
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 25 Fatah terrorists, operatives, and affiliates found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE.
لمشاهدة صور 25 إرهابياً من فتح، وعملاء، ومنتسبين موجودين في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع الإنترنت لـ”أنسِر فلسطين”، انقر هنا.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Khaled Azmi Odeh, 18 years old, was shot in the chest by an Israeli settler and killed on July 25, 2014 in the West Bank city of Huwara, outside the city of Nablus. The shooting came occurred around 2:30 pm, after a protest against Israel’s assault on Gaza.
Witnesses said a person in a car believed to be a settler killed two Palestinians, Khaled Odeh and Tayeb Shehada, and wounded three others by Huwara. Palestinian witnesses say a settler was with his wife in a car, then he stopped and took out and his weapon and started to shoot.
Sources: Haaretz, Ajnad News
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- TULAY AZIZE TUNCAY July 26, 2014 at 4:46 am REPLYHe now has peace, but who will give him justice?Liked by 1 person
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 26, 2014 at 5:21 pm REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme hum.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists

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IDF troops, settlers shoot Palestinians in West Bank, killing 9 in deadly weekend
Palestinians killed in separate incidents Friday; tensions in West Bank continue after massive clashes on Thursday left one Palestinian dead.
By NIDA TUMA, REUTERS JULY 25, 2014 18:26
… In a separate incident near another protest against the conflict in Gaza, witnesses said a person in a car, believed to be a settler, shot dead Khaled Azmi Odeh, 18, and wounded three others near Nablus .…

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Seventeen Palestinians Killed in the West Bank since the Beginning of Israeli Offensive on the Gaza Strip
Tuesday, 05 August 2014 18:55 – [21 July – 2 August] – Ref.: 87/2014

Khaled ‘Azmi ‘Odeh – Huwara – Nablus
On 25 July at approximately 1:00 P.M., a demonstration took place on Huwara Street in Nablus in solidarity with the Gaza Strip. The demonstration headed towards the Huwara checkpoint and, when it reached the Udla intersection, Palestinian youth threw stones at three settlers’ cars passing by. A settler in another car, a silver-coloured jeep with an Israeli license plate, opened fire at the demonstrators, injuring four people with live bullets. Khaled, 20, was shot on the left side of his body. He was transferred to the Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus, along with the other injured protestors. Khaled was announced dead at approximately 3:00 P.M. that day.

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إستشهاد خالد عودة
أوقفت سيارتي على جانب الطريق.. ونزلت لأشارك في المسيرة.. وهو أقل ما نستطيع تقديمه.. وهناك التقيت بالشاب المؤدب المهذب خالد عزمي عودة ( رحمه الله)، سلمت عليه وسألته عن حاله، وكان مشرق الوجه، ومشينا سويا.. ولم نمش إلا امتارا معدودة حتى جاء مستوطن صهيوني بسيارته وأراد أن يمر من وسط المسيرة، والشارع يمر منه اليهود لأنه الطريق الوحيد لعدة مغتصبات صهيونية في المنطقة.. فلم يتمالك الشباب اعصابهم ومنظر أشلاء الاطفال والنساء في غزة تتراءى أمام أعينهم.. فانهالوا على سيارته ضربا بايديهم وارجلهم.. وفر كالجرذ مسرعا..ثم بعدها بدقائق، مر مستوطن آخر.. وأراد ان يفعل ذات الشيئ.. فتفرقت المسيرة على طرفي الشارع.. ليس هربا وانما توزع الشباب لجمع الحجارة استعدادا لتحطيم سيارته.. واصابته فعلا بعض الحجارة قبل ان يعود مسرعا إلى الوراء.. وقتها شعرت أن الأمر أصبح أكثر جدية وخطورة حيث أن عشرات الرجال العزل يقفون في شارع مفتوح والمستوطنون يمرون بسياراتهم واسلحتهم، ويمكن لأي منهم أن يقوم بمجزرة بحق الناس.. ولم تكد الأفكار المتخاطرة تتوقف حتى عاد ذات المستوطن مسرعا مرة أخرى.. فتفرق الناس مجددا، لكن هذه المرة كان يقود السيارة بيد ويطلف النار بشكل عشوائي باليد الأخرى..كان صوت الرصاص يصم الأذن.. فلم تكن المسافة بيني وبينه أكثر من ثلاثة أمتار.. وأول ما خطر في بالي أن إطلاق النار كان في الهواء ليس مباشرة على الناس.. لكن! ما إن نظرت حولي حتى رأيت الدماء على الأرض.. خلفي مباشرة.. رأيت خالد ملقى على الأرض.. وشاب آخر اسمه حسن يضع يده على رقبته والدماء تملأه.. واخر وآخر..أسرعت إلى خالد، مسحت على وجهه، امسكت بيده، لم يكن واعيا.. كان الألم ظاهرا على وجهه.. قرأت عليه بعض الآيات قبل أن يحمله المسعفون ويهرعوا به إلى المستشفى..وقتها التهب غضب الناس واشتد التوتر في البلدة.. وهرعت قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال الصهيوني حيث اغلقوا الشارع الرئيسي بالكامل واندلعت مواجهات بينهم وبين الشباب العزل إلا من حجارة الأرض المباركة.. لم تمض ساعة حتى سمعنا بخبر استشهاد خالد رحمه الله تعالى.. وحينها أشتد غضب الشباب أكثر وبدأو برشق الجنود الصهيانة بالحجارة والزجاجات الحارقة وإلقاء الألعاب النارية عليهم..
Articles and passing thoughts
Blogger Samer Odeh – Palestine
The Martyrdom of Khalid Odeh
I parked my car on the side of the road. And I went down to participate in the rally Which is the least we can offer. And there I met the polite polite young man Khalid Azmi Odeh (May Allah have mercy on him), and asked him about his condition, and he was bright face, and we walked together.. We did not freckles until a Zionist settler came in his car and wanted to pass from the center of the procession, and the street passes by the Jews because it is the only way for several Zionist rapists in the region.. The guys did not have the nerves and the sight of the parts of the children and women in Gaza are in front of their eyes And they beat his car with their hands and feet Save as a rat speeding..
And then minutes later, another settler passed away. And he wanted to do the same thing. And the march dispersed on both sides of the street Not to escape, but to distribute the youths to collect stones in preparation to smash his car.. And he actually hit some rocks before he rushed back.. Then I felt that it was becoming more serious and dangerous as dozens of unarmed men were standing in an open street and settlers were passing through their cars and weapons, and any of them could massacre people.. And no sooner have the specialized ideas stopped until the same settler came back rushing again.. People dispersed again, but this time he was driving the car in hand and shooting randomly with the other hand..
The sound of bullets was deafening.. The distance between me and him was not more than three meters And first of all it came to my mind that shooting was in the air not directly on people.. But! As I looked around until I saw the blood on the ground, Right behind me. I saw Khalid lying on the floor. And another guy named Hasan puts his hand on his neck and the blood fills it.. And another and another..
I rushed to Khalid, wiped his face, grabbed his hand, wasn’t conscious.. The pain was visible on his face.. I read some verses before the paramedics carried him and rushed him to the hospital.
Then the people became angry and the tension in the town intensified Large forces came from the Zionist occupation army, where they closed the main street completely and clashes erupted between them and the unarmed youths except from the stones of the blessed land..
A demonstration was held in a street to protest the war taking place in Gaza. A Jewish settler driving his car on the street attempted to pass through the center of the procession. The demonstrators taking part in the demonstration procession beat his car with their hands and feet.
Minutes later, another settler in a car wanted to pass through the demonstration in the street. The demonstrators then took up positions on both sides of the street, not to allow the car to pass, but to collect stones in preparation for a confrontation with the car’s occupant, to “smash his car”.
Stones hit the vehicle, the driver, attempting to escape, drove his car with one hand and simultaneously fired his weapon with his other hand, fired into the crowd, Khalid Odeh was hit and later died in the hospital.

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Preparing Odeh’s body for funeral

“Witnesses said a person in a car believed to be a settler killed two Palestinians, Khaled Odeh and Tayeb Shehada, and wounded three others by Huwara. Palestinian witnesses say a settler was with his wife in a car, then he stopped and took out and his weapon and started to shoot.”
FALSE STATEMENT #1: “settler killed two Palestinians”
FACT: The Samer Odeh blog documents what really happened: “It was not an hour until we heard the news of Khalid’s martyrdom. And then the anger of the youth increased and they started throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers and throwing fireworks at them….” Tayeb Shehada participated in this event, about an hour after Khaled Odeh was shot. Shehada threw Molotove cocktails and stones at Israeli soldiers as well as a box of fireworks which led them to believe they were being fired at, and they then returned fire and killed Shehada.“
FALSE STATEMENT #2: settler “stopped and took out his weapon and started to shoot”
FACT: The Samer Odeh blog: “he was driving the car in hand and shooting randomly with the other hand..”
FALSE STATEMENT #3: “Khaled Azmi Odeh was shot in the chest”
FACT: Al-Haq: “Khaled, 20, was shot on the left side of his body.“
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Khaled Azmi Odeh was an example of this.
Below are two pictures of Odeh, side by side, for comparison:

The photograph of Odeh on the left is how Odeh is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 18 years old, was shot in the chest by an Israeli settler and killed on July 25, 2014 … Palestinian witnesses say a settler was with his wife in a car, then he stopped and took out and his weapon and started to shoot.
The photograph on the right is who Odeh truthfully was, a Fatah operative. This is the Odeh whose death is chronicled on the website, Articles and passing thoughts, Blogger Samer Odeh – Palestine, “The Martyrdom of Khalid Odeh” :
a Zionist settler came in his car and wanted to pass from the center of the procession … they beat his car with their hands and feet … minutes later, another settler passed … And he wanted to do the same thing. And the march dispersed on both sides of the street Not to escape, but to distribute the youths to collect stones in preparation to smash his car.. And he actually hit some rocks … settler came back rushing again.. People dispersed again, but this time he was driving the car in hand and shooting randomly with the other hand … first of all it came to my mind that shooting was in the air not directly on people.. But! As I looked around until I saw the blood on the ground, Right behind me. I saw Khalid lying on the floor.