RAHAF ABU JAME / رهف أبو جام


Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists


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Rahaf Suleiman ‘Awad Abu Jame, 5 years old, died on September 9, 2014 due to her serious wound she sustained on July 25, 2014, when Israeli forces destroyed her uncle’s house, in which her family had taken refuge during the Israeli ground incursion into al-Zannah area in the village of Bani Suhailah in Khan Younis. Due to the seriousness of her wound, Rahaf was transferred to an Egyptian hospital, where she later died.

Sources: IMEMC, PCHR, Press TV


  1. SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER October 13, 2014 at 4:22 pm REPLYMay she rest in peace. Om mani padme humLike
  2. JANE ROSSITER-SMITH October 17, 2014 at 9:58 am REPLYSincere condolences to your family and friends. Rahaf, you had your whole life ahead of you, all your hopes and dreams. You suffered so much from your injuries and finally your little body could struggle no more. In your memory we will continue the fight for freedom and justice for Palestine.Like



Identifying Palestinian Terrorists




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الطفلة أبو جامع .. شهيدة بعد 46 يوما من الصراع مع الألم والجراح

خانيونس- المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام 

بقدر الفرحة التي شعرت بها العائلة يوم ولادتها مع شقيقها التوأم بعد حرمان من الإنجاب استمر سنوات، كان الألم باستشهاد الطفلة رهف سليمان أبو جامع (5 أعوام) بعد رحلة ألم وصراع مع الجراح، استمرت 46 يوماً.

ولم تتمالك والدة الشهيدة أم عدنان، نفسها فتسللت دموعها وهي تترقب وصول جثة طفلتها من مستشفى مصري نقلت إليه بعد إصابتها الخطيرة بشظايا القصف الصهيوني على بلدة بني سهيلا، وقالت “ما ذنب هذه الطفلة؟ ماذا فعلت لهم؟ حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل”.

أصابتها شظية بمنزل لجأت إليه بعد هدم منزلهم

كانت رهف في منزل عمها خيري أبو جامع في بلدة بني سهيلا، الذي لجأت إليه مع أسرتها بعد هدم قوات الاحتلال لمنزلهم في منطقة الزنة خلال التوغل الصهيوني البري في المنطقة خلال العدوان الأخير، عندما قصفت طائرات الاحتلال دراجة نارية قرب منزل عمها، ليستشهد سائق الدراجة مع أحد أبناء عمومتها، فيما أصيبت هي بشظية أصابتها في رأسها وإحدى عينيها بينما كانت داخل المنزل.

تتذكر الأم بألم شديد تلك اللحظات وتقول: “اضطررنا للخروج من منطقة الزنة بعد توغل قوات الاحتلال التي دمرت منزلنا هناك خلال توغلها في المنطقة بتاريخ (18-7) فلجأنا إلى عدة أماكن في إحدى المرات ذهبنا للهلال الأحمر فتعرض للقصف فغادرناه لمركز إيواء ثم حدثت تهدئة جزئية وانسحب الاحتلال من الزنة فعدنا إلى منزل عائلة زوجي”.

وأضافت “كنا داخل المنزل في الصالون سمعت صوت انفجار ثم شاهدت الدماء تنزف من طفلتي فبدأت أصرخ مستنجدة حيث جاء أقاربي وقاموا بنقلها إلى المستشفى”.

تحويل للعلاج في مصر

حالة رهف الخطيرة، استدعت تحويلها بعد ثلاثة أيام للعلاج في أحد المستشفيات المصرية، ومن هناك جرت محاولات لتحويلها إلى مستشفى أفضل حالاً ولكن قوبل ذلك بعراقيل مصرية وفق مصادر في العائلة، فيما استشهدت الطفلة صباح (9-9) قبل نجاح مساعي تحويلها إلى مستشفى ألماني للعلاج.

عدنان الشقيق التوأم لرهف، يشعر بألم استثنائي، فعلى رغم صغر سنه، إلا أن دموعه لا تكاد تتوقف على فقد شقيقته التي كانت أشبه بالملاك بالنسبة للعائلة.

ظروف إنجاب رهف وشقيقها، تجعل حجم الألم والفقد كبيراً، فقد ولدا عن طريق زراعة الأنابيب بعد ثلاث سنوات من إنجاب شقيقتهم الكبرى رغد بطريقة مماثلة والتي جاءت بعد 16 عاماً من الحرمان من الإنجاب.

تقول الأم: “رهف كانت روحي، جاءت بعد شوق وعطش، هي حياتي مع شقيقيها، ولكن الحمد لله على كل حال”.
الخميس 11/سبتمبر/2014 الساعة 1:45:37 مساءً


The girl, Abu Jamea, is a martyr, after 46 days of struggle with pain and wounds

As far as the joy that the family felt on the day of her birth with her twin brother after the deprivation of childbearing lasted years, the pain was the death of the child RAHF Suleiman Abu Jama (5 years) after a journey of pain and conflict with the surgeon, lasted 46 days.

The mother of the martyr, mother of Adnan, did not control herself herself, and her tears crept in, waiting for her daughter’s body to arrive from an Egyptian hospital after she was seriously injured by shrapnel from the Zionist shelling of Bani Sahyla and said, “What is the guilt of this child? What did you do to them? Allah is sufficient for us and he is the best trustee.

She was hit by a splinter in a house that she resorted to after demolishing their house.

She was rahf at the home of her uncle Khairi Abu Jama in the town of Beni Sahila, who sought refuge with her family after the occupation forces demolished their house in the area of Zintan during the Zionist land incursion in the area during the last aggression, when the occupation planes bombed a motorcycle near her uncle’s house, to cite the biker with one of the cousins She was injured by shrapnel in the head and one of her eyes while she was inside the house.

The mother remembers in great pain those moments and says: “We had to get out of the area of Zintan after the occupation forces that destroyed our house there during their incursion into the area (18-7), and we resorted to several places on one occasion we went to the Red Crescent and was bombed so we left for a shelter and then there was partial calm and withdrew The occupation of the Zintan so we went back to my husband’s family home. “

“We were inside the house at the salon, I heard the sound of an explosion, then I saw the blood bleeding from my child, and I started yelling at my family where my relatives came and moved them to the hospital,” she said.

Transfer for treatment in Egypt

The serious case of RAHF, which called for her conversion after three days of treatment in an Egyptian hospital, and from there were attempts to turn her into a better hospital, but this was met with Egyptian obstacles according to sources in the family, while the child cited Sabah (9.9) before the successful attempts to transform her into a German hospital for treatment.

Adnan, the twin brother of Lrhev, feels exceptional pain, but despite his small age, his tears are hardly dependent on the lost of his sister, who was like an angel for the family.

The circumstances of the birth of Rahf and her brother make the volume of pain and loss significant, they were born by planting tubes three years after the birth of their elder sister Raghad in a similar way, which came after 16 years of deprivation of reproduction.

The mother says: “Rahf was my soul, came after longing and thirst, is my life with her two brothers, but thank God, anyway.”
Thursday 11/September/2014 at 12:24:37 pm


On July 25, 2014, Rahaf Abu Jame was inside the house of her uncle. A motorcycle nearby was attacked by an Israeli aircraft, its riders killed. Shrapnel from the motorcycle attack entered the house and struck Rahaf in the head, injuring her. She was transported to an Egyptian hospital where she died on September 9, 2014.



The Military Advocate General (MAG Corps’) (Hebrew: הפרקליטות הצבאית‎, HaParklitut HaTzva’it) is responsible for implementing the rule of law within the Israel Defense Forces. The unit’s objectives include integrating the rule of law amongst IDF commanders and soldiers;⁸ providing commanders with the tools for the effective performance of their missions in accordance with the law; and working with the IDF achieve its goals on all legal fronts. The MAG Corps’, most noteworthly, has the ability to provide legal advice in emergencies and during warfare.[1]

For more about the MAG Corps, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)


A General Staff Mechanism for Fact-Finding Assessments (the ‘FFA Mechanism’) examines Exceptional Incidents that occurred during Operation ‘Protective Edge’. The FFA Mechanism, headed by a Major General, was activated soon after the commencement of Operation ‘Protective Edge’, in the midst of the ongoing hostilities.

To read more about the FFA Mechanism, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Allegation Concerning the Deaths of 27 Persons as a Result of a Strike on a Structure in Khan Younis (20 July 2014)

In media reports and in complaints from NGOs, it was alleged that on 20 July 2014, 27 persons were killed as the result of an IDF strike on the house of the Abu Jame` family in Khan Younis, and others were injured. Subsequently, the incident was referred to the FFA Mechanism for examination.
The factual findings and materials collated by the FFA Mechanism and presented to the MAG, indicated the existence of grounds for a reasonable suspicion that the incident involved a deviation from the rules and procedures applicable to IDF forces. As a result, the MAG ordered a criminal investigation into the incident.
The investigation was thorough and comprehensive. Testimony was collected from one of the individuals injured in the attack, as well as 16 officers who were involved in the approval and carrying out of the attack. Additionally, an  extensive number of documents were retrieved, including materials found in the IDF’s relevant operational systems, death certificates, and more.
The investigation’s findings provide that on 20 July 2014, IDF forces carried out an aerial strike on a structure in use by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities against IDF forces maneuvering in the area. The strike intended to target the military infrastructure in the structure as well as a command level military operative, who according to real-time intelligence was commanding military operations against IDF forces from within the structure. During the planning and execution stages of the strike, which took approximately 24 hours, additional information about the structure was received, which corroborated the understanding that the structure contained military infrastructure that presented clear and immediate danger to IDF forces maneuvering in the area.
During the planning stages of the strike it was assessed, on the basis of intelligence information and other checks that were undertaken, that civilians were likely to be present in the structure, but that the expected civilian harm resulting from the strike would not be excessive in relation to the significant anticipated military advantage that would result from striking the military infrastructure and the command level military operative manning it.
Among the precautions taken, including in order to conduct an assessment of how many civilians were present in the structure, it was decided to undertake a process of gathering additional intelligence on the target; a process which continued for approximately 24 hours. Additionally, surveillance conducted on the structure for a number of hours revealed no civilian movement, except for a single unidentified man who entered the structure prior to the attack.
Contrary to the allegation, it was found that a number of warnings were issued in the area of the strike, using various means, which called on civilians to evacuate from the area. It was further found that it would not have been possible to provide a specific warning to those present in the structure prior to the strike, as such a warning was expected to frustrate the objective of the attack. Moreover, it was also found that because the precise location of the military activity in the structure was not known, the strike could not be limited to a particular portion of the building.
As mentioned, it was alleged that 27 persons were killed as a result of the strike, a number far higher than the number of civilians that was assessed to possibly be in the structure. According to the findings, the targeted military operative was among those killed, together with additional military operatives that were apparently killed in the attack.
After reviewing the investigation’s findings, the MAG found that the attack process in question accorded with Israeli domestic law and international law requirements. The decision to attack was taken by the competent authorities, and the attack was aimed at a military objective – a structure used by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities against IDF forces  maneuvering in the area, and a command level military operative present therein. The attack complied with the principle of proportionality, as at the time the decision to attack was taken it was assessed that the collateral damage expected to arise as a result of the attack would not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated from it. This assessment was not unreasonable under the circumstances. Additionally, the strike was carried out using precautionary measures aimed at minimizing the potential for harm to civilians, including a lengthy intelligence gathering process which included the use of surveillance prior to the attack, in order to assess the presence of civilians in the structure and in its vicinity. It was further found that the provision of a specific warning prior to the attack to those present in the structure was not required by law as it was expected to result in the frustration of the strike’s objective.
The MAG found that the professional discretion exercised by all the commanders involved in the incident had not been unreasonable under the circumstances. The extent of harm, in practice, to civilians who were uninvolved in the hostilities is a regrettable result, and which was not expected at the time the decision to strike was made, but it does not affect the legality of the attack ex post facto.


The funeral for the Abu Jame family, a Hamas family. They are all draped with the Hamas flag:

Mourners fill the mosque during the funeral for 26 members of the Abu Jame’ family, who were killed the previous day during an Israeli attack over the Bani Suhaila neighborhood of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, July 21, 2014. Reports indicate that 15 of the 24 killed were children of Abu Jame’ family.
Abu Jame family members await burial, all draped with Hamas flag


On July 20,2014, IDF forces carried out an aerial strike on a structure in use by Palestinian terrorist organizations for military activities. In addition to targeting the military infrastructure, a command level military operative present in the structure was also targeted.

The attack killed the targeted military operative as well as other military operatives present in the structure. A number of warnings were issued in the area of the strike which called on civilians to evacuate the area. It was not possible to provide a specific warning to those present in the structure prior to the strike as such a warning would negate the objective of the attack.



“… died on September 9, 2014 due to her serious wound she sustained on July 25, 2014, when Israeli forces destroyed her uncle’s house, in which her family had taken refuge …


Rahaf Abu Jame was killed by shrapnel when it entered her uncle’s house where she was staying on July 25, 2014, and hit her in the head. Her uncle’s house was not damaged, it was not attacked, it was not destroyed. The destruction of the uncle’s house makes reference to the unrelated incident of July 20, 2014.