أحمد سليمان محمود سهمود

The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada, 26 years old, was killed in an Israeli attack on eastern Khan Younis on July 18, 2014. He is seen above with his baby boy.
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- TULAY AZIZE TUNCAY July 25, 2014 at 2:20 am REPLYNow you have peace. We fight for your justice.Like
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 25, 2014 at 10:02 am REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme hum.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.

Click HERE to view al-Qassam Brigades website, Abu Saada webpage

مجاهد قسامي
Mohammed Saad Abu Saada
Khan Younes
Mujahid Qusami
الشهيد القسامي /محمد سعد أبو سعادة
على موعد مع الشهادة
The martyr al – Qasami / Mohamed Saad Abu Saada
On the date with the certificate
نشأة فارس
أشرق وجه محمد على الدنيا في عام 1987 م في دولة ليبيا، يتوسط أشقاؤه في العائلة، عرف عنه هدوءه في طفولته يحب اللعب الجماعي وشديد التعلق بوالده ويقلده في كل شيء.
درس المرحلة الابتدائية في دولة ليبيا وبدا مميزاً في دراسته بين أقرانه وأصدقائه، بعدما حظي بعناية كبيرة من والدته ليبلغ درجة التميز.
انتقلت عائلته للعيش في غزة وفي مدارسها أكمل محمد دراسته الاعدادية والثانوية والجامعية، وفي الحال الذي وصل فيه لغزة التحق بحلقات القرآن في مسجده حمزة بن عبد المطلب في مدينة بني سهيلا شرق خانيونس واشتد عوده بين حلقات القرآن والعلم.
ظهر عليه حرصه الاعتكاف في المسجد بشكل دائم خاصة في رمضان، يشجع رفاقه على المحافظة على صلاة الجماعة، وأفرد جزءًا من وصيته للحديث عن الصلاة يدعو فيها أصدقاءه وزملاءه للمحافظة عليها والالتزامات الدينية.
مارس محمد بدماثة خلقه وطلاقة وجهه الدعوة في سبيل الله يعطي لها أعز أوقاته ينصح يرشد ويقترب من الجميع.
كان الشهيد من أهم شباب المنطقة في استقطاب الشباب والانضمام للحركة وكان يشارك في جميع النشاطات، كان من الشباب الفاعلين في المسجد، وكان ملتزم في كافة انشطة المسجد والفعاليات التي كانت تقوم في المسجد.
كان الشهيد حريص على العمل بصمت وسرية تامة، كان الشهيد يشارك في فعاليات وأنشطة الحركة منذ الصغر، لم يكن لشاب التزم أخلاق الإسلام منهجاً وسلوكاً إلا أن يحظى بالقبول من جيرانه والحب والاحترام، يتعامل معهم كأصدقاء، يبادلهم النصح ويبادلونه.
ومن سما خلقه خارج بيته فقد علا في بيته فمحمد يصل الرحم عارفاً بواجباته ومسئولياته، يخصص لهم أوقاتاً للزيارة يشاركهم أفراحهم وأتراحهم، يقدر والديه كثيراً يحرص على مرافقتهما والقرب منهما، لا يعصي لهما أمراً ويساعدهما في مستلزمات البيت.
في ركب الدعوة والجهاد
فقه محمد واجباته في الحياة وجعل على أولوياتها الجهاد في سبيل الله، وتحرير المقدسات والأوطان، فقرر الالتحاق بصفوف المقاومة مع بلوغ زهرة شبابه، فأفلح في بلوغ الأمل وبدأ العمل بصمت يتستر عن أعين أقرب الناس إليه وهما والداه.
التحق بكتائب القسام عام 2006م، فبدأ مرابطاً بعد اجتيازه عدة دورات عسكرية أبدى فيها استعداداً عسكرياً وحرصاً على الجهاد في الميدان، ونظراً لذلك تم ضمه لوحدة الاستشهاديين في عام 2007م، ليرابط في نقاط متقدمة يترصد للعدو أثناء توغلات آليات الاحتلال وجنوده فيزرع العبوات ويلاحقهم أحياناً بالقذائف المضادة للدروع.
وأطلق خلال مشاركته في صد التوغلات في منطقة الزنة العديد من قذائف (RBG) ضد جنود وآليات الاحتلال.
وانتقل بعد ذلك من وحدة الاستشهاديين إلى إحدى التشكيلات القتالية وتخصص في سلاح المشاة، وكعادته كان مميزاً في كل مكان يتواجد فيه.
هكذا هم الشهداء يحثون الخطى دوما نحو الخلود، يدركون أن بلوغها ليس سهلا بل بالسير في درب شاق وشديد، يقدمون أنفسهم مهراً لذلك الفوز الأكيد.
كان لانضمامه في كتائب القسام أثر في اختيار أصدقائه بعناية وسرية، كان يجهز نفسه بشكل كامل للاستقبال وموعد الشهادة، وكان يقول لوالدته أنه على موعد مع الشهادة، وكان يقوم بالطلب من والدته الدعوة له بالشهادة وقبل استشهاده بيوم قام بتوديع أهله وطفله بشكل غير مباشر وعندما دعي لصد العدو أخد مهرولاً وكان يضحك بشكل غير مباشر.
الشهيد يرافق الشهيد
كان الشهيد محمد يرافق الشهيد القائد أحمد سليمان سهمود في تحركاته ويركز على تصرفاته، يتعلم منه ويقتدي به، فرافقه في بداية حياته العسكرية الى أن استشهدا في معركة العصف المأكول عام 2014 م، وكان محمد متعلق بالشهيد سهمود، فاستشهد الشهيد القائد أحمد سهمود بعد يومين من استشهاد محمد، ترافقا في الدنيا والتحقا ببعضهم شهداء.
يطلب الموعد
اقسم على أمه أن تدعو له بالشهادة في صلواتها لعلى الله يتقبل دعائها، وكان يواظب على قيام الليل ويدعوا ربه ان ينال الشهادة، وقبل استشهاده بيوم كان متعلق بابنه وبشكل غير طبيعي وعند استشهاده كان النور يشع من وجهه وكان رافعا لأصبع السبابة ودفن بالزي العسكري.
كان العرق على جبين الشهيد وقت استشهاده وهو في الثلاجة، خرج للجهاد مسرعا ولم يلتفت الى الوراء مقبل غير مدبر يوم الجمعة وهو صائم، بتاريخ 18 / 7 / 2014 م وأثناء معركة العصف المأكول في منطقة الزنة شرق خان يونس.



In the riding of da’wa and jihad
Muhammad jurisprudence in life and made jihad for the sake of God, the liberation of the holy places and homelands, so he decided to join the ranks of the resistance with the arrival of the flower of his youth, so he succeeded in attaining hope and began to work silently to cover the eyes of the closest people to him, his parents.
He joined the Al-Qassam Brigades in 2006, and he started stationed after passing several military courses in which he showed military readiness and keenness for jihad in the field, and in that he was included in the unit of martyrs in 2007, to be stationed at advanced points lurking to the enemy during the incursions of occupation mechanisms and soldiers in planting bombs They are sometimes pursued with anti-tank missiles.
During his participation in repelling incursions into the Zina area, he fired several RBG missiles against soldiers and occupation vehicles.
He then moved from the martyrs’ unit to a combat formation and specialized in the infantry, and as usual he was distinguished everywhere.
This is how the martyrs are always urging the pace towards eternity, realizing that it is not easy to reach, but by going down a hard and hard path, offering themselves a dowry for that sure victory.
His joining in the Al-Qassam Brigades had an impact on the selection of his friends carefully and secretly, he was fully preparing himself for the reception and the date of the testimony, and he was telling his mother that he was on a date with the certificate, and he was asking his mother to call him to testify and the day before his martyrdom he said goodbye to his family and child indirectly and when he was invited To repel the enemy, he took a clown and laughed indirectly.
The martyr accompanies the martyr.
The martyr Mohammed was accompanying the martyr commander Ahmed Suleiman Samud in his movements and focusing on his actions, learning from him and following him, he accompanied him at the beginning of his military life until they were martyred in the battle of al-Aad al-Ahdal in 2014, and Mohammed was related to the martyr Samud, martyred the martyr Commander Ahmed Samud two days after the martyrdom of Muhammad, they came together in this world and some of them were martyrs.
He’s asking for an appointment
He swore that his mother should pray for him to testify in her prayers, and he would accept her prayers, and he was keeping up at night and praying to his Lord to receive the certificate, and before his martyrdom a day when he was related to his son and unnaturally, when he was martyred, the light was shining from his face, and he was holding his finger and being buried in military uniform.
The sweat on the forehead of the martyr at the time of his martyrdom while he was in the refrigerator, he went out to jihad in a hurry and did not turn back an unplanned kiss on Friday while fasting, on 18/7/2014, during the battle of al-Amaq in the area of Zina east of Khan Younis.
“The martyr Mohammed was accompanying the martyr commander Ahmed Suleiman Samud in his movements and focusing on his actions,
Mohammed was related to the martyr Samud …”

قائد ميداني
Ahmed Suleiman Mahmoud Shamod
Khan Younes
Field Commander
الشهيد القائد الميداني / أحمد سليمان محمود سهمود
قائد معركة (الزنّة) البطولية
The martyr of the field commander / Ahmed Suleiman Mahmoud Shamod
Commander of the heroic battle

Ahmad Shamoud was a command level military operative conducting military operations against IDF forces from within the Abu Jame family home. The home housed military infrastructure that was used against IDF forces maneuvering in the area. An aerial strike against this facility (home) killed 27 people including Shamoud who was commanding the military operations against IDF forces, as well as members of the Abu Jame family.
Ahmad Shamoud used the Abu Jame family as human shields, to defend himself from an Israeli air attack. In this case, it did not work.
“Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada … was killed in an Israeli attack on eastern Khan Younis …”
Abu Saada WAS NOT killed in an attack on Eastern Khan Younis, Eastern Khan Younis was not attacked, the al-Qassam Brigades terror combatants IN Eastern Khan Younis were attacked.
Abu Saada was a terror operative combatant. His specialty was infantry operations. He was tasked with confronting Israeli troops, he died in combat (“he was invited To repel the enemy”) in Eastern Khan Younis.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada was an example of this.
Below are two pictures of Abu Saada, side by side, for comparison:

The photograph of Abu Saada on the left is how Abu Saada is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 26 years old, killed in an Israeli attack on eastern Khan Younis on July 18, 2014. He is seen above with his baby boy.
The photograph on the right is who Abu Saada truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Abu Saada who appears on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, the Abu Saada who fired several RBG missiles against soldiers and occupation vehicles, then moved from the martyrs’ unit to a combat formation and specialized in the infantry, and as usual he was distinguished everywhere.
The following statement taken from the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, reveals who Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada was:
“The martyr Mohammed was accompanying the martyr commander Ahmed Suleiman Samud in his movements and focusing on his actions, learning from him and following him, he accompanied him at the beginning of his military life until they were martyred … and Mohammed was related to the martyr Samud, martyred the martyr Commander Ahmed Samud two days after the martyrdom of Muhammad, they came together in this world and some of them were martyrs.”
Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Saada was one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.