
Osama Abu Hein was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter:
Osama Abu Hein’s webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: In addition to being a Qassami, Osama was a civil engineer, earning a degree from the Islamic University :
“Osama attended the Islamic University, earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, was an imam of The Mosque of Ahmed Yassin for seven years as a volunteer, and Osama was obedient to his parents, loving them, brave, as a keeper of secrets.“
Additional information relative to Osama Abu Hein and his family can be seen on this website by clicking HERE.
Issam Abu Yousef was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter:
Issam Abu Yousef’s webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: He attended the Islamic University and was a member of the Islamic Bloc, Hamas’ student wing. It was at the Islamic University that he studied engineering:
“The martyr belonged to Hamas when he was studying in the third year of the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic University where he was watching the Zionist barriers (before the Zionist suicide from Gaza), his love of entering the ranks of the movement through the Islamic bloc of the university then joined the jihadi work through which he reached what he wished.”
Tamer Tabash was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter:
Tamer Tabash’s webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: He joined the Islamic University department of civil engineering and was a member of the Islamic Bloc, Hamas’ student wing:
His knowledge and his work.
The life of martyr Tamer continued full of creation and kindness, until he joined the Islamic University department of civil engineering, he finished it with a very good appreciation, and because of his love for science and his family continued his master’s studies and finished it with a very good appreciation as well, while his intelligence and superiority did not prevent him from participating in many of the activities of the Islamic bloc through which he joined the Islamic movement Hamas.
Hasan Abu Jamous was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter:
Hasan Abu Jamous’ webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: He learned civil engineering and was a member of the Islamic Bloc, Hamas’ student wing:
Martyr’s Education
Hassan joined his elementary school in Mustafa Kamel school and was distinguished and najiba and has seen him the middle and high school stages of a distinguished rise and a great brilliance in his studies and his relationship with the students where he was one of the first of the school and he was an adulterer of his science of high morality and has gained the respect of teachers and students as he testifies to the sweet voice in the recitation of the Quran, his serenity and the impact on the character of this hero, he learned civil engineering and shine and joined the Islamic bloc, he created and shaveded.
Suleiman Baraka was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter:
Suleiman Baraka’s webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: He completed his university education in engineering:
Shahidna Suleiman received his primary and preparatory education in Saudi Arabia, completed his secondary education at Al Manfalouti School in Deir al-Balah, joined the Islamic Group to complete his university education in engineering, where he graduated in 2006, and worked as director of internal control in deir al-Balah municipality.
Amjad al-Hindi was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, soldier, fighter, Field Commander:
Amjad al-Hindi’s webpage on the al-Qassam Brigades website can be seen by clicking HERE.
The English translation below was taken from his al-Qassam Brigades webpage. NOTE: He obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and was a member or the Hamas student wing, the Islamic Bloc:
Shahida Al-Qasami Amjad was known for his excellence in academic achievement, he was a lover of science and learning, obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, then enrolled in the Faculty of Management and Politics for graduate studies to obtain a master’s degree in leadership and management, and he told his supervisor that he wished to testify for God instead of a master’s degree, and one of the classrooms was named after him in his distinguished biography and loyalty to him, and was interactive with the activities of the Islamic bloc in the various stages of his studies.
Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq who is cited on this webpage was targeted and killed together with six members of his family. Hani al-Hallaq is one of four martyred Palestinian engineers found on this website and on the original Humanize Palestine website. All four were members of The Syndicate of Engineers in Gaza Governorates:
And all four had a terror organization nexus, in this case, al-Hallaq was affiliated with Hamas. To read more about al-Hallaq, the other engineers martyred in the 2014 Gaza war, and the engineers martyred in the most recent conflict, May 2021, click HERE. In Gaza, obviously, a professional engineer has a unique calling, “a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence”.