
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Journalist Abdallah Murtaja, 26 years old, succumbed Monday, August 25, 2014, to wounds he sustained in an Israeli airstrike in the al-Shuja’iyya neighborhood in Gaza City two weeks earlier.
He had previously studied at the Islamic University in Gaza and was a reporter for the al-Aqsa TV channel.
Source: Ma’an News Agency
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH August 25, 2014 at 11:46 pm REPLYAbdallah, your life was cut short so tragically. You were so brave, you gave your life for Palestine and to reveal the truth to the world. You had so much more to give, so much ahead of you.
Sincere condolences to your family, friends and colleagues.
JaneLike - ISMAIL August 26, 2014 at 3:22 am REPLYMay Allah grant you Jannatul-Firdous, Inshallah, Ameen –Like
- MADALENA SANTOS August 26, 2014 at 5:55 am REPLYRIPLike
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH August 27, 2014 at 2:30 am REPLYWill you let me know if this email reaches you, I have a question to ask you. Many thanks. Jane Rossiter-Smith Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:35:10 +0000 To: [email protected]Like
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER August 27, 2014 at 1:52 pm REPLYEternal rest grant unto him, may he rest in peace. Om mani padme humLike
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.

Click HERE to view al-Qassam Brigades website, Murtaja webpage

مجاهد قسامي
Abdullah Fadl Murtaja
Mujahid Qusami
الشهيد القسامي / عبد الله فضل مرتجى
تعلق قلبه بالمساجد
The martyr al – Qasami / Abdullah Fadl Murtaja
His heart is attached to the mosques
القسام – خاص:
يا لها من تضحيات المؤمنين، وعزيمة الرجال الثابتين المرابطين المجاهدين في سبيل الله تعالى، عندما يمضي رجال القسام الأبطال حاملين أرواحهم على أكفهم، يسيرون في طريق ذات الشوكة، وابتغاء الشهادة في سبيل الله فداء للدين ونصرة للحق أمام الباطل وغطرسته، وبايعوا الله عز وجل على المضي قدما في درب الشهادة، غير آبهين بوعورة الطريق، من حروب ونيران ولهيب العدوان، خرجوا من رحم هذه الأرض ممتشقين سلاحهم الطاهر في وجه أعداء الدين والوطن اليهود ومن والاهم.
الميلاد والنشأة
ولد عبد الله في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بتاريخ 19/11/1988م، وبعد خمس سنوات من ميلاده انتقل إلى موطنه الأصلي في غزة – الشجاعية مع قدوم السلطة سنة 1993م، وهو ينتمي لأسرة تتكون من ثلاثة أبناء، وبنتين، وترعرع عبد الله بين إخوانه إلى أن تزوج عام 2008م ورزق بأربعة أبناء.
اتصف عبد الله بالكرم، وحسن الأدب، وبر الوالدين، كان مجاهدًا بسلاحه وقلمه ولسانه، جمع شمائل الداعية الواعد في مسجده (بسيسو)، فرزقه الله من العلم والتواضع وحسن السيرة، وجمال الأسلوب في الحديث.
تلقى شهيدنا تعليمه الابتدائي، ثم الإعدادي في المدرسة الشرعية التابعة لوزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية، ثم انتقل إلى معهد الأزهر الديني ليكمل مرحلته الثانوية، ثم التحق بالجامعة الإسلامية بغزة، ليكمل دراسة البكالوريوس في تخصص القانون، وعرف أنه كان متميزًا في دراسته في كل المراحل.
محطات في حياته
عيّن أميرًا للكتلة الإسلامية في مدرسة الأوقاف الشرعية في غزة، وهذ الأمر سبب له الفصل من المدرسة في المرحلة الإعدادية، كما عين أميرًا للكتلة أيضًا في معهد الأزهر الديني، وعمل خطيبًا في وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الدينية، بالإضافة إلى العمل الخيري، كما أحب مهنة الصحافة والإعلام، فعمل مراسلًا لفضائية الأقصى، بالتزامن مع ممارسته لواجبه الجهادي في معركة الفرقان سنة 2008-2009م، وقد تعرض حينها لمحاولة الاستهداف؛ ولكن الله سلمه وحفظه، وشارك في حرب السجيل سنة 2012م، وأخيرًا في العصف المأكول التي كان فيها قائدًا لسلاح الدفاع الجوي في كتيبة الشجاعية.
إلى جانب عمله الإعلامي في الصحافة، لم يتأخر عن أداء واجبه الجهادي مع إخوانه، حيث توجه مع ثلة من إخوانه المجاهدين لقصف المغتصبات الصهيوينة بقذائف الهاون من عيار 80 في منطقة سوق الجمعة مساء الإثنين 25/8/2014م، وعندها استهدفتهم طائرات العدو الصهيوني، فارتقوا إلى العلياء، وهم يدافعون عن ثرى فلسطين الحبيبة، وكان معه من الشهداء محمد جندية، وفريد فادي حبيب، ونور جندية، وعمرو الشيخ خليل.

Shaheedna received his primary education, then preparatory school in the Islamic School of the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, then moved to al-Azhar Religious Institute to complete his secondary school, then enrolled in the Islamic University of Gaza, to complete his bachelor’s degree in law, and knew that he was distinguished in his studies at all stages.
Stations in his life
He was appointed emir of the Islamic bloc in the School of Islamic Endowments in Gaza, which caused him to be dismissed from the school in the middle stage, and was also appointed emir of the bloc at the Al-Azhar Religious Institute, and worked as a preacher in the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, in addition to charitable work, as well as the profession of journalism and media, and worked as a correspondent for Al-Aqsa, in conjunction with his jihadi duty in the Battle of Al-Furqan in 2008-2009, was then subjected to an attempt to target, but God handed him over and saved him, and participated in the War of Sajil in 2012, and finally in the storm in which he was commander of the Air Defense Force in a battalion Shujaiya.
His martyrdom.
In addition to his media work in the press, he did not delay his jihadi duty with his brothers, where he went with a group of his mujahedeen brothers to to hit the Zionist settlements with 80-caliber mortars in the market area of Friday evening, 25 August 2014, at which time they were targeted by the planes of the Zionist enemy, they went to the Supreme, and they are defending the wealth of beloved Palestine, and with him martyrs Mohammed Habib, Farid Fadi Habib, Farid Fadi Habib, Nour Junda and Sheikh Amr.

Left: Abdallah Mortaja photographed as correspondent for Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV (YouTube, December 12, 2013). Right: Abdallah Mortaja calls himself “an information shaheed of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades” in his videotaped will (YouTube, October 30, 2014).
Who Is a Terrorist and Who Is a Journalist? Hamas Operative Abdallah Mortaja, Killed in Operation Protective Edge, as a Case Study.

- About a week after the end of Operation Protective Edge the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate issued a list of 17 names, allegedly of journalists who had been killed in the operation. The list was published by the PA’s Wafa News Agency, which received it from the Hamas-controlled Gaza office of the ministry of information.1 The ITIC examined the list and found that about half (eight) were affiliated with Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).2
- One of the names on the list of “journalists” was Abdallah Fadel Mortaja, represented by the Palestinians as a journalist, with no mention made of his role as a military-terrorist operative (See Appendix B). However, the ITIC discovered that
1 The official name, as it appears on its website, is the “Palestinian national authority ministry of information government information office” [in the Gaza Strip].
2 For further information see the February 12, 2015 bulletin “Examination of the Names of 17 Journalists and Media Personnel Whom the Palestinians Claim Were Killed in Operation Protective Edge.”
he was an operative in the Shejaiya battalion of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military-terrorist wing, where he also carried out propaganda missions. - On February 17, 2015, a year and a half after his death, Hamas’ satellite channel, Al-Aqsa TV, broadcast a program in his memory. The program did not ignore “the information activities of the al-Qassam shaheed,” but stressed his military role. The program showed him wearing an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades uniform and operating various types of weapons. Sections of the will he recorded before his death were also broadcast (See Appendix A).
- The case of Abdallah Mortaja raises the question, in principle, of the status of military-terrorist operatives who also deal with propaganda in the battle for hearts and minds (regarded as particularly important by the terrorist organizations). Hamas and the PIJ, like ISIS and Hezbollah, employ terrorist operatives to carry out propaganda missions, and in several instances they are integral parts of military-terrorist units. However, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations went one step further and are now trying to represent terrorist operatives who fulfill propaganda roles as legitimate journalists who enjoy professional immunity. That is evident from Abdallah Mortaja and other terrorist operatives who were killed in Operation Protective Edge whose names appear on the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate list. In addition, not only are the Palestinians trying to claim immunity for their military- terrorist operatives, they are also trying to defame Israel by claiming it deliberately killed those “journalists” and prevented them from doing their jobs.
Al-Aqsa TV Memorial for Abdallah Mortaja (Based in part on a YouTube video from October 30, 2014)
- On February 17, 2015 (and rerun the following day) Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV broadcast a program in memory of the shaheed Abdallah Mortaja (aka Abu Omar). It integrated videos and statements from family members. Some of the videos showed him wearing an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades uniform. Scenes from the will he read on camera before his death showed him armed with a rifle and wearing a green Izz al- Din al-Qassam Brigades headband. There were also scenes of him broadcasting from the field as a Hamas Al-Aqsa TV correspondent.
- According to the program, he was married and had four children. His father said Abdallah was born in the UAE in 1988, arriving in the Gaza Strip 1990. He went to the Islamic Al-Awqaf Institute Gaza Strip, and then studied sharia (Islamic religious law) at Al-Azhar in Gaza City and the Islamic University, and was an outstanding student. His brother said Abdallah often preached jihad. A friend said he was one of the founders of Hamas’ ministry of information office in the Shejaiya neighborhood of eastern Gaza City. A masked Hamas terrorist operative said he remembered him using communications equipment in the middle of the night to encourage operatives deployed on the ground.
Pictures of Abdallah Mortaja, the “Journalist,” from the Al-Aqsa TV Program

Photo above, note Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades logo, upper left corner

Portrait of Abdallah Mortaja, from the Document Issued by the Hamas-Controlled Gaza Office of the Ministry of Information
The list of 17 journalists and media personnel killed in Operation Protective Edge and short biographies were also issued by the Gaza office of the ministry of information. Published in Arabic and English, it was called “Heroes of Truth.” The same office also issued a poster with pictures of the 17 journalists. The document was written by a public relations team headed by Ihab al-Ghussin, who was formerly spokesman for the interior ministry in the de-facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip (and today deputy minister of information, head of the Gaza office of the ministry of information and head of Al-Ra’i, a Hamas newspaper published in Gaza). The Gaza office of the ministry of information served the de-facto Hamas administration and continues to function, even after the establishment of the Palestinian national consensus government in June 2014.

“Heroes of Truth” Biography of Abdallah Fadel Mortaja, “Journalist” (No mention is made of his military- terrorist activities)

Click HERE to view website
Fraudulent Claims of Civilian Deaths
The images below are of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah terrorists who died fighting Israel. All of them were listed as civilians by PCHR, UNESCO, Al Mezan, and the Gaza Health Ministry. These men are only four of the many examples of terrorists who were listed as civilians.

“Journalist Abdallah Murtaja … succumbed Monday, August 25, 2014, to wounds he sustained in an Israeli airstrike in the al-Shuja’iyya neighborhood … two weeks earlier.”
“… was a reporter for the al-Aqsa TV channel….”
Abdallah Murtaja WAS NOT a journalist.
Abdallah Murtaja was a Qassami, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas, a U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
In his videotaped will (no longer on-line, censored by Google) Abdallah Murtaja called himself “an information shaheed of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades”. He was a terror operative who also engaged in producing propaganda.
Murtaja was not simply wounded in an Israeli airstrike in the al-Shuja’iyya neighborhood and died two weeks later. He died on the day he was neutralized by the Israeli Air Force.
From the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website: “… he went with a group of his mujahedeen brothers to to hit the Zionist settlements with 80-caliber mortars in the market area of Friday evening, 25 August 2014, at which time they were targeted by the planes of the Zionist enemy….”
Murtaja was a terrorist, engaged in committing war crimes, attacking civilians. When he was neutralized, he was firing mortars at civilian targets, “Zionist settlements“.
Abdallah Murtaja worked as a correspondent for Al-Aqsa TV. Al-Aqsa is the TV station of Hamas. From the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website: He “worked as a correspondent for Al-Aqsa, in conjunction with his jihadi duty”
Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized Hamas and al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, Abdallah Murtaja was one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.