شعبان سليمان الدحدوح

The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 29 Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades terror operatives found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE
لمشاهدة صور النشطاء الإرهابيين في الجهاد الإسلامي وسرايا القدس وعددهم 29 والذين تم العثور عليهم في معرض صور مواقع أنسنة فلسطين ، انقر هنا.
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

We honor 7 members of the al-Kilani family:
- Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53 years old. He was an engineer.
- Taghrid Shoeban Mohammad al-Kilani, 47 years old.
- Yassr Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 8 years old.
- Elias Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 4 years old.
- Susan Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 11 years old.
- Reem Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 12 years old.
- Yasmeen Ibrahim Deeb al-Kilani, 9 years old.
The al-Kilani family was killed on July 22, 2014 by an Israeli F-16 airstrike that hit the Salam building in Gaza City. It has been reported that Taghrid al-Kilani was preparing an iftar, the meal that ends a day of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, when Israel shelled them. The al-Kilanis lived in Beit Lahia, in the north-west of Gaza, but had moved to the center of Gaza City before the air strikes in response to an Israeli evacuation request. The family also held German nationality.
Sources: DCI
- NAJIAH July 24, 2014 at 2:09 pm REPLYYa allah… Grant this beautiful fanily the highest station of jannah. For u r the most loving the moat merciful. Give their loved ones sabr and the belief that justice will be served so long as they aligb their hearts with yours. AmeenLiked by 1 person
- Pingback: In Memory: The Al-Kilani Family | thequietstar
- CLEY July 27, 2014 at 4:05 pm REPLYBe blessed in heaven. It breaks my heart. Praying for all the ones left behind and will miss you so much.Like
- CATHY RODE July 28, 2014 at 10:59 pm REPLYMy heart is so heavy as I feel the deepest pain these souls are experiencing…..how can we continue to bear it?Like
- PHILOU July 29, 2014 at 11:43 am REPLYSuch a beautiful family slaughtered… that only should have made headlines for days…Like
- Pingback: The Al-Kilani Family | The Martyr
- CAROLINE August 3, 2014 at 2:21 am REPLYSusan, the smallest of the 2 girls, looked like my sister-in-law Anne… This site is great, because it allows everyone to see the victims as humans and not just as numbers. We sometimes can identify with them. Keep going, you are doing a great job.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
The Military Advocate General (MAG Corps’) (Hebrew: הפרקליטות הצבאית, HaParklitut HaTzva’it) is responsible for implementing the rule of law within the Israel Defense Forces. The unit’s objectives include integrating the rule of law amongst IDF commanders and soldiers;⁸ providing commanders with the tools for the effective performance of their missions in accordance with the law; and working with the IDF achieve its goals on all legal fronts. The MAG Corps’, most noteworthly, has the ability to provide legal advice in emergencies and during warfare.[1]
For more about the MAG Corps, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)
A General Staff Mechanism for Fact-Finding Assessments (the ‘FFA Mechanism’) examines Exceptional Incidents that occurred during Operation ‘Protective Edge’. The FFA Mechanism, headed by a Major General, was activated soon after the commencement of Operation ‘Protective Edge’, in the midst of the ongoing hostilities.
To read more about the FFA Mechanism, click HERE (Use Back Arrow to Return)
Decisions of the IDF MAG Regarding Exceptional Incidents that Allegedly Occurred During Operation ‘Protective Edge’- Update No. 4
Allegations Concerning the Death of 15 Individuals During an Attack on the Al-Salam Building in Gaza City (21 July 2014) –
In IDF operational reports, as well as in complaints received by the MAG Corps from NGOs, it was alleged that on 21 July 2014, 15 individuals were killed as a result of an IDF aerial attack on the Al-Salam building in Gaza City. In these complaints, it was alleged that the deceased had been staying in the building after they had been evacuated from their homes in areas in which fighting was ongoing. Subsequently, and in accordance with the MAG’s investigation policy, the incident was referred to the FFA Mechanism for examination.
According to the factual findings collated by the FFA Mechanism and presented to the MAG, on 21 July 2014, the IDF had conducted an aerial attack on Sha’aban Dachdouch, a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, at a rank equivalent to that of a Battalion Commander. The attack was carried out at a time when the target was present in an office in the Al-Salam building. The attack was carried out in the late evening hours, in light of the assessment, premised upon timely intelligence, that there would not be civilians present at that time in the building, which was known to be an office building. Additionally, the attack was planned in such a way – from the type of munition selected, to the method according to which the attack was executed – that the damage would be limited to that part of the building where the target was located. The aim was to minimize, to the extent feasible, the collateral damage that would result from the attack, without frustrating its success. Regrettably, after the fact, there was an unforeseen collapse in the upper floors of the building approximately half an hour after the attack. As a result of the attack, the senior commander in question was killed, and it was alleged that a further 14 civilians were killed, most of them members of the Kilani and Derbas families, who had been staying, according to the complaints received by the MAG Corps, on the same floor in the building as the target of the attack. As a result of this incident, operational lessons-learned regarding the IDF’s methods for carrying out aerial attacks in similar cases were drawn, and were implemented whilst the Operation was still underway.
After reviewing the factual findings and the material collated by the FFA Mechanism, the MAG found that the targeting process in question accorded with Israeli domestic law and international law requirements. The decision to attack was taken by the competent authorities and aimed at a lawful target – a senior commander in Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who was indeed killed as a result of the attack. The attack complied with the principle of proportionality, as at the time the decision was taken, it was considered that the collateral damage expected from the attack would not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated from it, and this assessment was not unreasonable under the circumstances. Moreover, the attack was carried out while undertaking a number of precautionary measures which aimed to minimize the risk of collateral damage. Such measures included, inter alia, the choice of munition to be used, and the method according to which the attack was carried out. The fact that, in practice, a number of civilians who were not involved in the hostilities were harmed, is a regrettable result, but does not affect the legality of the attack ex post facto.
In light of the above, the MAG did not find that the actions of IDF forces raised grounds for a reasonable suspicion of criminal misconduct. As a result, the MAG ordered the case to be closed, without opening a criminal investigation or ordering further action against those involved in the incident.
On July 21, 2014, during the 2014 Gaza War, Operation Protective Edge, the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) conducted an aerial attack on Shaban Dahdouh, a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. He was present in an office building, the Al-Salam Building in Gaza City. The attack was carried out in the late evening when it was believed that there would not be civilians present at that time in an office building.
Unknown to the IDF was the fact that the Kilani family was staying on the same floor in the building as the target of the attack, Dahdouh. They were all killed as well as the target of the attack.
PIJ operatives killed in Operation Protective Edge (According to the Al-Quds Brigades website, September 10, 2014)
1- The website of the Al-Quds Brigades (the PIJ military wing) recently published a collection of photos of the organization’s operatives killed during Operation Protective Edge. The collection of photos comprises a total of 119 photos of uniformed operatives (most of them in a similar format) with the goal of reinforcing the image of an orderly and organized military infrastructure.
2- Among the PIJ operatives killed in fighting, five senior military operatives stand out:
Sha’ban Suleiman al-Dahdouh (Abu al-Majd) – senior battalion
commander in the PIJ’s Gaza Brigade. Served as commander of the Al-Quds Brigades battalion in Gaza’s Zeitoun neighborhood. Killed on July 21, 2014, in an Israel Air Force attack on Gaza City (Ma’an News Agency, Firas, July 21, 2014).


حياته الجهادية
يعتبر الشهيد القائد شعبان الدحدوح (أبو المجد) أحد أبرز قادة سرايا القدس في لواء غزة وقائد كتيبة كتيبة الزيتون، وساهم أبو المجد وبشكل واضح في تطوير العمل العسكري داخل كتيبته فخرج جيلاً جهاديا مازال ماضياً على خطاه.
ولشهيدنا القائد أبو المجد بصمة واضحة داخل لواء غزة، فكان نشيطاً في أداء مهامه العسكرية التي توكل إليه، وشارك في العديد من المهمات العسكرية, حيث كان له الشرف في التصدي للعديد من الاجتياحات الصهيونية وخاصة في حي الزيتون وكان له بصمة في حرب 2008 م والتي قام فيها جيش الاحتلال باجتياح بعض مناطق غزة، وقاد أبو المجد معركة التصدي للاجتياح الذي حدث لمنطقة الزيتون واستبسل في التصدي للعدوان ، وأيضا شارك في الإشراف على العديد من مهمات إطلاق الصواريخ على أرضينا المحتلة.
كانت له بصمات واضحة في معركة السماء الزرقاء عام 2012م التي خاضتها سرايا القدس حيث كان على رأس العمل ويشرف على المجاهدين ويجهزهم للتصدي لهذا العدوان الغاشم، فكان قائد كتيبة الزيتون يحضر ويشرف على تجهيز الكمائن ووضع الخطط اللازمة للتصدي لأي اجتياح في ذلك الوقت وأيضا كان يشرف على إطلاق الصواريخ وقذائف الهاون والـ107 على أرضينا المحتلة .
ويسجل لشهيد أيضاً أنه كان احد القادة المشرفين على عملية كسر الصمت الصاروخية والتي ردت بها سرايا القدس بإطلاق أكثر من 130 صاروخ باتجاه مغتصبات غلاف غزة، وأيضا يضاف لسجل المجد انه كان من أبرز قادة معركة البنيان المرصوص التي استمرت 51 يوم فكان يشرف ويتابع خطط سير المعركة ويعطي الأوامر والتوجيهات الخاصة بكتيبته ويعزز روح المعنوية للمجاهدين فكان على مدار الوقت في الميدان ولم يغادره إلا شهيداً.
ارتقاء المجد
بتاريخ 21/7/2014م ارتقى الشهيد القائد شعبان الدحدوح شهيدا، بعد ان استهدفت طائرات العدو الصهيوني المكان الذي كان يتواجد فيه وسط مدينة غزة، فارتقى شهيدا وبقى مصيره مجهولا بسبب عدم العثور على جثته لمدة 15 يوما بسبب شدة الدمار والركام الذي خلفه القصف الصهيوني، ووجد جثمانه الطاهر تحت الركام بعد أعمال حثيثة للبحث عن جثمانه الطاهر أثناء المعركة الأخيرة، فرحل شهيدا كما تمنى وأحب مقبلاً غير مدبر.

His jihadist life
The martyr Commander Shaaban Al-Dahdouh (Abu Al-Majd) is considered one of the most prominent leaders of the Al-Quds Brigades in the Gaza Brigade and the leader of the Olive Battalion battalion. Abu al-Majd clearly contributed to the development of military action within his battalion, so he came out a jihadist generation that is still following in his footsteps.
Our leader Abu al-Majd has a clear imprint inside the Gaza Brigade, and he was active in performing his military duties entrusted to him, and he participated in many military missions, where he had the honor to confront many Zionist invasions, especially in the Zaytun neighborhood, and he had a footprint in the 2008 war that In it, the occupation army invaded some areas of Gaza, and Abu al-Majd led a battle to confront the invasion that took place in the Zaytun area and was daring to address the aggression, and also participated in overseeing many of the rocket launch missions to our occupied lands.
He had clear imprints in the battle of the blue sky in 2012, which was fought by the Al-Quds Brigades, where he was at work and supervising the mujahideen and preparing them to confront this brutal aggression, so the leader of the olive battalion was attending and supervising the preparation of ambushes and setting up the necessary plans to address any invasion at that time and also supervised Rocket and mortar and 107 rockets were fired at our occupied lands.
Shahid also records that he was one of the leaders supervising the process of breaking the missile silence, in which the Al-Quds Brigades retaliated by launching more than 130 missiles towards the settlements of the Gaza cover. It gives orders and directions for his battalion and boosts the morale of the Mujahideen, so he was over the time in the field and only a martyr left him.
Rising Glory
On 7/21/2014, the martyr Commander Shaaban Al-Dahdouh was elevated as a martyr, after the Zionist enemy planes targeted the place where he was in the center of Gaza City, and he rose as a martyr and his fate remained unknown because his body was not found for 15 days because of the severity of the destruction and the debris left by the Zionist shelling, He found his immaculate body under the rubble after strenuous efforts to search for his clean body during the last battle.
*Account associated with this video has been terminated – screen grab was taken from archived file

Note logo upper left corner of screen grab:

This is the logo of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades, Military Media
A Short Summary of the Tactics of Human Shields Used by the Terrorist Organizations in the Gaza Strip
1. The human shield concept of Hamas and the other terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip involves the extensive use of civilians as human shields for defending terrorist operatives from Israeli air and ground attacks. It was widely used during Operation Cast Lead1 and is being used again in Operation Protective Edge.
2. The following are past examples of how the terrorist organizations use Gazan civilians as human shields. In ITIC assessment Hamas and the other terrorist organizations will use similar tactics in Operation Protective Edge in addition to what has been done so far, especially if the operation evolves into a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. They are motivated by a desire to make it difficult for the IDF to operate and to exploit civilian casualties for political, propaganda and legal purposes.
3. The main tactics used are:
1) The presence of terrorist operatives and storing weapons in civilian residences ….
2) Terrorist operatives are assimilated into civilian neighborhoods, which are turned into combat compounds ….
3) Rocket fire from populated areas and from the proximity of civilian houses ….
4) Coercion of civilians not to leave their homes in battle zones ….
5) Extensive military use of mosques, hospitals and educational institutions – For example, during Operation Cast Lead Hamas made extensive use of hospitals and other medical facilities as shelters where its leadership and senior field operatives hid, and launched rockets at Israel in close proximity to such facilities. It located its military-terrorist infrastructures within and near hospitals and stored weapons in and near medical centers. Hamas also used mosques and schools for various military purposes (for which there is a great deal of factual evidence).
It is widely know that Palestinian terror organizations such as Hamas, and in this case, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades, utilize mosques, hospitals and educational institutions to hide their leaders and senior field operatives while engaged in combat operations, command and control. The Kilani family incident is the perfect example of this terror tactic.
Shaban Suleiman ad-Dahdouh was a senior Battalion Commander in the PIJ’s al-Quds Brigades. He served as commander of the al-Quds Brigades battalion in Gaza’s Zeitoun neighborhood.
Dahdouh did not use a mosque, hospital or educational institution for his concealment, he used an office building in Gaza City, the Al-Salam Building. And he was staying on the same floor as the Kilani family.
Dahdouh’s webpage on the al-Quds Brigades website sheds light on what he was doing in the Al-Salam office buidling when he was targeted – this is a partial English translation: “… he was overseeing and following up on battle plans, giving orders and guidance to his battalion and enhancing the morale of the Mujahideen, over time in the field.“
Click HERE to view al-Quds Brigades, Saraya al-Quds website, Dahdouh webpage
“The al-Kilani family was killed on July 22, 2014 by an Israeli F-16 airstrike that hit the Salam building in Gaza City. It has been reported that Taghrid al-Kilani was preparing … meal … when Israel shelled them. The al-Kilanis … moved to the center of Gaza City … in response to an Israeli evacuation request. The family also held German nationality.”
FACT #1: The Kilani family was killed late in the evening of July 21, 2014, not July 22nd.
FACT #2: Most likely that the Kilani family was not preparing a meal late in the evening as claimed by the original website.
FACT #3: The Israelis DID NOT “shell” the Kilani family. They were not the target of the airstrike, and it was NOT a shelling. The aerial attack targeted a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
FACT #4: There is no mention of the fact that the building housing the Kilani family, the Al-Salam Building, was an office building.
FACT #5: While the original Humanize Palestine website stated that the Kilani family held German nationality, there is no mention of the fact that they all had in their possession German passports and could have left Gaza, as the German government had urged:

The family held German passports. Germany’s Foreign Office, a few days before the military strike on the the Al-Salam Building, urged all Germans living in the Gaza Strip – mostly Palestinians with a German passport – to immediately exit the crisis zone. This story can be seen HERE.
The Kilani Family did not exit the crisis zone as the German Foreign Office had urged. After they evacuated their home due to ongoing combat, they relocated to the Al-Salam Building, an office building in Gaza City. They were staying on the same floor as the target of a military strike, Sha’aban Dachdouch, a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. And there never was an explanation as to why they were sharing their quarters with an al-Quds Brigades operative, engaged in active combatant.
The Kilani family’s roomate:

commander in the PIJ’s Gaza Brigade. Served as commander of the Al-Quds
Brigades battalion in Gaza’s Zeitoun neighborhood



Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani was killed together with his family and the target of the strike, Shaaban Al-Dahdouh, who was a senior PIJ operative. He was engaged in combat when he was targeted and killed in the Al-Salam Building, an office building in Gaza City. The al-Kilani and Derbas families were killed together with the PIJ combatant and it has never been explained why the two families were living on the same floor as Shaaban al-Dahdouh.
Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani was an engineer who held a German passport and even though the German government advised all passport holders to leave Gaza, the al-Kilani family refused to leave. Al-Kilani is one of four martyred Palestinian engineers found on this website and on the original Humanize Palestine website. All four were members of The Syndicate of Engineers in Gaza Governorates:

And all of them had a terror organization nexus, in this case, sharing living quarters with a senior member of Palestinian Islamic Jhad while engaged in combat. To read more about Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani, the other engineers martyred in the 2014 Gaza war, and the engineers martyred in the most recent conflict, May 2021, click HERE. In Gaza, obviously, a professional engineer has a unique calling, “a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence”.