
The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23 years old, was killed on July 13, 2014 in Beit Hanoun. Qassem was studying Engineering. His dream was to be a successful engineer to build and develop his country.
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
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Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.

Click HERE to view al-Qassam Brigades Website, Hamdan webpage

مجاهد قسامي
Qassim Talal Ali Hamdan
Mujahid Qusami
الشهيد القسامي / قاسم طلال علي حمدان
المجاهد المقدام
Martyr al – Qasami / Qassem Talal Ali Hamdan
The Holy Mujahid
الشهيد القسامي / قاسم طلال علي حمدان
المجاهد المقدام
القسام – خاص :
ما أجملها من شهادة، وما أروعها من قلادةٍ، يتوسمون العزم والإرادة، ويرتدون ثيابَ الجهادِ، وينزعون غمدَ سيوفِهم، ليدكوا حصون الباطل، ويرتقون، وأي الارتقاء ارتقاؤهم، هؤلاء الأبطال الواهبون أرواحهم للبارئ.
ميلاد البطل
ولد شهيدنا في تاريخ 11/11/1991م، في مدينة بيت حانون شمال قطاع غزة في أسرة محافظة يشهد لها الجميع بالخير والصلاح، وقد كان منذ طفولته هادئ الطباع في سلوكه في المدرسة محبوباً من زملائه ومدرسيه، مطيعاً لمدرسيه، ونشأ على رسم السلاح.
وكانت علاقته مع أهله قائمة على الحب والاحترام والود، هادئاً مطيعاً لهما، يلبي رغباتهما، كان شديد الأدب والاحترام والبر والطاعة الشديدة لهما، حتى أنه من شدة حبه لوالده تعلق به وكذلك أنه، فكان يعاملهما على أنه ابن وأخ وصديق.
وكذلك كان شديد العطف طيب مع إخوانه مطيع لهم يسمع منهم نصائحهم له، يشاركهم في اللعب والذهاب إلى المدرسة، علاقته بهم ليس كأخوة فقط دائماً كإخوة وأصدقاء في آن واحد، يحترمهم ويحبهم فقد نال حبهم من شدة حبه لهم.
وأيضاً كانت علاقته مع جيرانه وأقربائه جيدة قائمة على الاحترام، حيث لا يترك مناسبة لأحد من أقربائه أو جيرانه إلا يشاركهم فيها، مما جعل الجميع يوم استشهاده يحزنون على فراقه.
وقد ترعرع ونشأ وقلبه معلق بمساجد الله عز وجل، يرافق والده بالذهاب إلى المسجد.
وتلقى شهيدنا تعليمه الابتدائي والإعدادي في مدارس وكالة الغوث للاجئين في مدينة بيت حانون، وقد كان هادئ الطباع والسلوك، مشاركاً في أنشطة المدرسة المختلفة يحب أن يلعب مع زملائه كما أن زملائه يحبون مرافقته في اللعب، كما أنهى دراسته الثانوية في هايل عبد الحميد الثانوية في بيت حانون، وقد كان يتصف خلال مراحل تعليمه المختلفة بصفات أكسبته محبة الجميع من حوله من معلمين وزملاء كما ذكرنا، فكان شديد الأدب متواضعاً، حسن الخلق، لا يعرف عنه إلا كل شيء طيب وحسن.
في كنف بيت الله
وقد تعلق منذ صغره بحب مساجد الله والعمل فيها، فكان يحرص أن يقوم دائماً بالعمل على تنظيف مسجده وتجهيزه، فقد كان يحرص دائماً على صلاة الجماعة في المسجد ويحث عليها حتى صلاة الفجر، نشأ على ذلك حتى كبر وحمل أعباء الدعوة إلى الله عز وجل، والحث على كل شيء يرضي الله عز وجل، كما كان ملتزماً بحلقات تحفيظ وتلاوة القرآن الكريم.
كان يحرص على المشاركة بجميع فعاليات المسجد ونشاطاته، لا يترك فعالية أو نشاط إلا ويشارك فيها، كما كان أيضاً يقوم بنشاطات دعوية أخرى مثل الحث على الالتزام بالدروس الدينية والدعوية والحث على المشاركة في فعاليات وأنشطة الحركة المختلفة.
بدأ المجاهد مشواره الحركي في صفوف حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس في مسجد عمر بن عبد العزيز ببيت حانون، حيث التزم فيه، ليتلقى ويتعلم أحكام دينية على يد مشايخه في مسجد عمر بن عبد العزيز، فكان مخلصاً في توجيهه الدعوي والحركي ليصبح بعد فترة من التزامه في الأسر التنشيطية أحد أبناء جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وليبايع هذه الجماعة بعد تعلقه بها وبمنهجها الشرعي القائم على الشريعة الإسلامية، وكان ذلك عام 2008م وقد عمل في جهاز العمل الجماهيري، ليكون أحد أنشط أبناء حركة حماس في هذا العمل الرائد، والذي من خلاله كان يمارس دوره الدعوي في الحث ودعوة الناس إلى المشاركة بفعاليات وأنشطة الحركة.
بين جنود العز
وفي عام 2009م كانت الانطلاقة الحقيقية لعمل الشهيد ضمن صفوف كتائب القسام، حيث أنه وبعد محاولات بإيصال العديد من الرسائل والكتب إلى قيادة القسام، يطلب الانضمام لصفوف جنودها الميامين، وبإلحاح شديد رغبة وإصرار أكيد لم تجد القيادة في كتائب القسام إلا وإن تلبي طلبه في انضمامه لصفوف جنودها، وقد كانت بدايته في صفوف القسام بدايات صادقة عمل خلالها بكل صدق وإخلاص، فكان يتصدر دائماً الصفوف الأولى في التصدي للاجتياحات الصهيونية كما كان يتسابق مع إخوته في العمل الجهادي والرباط في سبيل الله.
فكان يحرص على الرباط في سبيل الله بشكل دوري وشبه يومي، لا يعرف النوم حتى يتأكد أن الوضع في البلدة آمن ولا يوجد أي تحركات لقوات الغدر الصهيونية، فكان نعم المجاهد.
كان متعاوناً مع رفاقه في القسام، مثالاً للأدب وحسن المعاملة مع إخوانه، كثير النصح والإرشاد للخير، دائماً يرفع من معنوياتهم، ويحث إخوانه على الصبر والثبات، كما عرف عنه بين رفاقه شجاعته وجرأته وإقدامه في أصعب الظروف.
وقد شارك في العديد من التخصصات والقدرات العسكرية، فبجانب رباطه في سبيل الله، وقيامه بزرع الصواريخ وتجهيزها للمعارك القادمة ، انضم المجاهد إلى الوحدة المدفعية في كتيبة بيت حانون ليصبح أحد أفرادها الضاربة بإذن الله صواريخها على المغتصبات الصهيونية، فكان يطلق حمم صواريخه ليذيق العدو ويل هذه الصواريخ وكذلك قذائف الهاون التي أذاقت العدو الويل .
ومن أبرز أعماله الجهادية الرباط على حدود وثغور مدينة بيت حانون، والمشاركة في العديد من عمليات إطلاق قذائف الهاون والصواريخ على المغتصبات الصهيونية.
لحظة الوداع
في تاريخ 13 / 7 / 2014م، حيث كان على موعد الفراق لهذه الدنيا الزائلة والانتقال لجنة الخلود والبقاء، وفي هذا اليوم بعد أن تجهز وهم بصلاة ركعتين لله سبحانه ، و انطلاقه لتجهيز راجمة الصواريخ لاطلاقها على الكيان الغاصب ، وفي هذه اللحظات قد رصدته طائرات الغدر الصهيوني طائرات الاستطلاع ، فقامت باطلاق صاروخها الاول فنجى منه ، وبعدها اطلق عليه الصاروخ الثاني فأدى الى اصابته من شظايا الصاروخ في عنقه وصدره ، ففارقت روحه الدنيا ليلتحق مع الشهداء والنبيين والصديقين.




Among the soldiers of glory.
In 2009, the real beginning of the martyr’s work was within the ranks of the Al-Qassam Brigades, where after attempts to deliver many letters and books to the Leadership of al-Qassam, he requests to join the ranks of its soldiers, and with great urgency the desire and determination of the certainty did not find the leadership in the Qassam Brigades unless it meets his request to join him. For the ranks of its soldiers, his beginning in the ranks of al-Qassam was honest beginnings during which he worked with sincerity and sincerity, he always led the first ranks in the fight against Zionist invasions as he raced with his brothers in jihadand Rabat for the sake of God.
He was keen on Rabat for the sake of God periodically and almost daily, he did not know to sleep until he was sure that the situation in the town was safe and there were no movements of the Forces of Zionist Treachery, so yes the mujahedeen.
He was a collaborator with his colleagues in Al-Qassam, an example of politeness and good treatment with his brothers, a lot of advice and guidance for good, always raising their spirits, and urging his brothers to be patient and fortitude, as he was known among his comrades for his courage, courage and courage in the most difficult circumstances.
He participated in many specialties and military capabilities, in addition to his bond for the sake of God, and by planting rockets and equipping them for the upcoming battles, the mujahedeen joined the artillery unit in the Beit Hanoun battalion to become one of its members strike, God willing, its missiles on Zionist usurpers, he was firing lava His missiles are to feed the enemy and woe to these missiles as well as the mortars that have hurt the enemy.
His most prominent jihadis include Rabat, on the border and the city of Beit Hanoun, and involvement in numerous mortar and rocket attacks on Zionist rapists.
The moment of farewell.
On the date of 13/7/ 2014, where he was on the date of separation for this ephemeral world and the transition committee of immortality and survival, and on this day after they are equipped with a prayer kneeling for God Almighty, and launched to prepare the rocket launcher to fire on the usurper entity, and in these moments has been spotted by the planes of The Zionist treachery aircraft It will be launched, and then it was fired by the second missile, which resulted in the injury of the rocket fragments in the neck and chest, and the death of his soul to join with the martyrs, prophets and friends.

Click HERE to view Facebook page
This Facebook page is no longer available for viewing, the content appearing below is from an archived data file of this Facebook page :



1- “Then he joined al-Azhar University and completed his educational career at the same university specializing in Indian India“
2- “It didn’t stop him from communicating with jihadist. But he was very careful to perform his jihadist duty before his education.“

Qassem Talal Ali Hamdan (No. 301 in the table), Hamas terrorist operative whose name does not appear on the Palestinian Health Ministry’s lists (paldf.net)
“Qassem was studying Engineering. His dream was to be a successful engineer to build and develop his country“
STUDYING ENGINEERING: “Then he joined the al-Azhar University and completed his educational career at the same university specializing in Indian India.” Qassem WAS NOT studying engineering:
“But he was very careful to perform his jihadist duty before his education.”
HIS DREAM: “… to be a successful engineer …. “ . His dream WAS NOT to be an engineer, it was to join the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror organization:
” … after attempts to deliver many letters and books to the Leadership of al-Qassam, he requests to join the ranks of its soldiers, and with great urgency the desire and determination of the certainty did not find the leadership in the Qassam Brigades unless it meets his request to join him.”
HIS DREAM: ” … to build and develop his country.“ His dream WAS NOT to build and develop his country, it was to fight the Zionist usurpers: ” …he worked with sincerity and sincerity, he always led the first ranks in the fight against Zionist invasions as he raced with his brothers in jihadand Rabat for the sake of God ….”
“He participated in many specialties and military capabilities, in addition to his bond for the sake of God, and by planting rockets and equipping them for the upcoming battles, the mujahedeen joined the artillery unit … and involvement in numerous mortar and rocket attacks on Zionist rapists ….”

The original Humanize Palestine photograph of Hamdan, above, is misleading and conceals who he really was. This image is used to create the false narrative of an engineering student who dreamed of becoming an engineer to build and develop his country.
The only dream Qassem Talal Hamdan had was to join the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, which was finally granted in 2009. He repeatedly contacted the al-Qassam Brigades leadership, sending letters and books, to express his urgent desire to join the terror organization.
After joining the al-Qassam Brigades, he participated in several military specialties and joined the “artillery unit” where he set up rocket launches and equipped them with rockets for future use. It should be noted that Hamdan considered his work in the “artillery unit” more important than his university education. The two sets of photographs below compare the two narratives, the false narrative that Hamden was an engineering student that dreamed of building and developing his country and the factual narrative that Hamden was a terror operative who could not sleep until his jihadi tasks were completed.
On July 13, 2014, Hamdan finally got his wish, the death of his soul to join with the other martyrs, prophets and friends. He was targeted and killed while he was preparing the rocket launcher to fire into Israel.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Qassem Talal Hamdan was an example of this.
Below are two photographs of Hamdan, one above the other, for comparison:

The top photograph of Hamdan is how Hamdan is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 23 years old, killed on July 13, 2014 in Beit Hanoun. Qassem was studying Engineering.
The bottom photograph above, is who Hamdan truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Hamdan who appears on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, the Hamdan who was very careful to perform his jihadist duty before his education; involvement in numerous mortar and rocket attacks on Zionist rapists.
Below, two more photographs of Hamdan, one above the other, for comparison:

The top photograph of Hamdan is how Hamdan is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 23 years old, killed on July 13, 2014 in Beit Hanoun. His dream was to be a successful engineer to build and develop his country.
The bottom photograph above, is who Hamdan truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Hamdan who appears on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, the Hamdan who participated in many specialties and military capabilities, planting rockets and equipping them for the upcoming battles, joined the artillery unit.
Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, Qassem Talal Hamdan is one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.