إبراهيم أحمد محمود عابدين
جمعة عطية جمعة أبو شلوف
إبراهيم داود عبد الفتاح البلعاوي
خالد عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور
مصطفى عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور

The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)




Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22 years old, was killed on July 9, 2014 in Rafah. He played football for Al Zaytoon FC, and he had plans to get married after Eid to his fiancé, shown above saying goodbye to him.
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- Pingback: Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli | The Martyr
- A July 31, 2014 at 6:45 pm REPLYSubhanAllah, today his fiancè also became a shaheed. IsA they are together now.Like
- HUMANIZE PALESTINE July 31, 2014 at 11:40 pm REPLYSubhanAllah. Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon. That just broke our hearts.Do you know her name by any chance so that we can add that information on his post.
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.

Click HERE to view the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades Website, the Abdul Rahman Al Zamili Webpage

مجاهد قسامي
Abdul Rahman Al Zamili
Mujahid Qusami
الشهيد القسامي /عبد الرحمن جمال إسماعيل الزاملي
باع الحياة رخيصة لله والله اشترى
The martyr al – Qasami / Abdel Rahman Jamal Ismail Zamili
Sold cheap life to God and God bought
الشهيد القسامي /عبد الرحمن جمال إسماعيل الزاملي
باع الحياة رخيصة لله والله اشترى
القسام – خاص :
في كل آنٍ و زمان ، يسخر الله لدينه رجالاً أشداء ، شيمهم الحسن والعياء ،اصطفاهم ربهم ليكونوا رواحلاً في مسيرة الجهاد والتضحية والعمل لدينه ، فكانت قلوبهم بيضاء نقية ، ووجوههم من الصلاة والذكر جميلة بهية ، ” أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم ” فهم على العهد باقون .
نشأة فارس
ولد شهيدنا المجاهد عبد الرحمن في السادس من رمضان 1413 ه الموافق 8/3/1992 م في مدينة رفح ليكون الابن الأكبر لعائلته ، منذ طفولته اتصف بالخلق الرفيع والحب الشديد للرياضة والنشاط وكان مطاوعاً باراً بوالديه و قدوة لإخوته ، وكان يُعتمد علية في قضاء الحوائج وكان صاحب عزة نفس وشهامة خلق ، حيث أنه كان تربطه علاقة صداقة بينه وبين أبيه الذي عوده على تحمل المسؤولية وأن يكون رجلا ً إذا ما عصفت به رياح النوائب والمصاعب .
وكان محبوبا بين جيرانه وأهل الحي حتى أن أهل الحي كانوا يقولون نتمنى أن يكونوا أبناءنا مثل عبد الرحمن ، فلقد كان يشجع أبناء الحي على صلاة الجماعة ويحثهم على الطاعات ويقدم يد المساعدة لكل من يطلب منه.
ما بين علوم الدين والدنيا
منذ نعومة أظافره تعلق قلبه بمسجد عمر بن عبد العزيز و وكان مواظباً على حلقات الذكر ومجالس العلم وكذلك مراكز تحفيظ القرآن الكريم وكان محفظاً لكتب الله فقد كان يعلم أن الخيرية لمن تعلم كتاب الله وعلمه، وكان يتبع اللجنة الثقافية والرياضية في مسجده.
وفي فترة تعليمه الأساسي كان مجتهداً ومتميزاً واستمر كذلك حتى أنهى دراسة الثانوية العامة كان طوال دراسته يحب أن يتعرف على الأشخاص حيث أنه كان اجتماعياً من الطراز الأول فقد كان أيضاً لاعب كرة قدم متميز بسرعته و حنكته وقوة بنيته رغم قصر قامته.
التحق بتخصص التمريض بالجامعة الإسلامية وكان في منتخب الجامعة الإسلامية وكان نشيطاً في الكتلة الإسلامية في جامعته فقد كان أبوه قدوةً حيث أنه أعتقل في الضفة الغربية لدى جهاز الأمن الوقائي آنذاك، وظل عبد كذلك إلى أن التحق بلجنة (حماة الثغور) . ثم تم فرزه فيما بعد على دائرة التدريب في لواء رفح .
مكانته في قلوب صحبه
يضيق بنا المجال اذا أردنا أن نتحدث عن مكانة عبد الرحمن في قلوب أصحابه ومن عمل معهم في ميادين العمل الدعوي والكتلة الإسلامية أو في مدارس الثانوية في خدمة الطلبة والمخيمات الصيفية أو حتى في ميادين المقاومة والجهاد ..
فلقد كان لعبد الرحمن دور عظيم في لجان الاستيعاب و مخيمات الفتوة والكتلة الإسلامية في مدارس الثانوية حيث أنه كان محبوبا ًويحبه كل من تعامل معه فقد كان أمير مخيمات الكتلة الإسلامية في المنطقة الشرقية برفح وكان مدرباً في مجموعات البراق الكشفية في مدينة رفح ، وكان يشارك في الوقفات التضامنية والأنشطة الطلابية وكان يحب أن يرعى أوائل الطلبة والمتميزين فهو يعلم جيداً كيف يدخل إلى قلوبهم ويأسرهم بأخلاقه وهمه لإصلاح أمورهم ومساعدتهم.
كان الطلاب يحبون مجالسته وكان سبباً في إصلاح الكثير منهم الذين تأثروا بحياته واستشهاده ،، أما عن رفقاء دربه وصحبه فقد كانوا لا يمر عليهم يوم إلا ويسارعون لمجالسته أو الاتصال به فقد كان بسّاماً متواضعاً يحب أن يستمع لهموم وشكاوى أصدقائه ويسعى لحلها ، وكان يكرم ضيفه ويحب النصيحة لمن يعرفه أو لا يعرفه فقد كان همه الوحيد وشعاره “لأن يهدي الله بك رجلاً خير لك مما طلعت عليه الشمس ” .
جذوة نشاط ،، وهمة لا تلين
انضم عبد الرحمن الى صفوف الكتائب في عام 2010 م ليكون من أحد رجال أنفاق المقاومة حيث أنه كان شعلة من النشاط و تميز بمستوى لياقته العالية، حتى أنه التحق بعد ذلك في صفوف وحدة النخبة القسامية بتخصص الهندسة، ومن أبرز قصص حياته الجهادية /
– أنه تحصل على المرتبة الأولى في اللياقة على مستوى لواء رفح وبعد ذلك تم فرزه للتدريب على مستوى لواء رفح .
– وتذكر امه أنه كان يأخذ ملابس أصدقائه في حفر الأنفاق ليغسلها فقد كان يسعى دائماً لراحة إخوانه ويسد النقص عنهم ولا يحب أن يصاب أحدهم بمكروه .
– كان يحب أن يتحدث عن عدد الجنود الذين يرد أن يقتلهم، حيث أنه كان يقول أريد أن أقتل منعم بعدد شهداء فلسطين حيث أنه لا تكاد تخلو جلسة يكون فيها إلا ويتحدث عن التنكيل في جيش الاحتلال وغزوهم في عقر مستوطناتهم وتطهير الأقصى من دنس بني صهيون وأمثالهم .
و شارك عبد الرحمن في أعمال جهادية كان أبرزها زرع المتفجرات في موقع كرم أبو سالم في حرب العصف المأكول الذي تم تفجيره بعد استشهاده حيث أنه كان من الذين تم اختيارهم لهذه العملية والتدريب على مستوى لواء رفح وكذلك اطلاق صواريخ 107 في حرب حجارة السجيل.
رحيل الأسود
قبل حرب العصف المأكول 2014 م تم اختيار مجموعة من المجاهدين الأفذاذ لمهمة تفجير موقع كرم أبو سالم وكان عبد الرحمن برفقة أحد المجاهدين مسؤولين عن تفجير الموقع بعد زرع المتفجرات أسفله عبر نفق.
وقبل العملية بأيام تم قصف محيط النفق من قبل طائرات الاحتلال فتسرب إلى النفق غاز سام وفي يوم العملية كان برفقة اثنين من المجاهدين في النفق وكانوا صائمين فحان موعد أذان المغرب فذهب الاثنين لجلب الطعام من أحد العيون ولكنهم لم يعودوا بعد فترة طويلة فتواصل عبد الرحمن مع القيادة وأبلغهم بما جرى فأيقنوا بتسرب الغاز إلى داخل النفق وأمروه بالتوجه نحو عين نفق للتهوية حسب التعليمات.
ولكنه آثر إلى أن يطمأن على إخوانه المجاهدين فذهب إليهم فوجدهم قد استشهدوا وقبل أن يصل إلى عين النفق استشهد متأثراً بالغاز ليرتقي إلى العلا بإذن الله و هو صائم في رمضان بتاريخ 7/7/2014 الموافق 9 رمضان – الشهر الذي ولد فيه – ، وأكرمه الله أن تم تفجير موقع كرم أبو سالم بعد أيام وكان ممن شارك في زرع المواد المتفجرة أسفله .
تخبر أمه أنها رأته في منامها مع حور عين وأمامهم سفرة طويلة من الطعام ويقول لها هذا يا أميما كنت أقول لكي عنه .
وكذلك رآه صديقه في المنام أنه في الجنة طول القامة – وكان في دنياه قصير القامة- فقال له صديقه كيف هذا ؟ فقال هكذا أهل الجنة.
وكان رحيل عبد الرحمن قاسياً على مسامع من أحبوه وعشقوا صفاته وأخلاقه وتأثروا بكلامه وكان له بصمة في حياتهم وامتلأت صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي بالكلام عن حياته وتعلق الأصحاب به ورثائه بأبهى كلام والكل يشهد له بحسن السيرة والسريرة ..تقبله الله في الفردوس الأعلى بإذن الله ..




It’s an activity, and it’s an unrelenting illusion.
Abdul Rahman joined the ranks of the brigades in 2010 to be one of the men of the tunnels of resistance where he was a flame of activity and characterized by his high level of fitness, until he joined the ranks of the elite unit of al-Qasamia in engineering, and one of the most prominent stories of his jihadi life /
- That you get the first place in fitness at the level of the Rafah Brigade and then it was sorted for training at the level of the Rafah Brigade.
- His mother remembers that he used to take the clothes of his friends in digging tunnels to wash them, he always sought the comfort of his brothers and filled the shortage for them and did not like to be injured by one of them.
- He liked to talk about the number of soldiers he wanted to kill, as he was saying I want to kill Menem by the number of martyrs of Palestine, since there is hardly a session in which he talks about the abuse in the occupation army and their invasion in the back of their settlements and the cleansing of al-Aqsa from the desecration of the sons of Zion and the like.
Abdel Rahman participated in jihadi actions, most notably planting explosives at the Site of Karam Abu Salem in the war of the bombing, which was detonated after his martyrdom, as he was one of those selected for this operation and training at the level of the Rafah Brigade, as well as firing 107 rockets in the War of the Stones of Sajil.
Black’s Departure
Prior to the 2014 al-Sa’ad war, a group of al-Adwar mujahedeen were selected for the mission of bombing the Karam Abu Salem site, and Abdul Rahman, accompanied by one of the mujahedeen, was responsible for blowing up the site after planting explosives underneath it through a tunnel.
Days before the operation, the perimeter of the tunnel was bombed by israeli occupation planes, so it leaked into the tunnel poison gas and on the day of the operation was accompanied by two mujahedeen in the tunnel and they were fasting, so it was time for the ears of Morocco, so he went monday to fetch food from one of the eyes, but they did not return after a long period so Abdel Rahman communicated with the leadership and They informed them that the gas had leaked into the tunnel and ordered him to go to Ain tunnel for ventilation as instructed.
But he chose to reassure his brothers the Mujahideen, and he went to them and found them martyred and before he reached the eye of the tunnel he was martyred by gas to rise to Ala, God willing, fasting in Ramadan on 7/7/2014, 9 Th. Ramadan, the month in which he was born, and God honored him that the site of Karam Abu Salem was blown up days later. He was one of those who participated in planting explosive materials beneath it.

{مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ فَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ قَضَىٰ نَحْبَهُ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَنْتَظِرُ وَمَا بَدَّلُوا تَبْدِيلًا}
بيان عسكري صادر عن:
…::: كتائب الشهيد عز الدين القسام :::…
كتائب القسام تزف ستة من مجاهديها في عمليات قصف صهيوني على مواقعهم في رفح
استمراراً للثورة الفلسطينية الباسلة في وجه المحتل البغيض، والتي تتعانق فيها دماء أبناء القدس ويافا وطولكرم وقلقيلية والخليل وغزة في يوم واحد من أيام ملحمة شعبنا المجاهد، ترتسم خارطة الوطن السليب بمداد الدماء الزكية الطاهرة التي سالت على أيدي المغتصبين الصهاينة حرقاً في القدس، ودهساً في حيفا، ورمياً بالرصاص في الخليل، وقصفاً في البريج ورفح ..
إننا في كتائب الشهيد عز الدين القسام نزف إلى العلا ثلةً من أبطالنا الميامين، وهم:
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ إبراهيم أحمد محمود عابدين
(39عاماً) من مسجد طارق أبو الحصين في رفح
والذي ارتقى إلى العلا شهيداً –بإذن الله- فجر اليوم الاثنين جراء قصف صهيوني جبان لموقع لكتائب القسام في رفح .
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ جمعة عطية جمعة أبو شلوف
(26 عاماً) من مسجد “مصعب بن عمير” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ إبراهيم داود عبد الفتاح البلعاوي
(25عاماً) من مسجد “الإحسان” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ عبد الرحمن جمال إسماعيل الزاملي
(22 عاماً) من مسجد “عمر بن عبد العزيز” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ خالد عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور
(21 عاماً) من مسجد “أبي بكر الصديق” في رفح
الشهيد القسامي المجاهد/ مصطفى عبد الهادي محمود أبو مور
(21 عاماً) من مسجد “أبي بكر الصديق” في رفح
والذين ارتقوا إلى العلا شهداء –بإذن الله تعالى- إثر قصف صهيوني بالطائرات الحربية لأحد أماكن عمل المقاومة في الساعات الأولى من فجر اليوم الاثنين التاسع من رمضان لعام 1435 هـ الموافق 07/07/2014م.
وقد ارتقى شهداؤنا الأبرار بعد مسيرةٍ عظيمةٍ من الجهاد والعطاء والتضحية والبذل في سبيل الله ثم في سبيل الوطن، حتى لقوا ربهم راضين مقبلين غير مدبرين، قابضين على الجمر، نحسبهم كذلك ولا نزكي على الله أحداً ..
وإننا إذ نزف اليوم هذه الكوكبة العظيمة من شهدائنا القساميين، وشهداء شعبنا في غزة والضفة والقدس وفلسطين المحتلة عام 1948م، فإننا نؤكد بأن هذه الدماء الطاهرة لن تضيع هدراً، وأن هذه الجرائم التي ارتكبها العدو لن تمر دون حساب، وسيدفع العدو الصهيوني ثمنها باهظاً، بإذن الله تعالى.
“From the people who believed what they had come to God to do, they believed in them.” We love it and they’re the ones who look and don’t want to.
Military statement issued by:
…::: The Martyr Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades:::
Al-Qassam Brigades injures six of its mujahedeen in Zionist bombings on their positions in Rafah
In continuation of the valiant Palestinian revolution in the face of the abhorrent occupier, in which the blood of the people of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Hebron and Gaza is embraced in one of the days of the epic of our mujahideen people, the map of the country is marked by the blood of the pure, clean, precious blood that was shed at the hands of the Zionist usurpers. In Jerusalem, he was run over in Haifa, shot dead in Hebron, and shelled in Al-Bureij and Rafah.
We in the Brigades of the Martyr Ezzedine al-Qassam bled to al-Ola, a few of our heroes, namely:
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Abidin
(39 years old) from Tariq Abu Al-Hasin Mosque in Rafah
He rose to al-Aala as a martyr at dawn on Monday as a result of a cowardly Zionist shelling of a al-Qassam Brigades position in Rafah.
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Juma Attia Juma Abu Sholouf
26-year-old from The Musab bin Amir Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid/ Ibrahim Daoud Abdel Fattah Al-Ba’awi
(25 years old) from al-Ihsan Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Abdul Rahman Jamal Ismail Al-Zamili
22-year-old from Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Khalid Abdul Hadi Mahmoud Abu Mur
21-year-old from The Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Rafah
Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Mustafa Abdul Hadi Mahmoud Abu Mur
21-year-old from The Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque in Rafah
Those who rose to Ala martyrs, God willing, after a Zionist bombing by warplanes of one of the resistance’s work sites in the early hours of Monday, The Ninth of Ramadan, 1435 Ah, 07/07/2014.
Our righteous martyrs rose after a great journey of jihad, giving, sacrificing and making for God and then for the sake of the nation, until they found their Lord satisfied, unplanned, holding on to the embers, we count them as well and we do not recommend to God anyone.
Today, as we bleed this great constellation of our Martyrs, the martyrs of our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Occupied Palestine in 1948, we affirm that this pure blood will not be wasted, and that these crimes committed by the enemy will not go unaccounted for, and the Zionist enemy will pay a heavy price, God willing. Come on, let’s go.

Poster of the Hamas military wing with pictures of six operatives of the Hamas military wing in Rafah, five of whom were killed in an Israel Air Force attack on the tunnel on July 7, 2014. The dead (from right to left): Ibrahim al-Bal’awi, Khaled Abu Murr, Mustafa Abu Murr, Abd al-Rahman al- Zameli, Ibrahim Abedin, Jum’ah Shalouf (Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, July 7, 2014).
“Martyr Al-Qasami Al-Mujahid / Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud Abidin
(39 years old) from Tariq Abu Al-Hasin Mosque in Rafah
He rose to al-Aala as a martyr at dawn on Monday as a result of a cowardly Zionist shelling of a al-Qassam Brigades position in Rafah.“

“… five of whom were killed in an Israel Air Force attack on the tunnel on July 7, 2014 …“




al-Qassam Brigades narrative: ” … received a call to the necessity of his presence in the tunnel because he lost contact with brothers Mujahideen were in the tunnel, went with his brother and one of the mujahideen to reassure them and when they came down the tunnel were martyred by gas that leaked to the tunnel as a result of the bombing of warplanes and was snatched with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7/7/2014.”


al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “Accompanied by his brother to the site of the bombing of the site of Karam Abu Salem to reassure their brothers who were in the tunnel and told them their leadership that they lost contact with them, and when they came down the tunnel were killed by gas that leaked to the tunnel as a result of the bombing of warplanes and was snatched with his twin brother and brothers who were martyred with them on 7 / 7/2014.”


al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “Days before the operation, the perimeter of the tunnel was bombed by israeli occupation planes, so it leaked into the tunnel poison gas and on the day of the operation was accompanied by two mujahedeen in the tunnel and they were fasting, so it was time for the ears of Morocco, so he went monday to fetch food from one of the eyes, but they did not return after a long period so Abdel Rahman communicated with the leadership and They informed them that the gas had leaked into the tunnel and ordered him to go to Ain tunnel for ventilation as instructed.
But he chose to reassure his brothers the Mujahideen, and he went to them and found them martyred and before he reached the eye of the tunnel he was martyred by gas to rise to Ala…”


al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “A few days before the operation was bombed the perimeter of the tunnel, which will be implemented by the operation, and on 7/7/2014 m was in the tunnel four of his brothers Mujahideen in the tunnel went after his mushroom in Ramadan to reassure them but they were killed by gas that leaked as a result of Zionist bombing of the tunnel in 7 / 7/2014.”


al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “He was assigned before the summer war to bring breakfast to the Mujahideen who were stationed in a tunnel, but the vicinity of the tunnel was targeted by Zionist warplanes. The Mujahideen did not know that there was poison gas Leak into the tunnel.
And when he went to attend the brothers stationed in the tunnel breakfast and the tunnel, all of them were killed by gas that leaked to the tunnel in the date 7/7/2014 to be the spark of the war of eating storm.”


al-Qassam Brigades narrative: “… he was attached to the Al-Qassam site with the Shaboura Brigade, where the occupation aircraft bombed the site and our martyr inside it….”
KHALED & MUSTAFA MURR: Leadership told them to go to the tunnel, they had lost contact with the Mujahideen in the tunnel. The brothers went into the tunnel to reassure their brothers in the tunnel, were overcome by poison gas and martyred when they came down the tunnel
ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-ZAMELI: The tunnel perimeter was bombed, leadership informed him of presence of poison gas, instructed him to provide ventilation but he chose to go to the brothers in the tunnel and reassure them, he found them martyred, he was overcome by gas and martyred.{“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“24536ca7-6ed5-42fd-969a-7ef0d0ccf38d”],”srcRootClientId”:””}
IBRAHIM AL-BAL’AWI: On 7/7/14, before the planned operation, the tunnel perimeter was bombed, four of his brothers were in the tunnel, he went to reassure them but they were killed by poison gas.
JUM’AH SHALOUF: The tunnel was targeted by Zionist warplanes, he went to attend to the brothers in the tunnel, bring them breakfast, poison gas leaked into the tunnel, killing all of them.
Khaled and Mustafa Murr entered the tunnel to reassure their brothers in the tunnel before they were overcome by gas. Zameli chose to go to his brothers in the tunnel to reassure them before he was overcome by gas. And Bal’awi went into the tunnel to reassure four of his brothers who were in the tunnel, when they were all overcome by gas.
Four of the Mujahideen entered the tunnel to reassure their brothers already in the tunnel and the fifth, Shalouf, entered the tunnel to bring breakfast. If every one of the five Mujahideen entered the tunnel to either reassure or bring breakfast, no one was left to actually be in the tunnel. The Izz al-Din story makes no sense and is most likely false
It can reasonably be assumed that the al-Qassam Brigades version of the incident is false. The media narratives below, collectively present a credible narrative of what most likely occurred between the evening of July 6, 2014, Sunday, and Tuesday, July 8, 2014.

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Kerem Shalom residents told to stay indoors after suspected infiltration from Gaza
By YAAKOV LAPPIN JULY 8, 2014 21:30
An explosion occurred in the vicinity of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom on Tuesday evening which security sources suspect was tunnel dug from Gaza and which contained explosives.
Security forces are searching for terrorists who may have infiltrated the area and residents were told to remain indoors.

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IDF thwarts terror attack via tunnel from Gaza
17 Jul 2014
Early this morning (July 17) IDF forces thwarted an attack by Hamas terrorists attempting to infiltrate Israel via a terror tunnel.
On July 8th, another major terrorist attack was foiled when a massive terror tunnel was exposed and was blown up close to the Kerem Shalom crossing, where dozens of truckloads of goods enter Gaza every day.

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Operation Protective Edge – Update No. 1 (As of 1200 hours, July 9, 2014)
Tunnel Blown Up in the Kerem Shalom Region
Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades operatives claimed responsibility for blowing up a tunnel near Kerem Shalom (Qassam.ps, July 8, 2014). Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, interviewed by Al-Jazeera, called the attacks important activities which were an expression of “the victory of the resistance” (Al-Jazeera, July 8, 2014).

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IDF Thwarts Hamas Infiltration & Terror Attack Using Tunnel
Friday, 18 July 2014, 10:00 am
Press Release: Embassy of Israel
On July 8th, another major terrorist attack was foiled when a massive terror tunnel was exposed and was blown up close to the Kerem Shalom crossing, where dozens of truckloads of goods enter Gaza every day.

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The Tunnels in Gaza Testimony before the UN Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict
Dr. Eado Hecht
Of the 22 already dug across the border:
a. 17 were destroyed before being used (3 before the war and 14 during the war).
b. 5 were used by Hamas before the Israel Defense Forces managed to destroy them: 1 was exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Kerem Shalom (8 July), 4 were used to infiltrate attack-teams to the outskirts of 5 Israeli villages – Sufa (17 July); Beeri (19 July); Nir-Am and Erez together through the same tunnel (21 July); Nahal Oz (28 July).

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Haaretz Probe: IDF Lacked Training, Equipment to Tackle Tunnels in Gaza War
… In the meantime, from April 2014 on, it gradually became clear that Hamas was preparing for the possibility of carrying out a large terror attack by means of a tunnel in the Kibbutz Kerem Shalom area, at the southern edge of the Gaza Strip. The Shin Bet issued a warning to the effect that Hamas was liable to try to capture soldiers and civilians by means of the tunnel, with the aim of obtaining an end to the Israeli and Egyptian blockade on Gaza. The General Command, Southern Command and the intelligence branches made feverish efforts to locate the tunnel. The Gaza Division devoted more than 30 earthmoving vehicles – an extraordinarily large number – to the attempt to uncover the exit shaft in Israeli territory and put up barriers aimed at delaying access from the field near the fence to Kibbutz Kerem Shalom. When the searches on the Israeli side came to nothing, the army was given permission to attack. The Israel Air Force dropped about 30 JDAM precision bombs on the Palestinian side of the border, with the aim of cutting off the tunnel’s route. Nevertheless, on July 6 seven fighters from Hamas’ special Nukba force entered the tunnel and were killed by a landslide caused by one of the bombardments.
The incident at Kerem Shalom was the final trigger for the outbreak of war. Hamas reacted to the killing of its men with heavy rocket barrages, at increasingly distant targets. On the night between July 7 and July 8, the Israeli cabinet decided on Operation Protective Edge – and that is how the fighting that lasted for 50 days began.

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Operation Protective Edge’s Subterranean warfare
During the entire period that included Operations Cast Lead and Pillar of Defense, not much tunnel warfare activity was recorded, but in November 2013, IDF forces destroyed two cross-border tunnels. In March 2014, the IDF demolished another cross-border tunnel. Tunnel warfare began even before Operation Protective Edge was declared, during the escalation that took place following Operation Brother’s Keeper. On July 6, 2014, in response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF took preventive action against a cross-border tunnel in the Rafah area that led to the death of six Hamas operatives.
As a result, Hamas intensified its rocket fire, further escalating the conflict and leading the IDF to launch Operation Protective Edge on July 8, 2014.

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IDF: We uncovered Gaza terror tunnel leading to Israel
Military source says six Palestinians killed in tunnel explosion were Hamas members planning ‘significant’ operation, who ‘touched the explosives’ and they detonated.
Yoav Zitun|Published: 07.07.14 , 17:46
A senior IDF official said Monday evening that the six Hamas men killed in an explosion Sunday night in a Gaza had come into contact with explosive materials, and hinted that the explosives had been placed there days earlier by the Israeli military.
The senior source said that the six Palestinians were Hamas members “who were in the tunnel with explosives” and that “the tunnel was intended for a significant terror attack with specialist infrastructure and an anti-soldier force.”
“The operation against the tunnel was undertaken several days ago,” source said, “the Hamas members touched the explosives … and it caused the tunnel’s explosion.” One side of the tunnel, he said, opened in Israeli territory close to the southern Gaza Strip.
According to the source, the IDF will continue to attack similar targets in the coming days….
On July 6, late Sunday night or early Monday morning, July 7, Haaretz reported Hamas fighters entered a tunnel and were killed in a landslide caused by a bombardment. The Gal Pearl Blog reported that on July 6, the IDF took action against a tunnel that led to the death of 6 Hamas operatives.
YNET news reported that on Sunday night, July 6, six Hamas men were killed in an explosion in a tunnel and hinted that the explosives that killed the men may have been planted there days earlier. The Hamas operatives, according to YNET, touched the explosives and when they did they blew up killing them all.
On Tuesday evening, July 8, the Jerusalem Post reported that there was an explosion in the vicinity of Kibutz Kerem Shalom. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that on July 8, a tunnel was exposed and blown up near Kerem Shalom.
On July 8, Scoop reported a tunnel was exposed and blown up close to the Karam Shalom crossing. The Mideast Dig reported that on July 8, a tunnel exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Karem Shalom.
It was stated by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades on their website, that they detonated the explosives in the tunnel on July 8. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center reported that the al-Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility for blowing up the tunnel close to the Karem Shalom, either the crossing or the kibutz, they did not specify which. An al-Qassam Brigades spokesman called the blowing up of the tunnel an expression of the victory of the resistance.
The tunnel explosion on July 8 did no damage to the Kerem Shalom crossing. If the al-Qassam Brigades was intending to blow up the crossing and if the explosives were detonated by them with no damage to the crossing, what was the purpose of the tunnel?
The tunnel most likely was constructed to attack the Kibutz Karem Shalom, not the crossing. A senior IDF source said that the six Palestinians were Hamas members “who were in the tunnel with explosives” and that “the tunnel was intended for a significant terror attack with specialist infrastructure and an anti-soldier force.”
It was reported that the tunnel was exploded under the outskirts of the Israeli village of Kerem Shalom. An IDF source stated that one side of the tunnel opened in Israeli territory.
“Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22 years old, was killed on July 9, 2014 in Rafah.”
Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli was killed late in the evening of July 6 or early morning, July 7. He was in a Hamas cross border attack tunnel preparing to infiltrate into Israel and conduct a terror operation. The Israeli military attacked the tunnel and killed him along with 5 other Hamas terror operatives.

“He played football … had plans to get married … his fiancé shown above saying goodbye to him.”
He planted explosives and fired 107 rockets into Israel. He had plans to kill as many Israeli soldiers as possible. The Izz al-Din website states that he “liked to talk about the number of soldiers he wanted to kill“.
The photograph above, from the original Humanize Palestine website, in which his fiancé is saying goodbye, conceals Zamli’s terrorist affiliation, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
In the photograph below, al-Zamli can be seen with his fiancé, wearing an Izz al-Din headband, clearly identifying him as a terror operative.

“He played football for Al Zaytoon FC, and he had plans to get married….”

“Abdul Rahman joined the ranks of the brigades in 2010 to be one of the men of the tunnels of resistance where he was a flame of activity and characterized by his high level of fitness, until he joined the ranks of the elite unit of al-Qasamia in engineering, and one of the most prominent stories of his jihadi life.”
“He liked to talk about the number of soldiers he wanted to kill …
Abdel Rahman participated in jihadi actions, most notably planting explosives … as well as firing 107 rockets …”
The original Humanize Palestine website was a memorial for martyred Palestinian terrorists. The website created false narratives for these individuals by utilizing texts and photographs to conceal their terror organization affiliations. This allowed the website to represent these individuals as either civilian casualties of war or as innocent Palestinian protesters, all victims of the ‘Israeli occupation’.
Like Hamas, the original Humanize Palestine website created false narratives to support the deception that many more civilians were killed by the Israeli security apparatus than terror combatants. As stated above, this was accomplished by falsely representing martyred combatants and street terrorists as civilian casualties of war or innocent protesters. However, the original Humanize Palestine website enhanced this deception by utilizing an additional more subtle technique. Their website untruthfully exaggerated the number of incidents involving the deaths of martyred Palestinian terrorists who were falsely represented as civilian casualties of war. This created the perception that many more Palestinian civilians were killed than actually were. The Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli narrative is an example of this deception.
Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli was killed together with Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, in the same incident. However, the reader would never know this by reading the narratives appearing on the original Humanize Palestine website, al-Zamli and Abu Mur webpages.
Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur were also Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operative combatants appearing on this and on the original Humanize Palestine website:

On July 6, 2014, brothers Mustafa Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 20 years old, and Khaled Abd El Hadi Abu Mur, 23 years old, died together in Rafah in defense of their nation.
Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22 years old, was killed on July 9, 2014 in Rafah. He played football for Al Zaytoon FC, and he had plans to get married after Eid to his fiancé, shown above saying goodbye to him.
Two different narratives falsely created the deception that the three were all killed in two unrelated incidents. The truth is found on the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center website:

Poster of the Hamas military wing with pictures of six operatives of the Hamas military wing in Rafah, five of whom were killed in an Israel Air Force attack on the tunnel on July 7, 2014. The dead (from right to left): Ibrahim al-Bal’awi, Khaled Abu Murr, Mustafa Abu Murr, Abd al-Rahman al- Zameli, Ibrahim Abedin, Jum’ah Shalouf (Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, July 7, 2014).
The original Humanize Palestine website falsely created narratives that the Abu Murrs and al-Zameli had died in two separate incidents. But they did not, they were killed in the same incident, three Qassamis, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, falsely represented by the original Humanize Palestine website as having died in unrelated incidents. The website additionally represented al-Zameli as a football player who had planned to marry. A picture of his fiancé “saying goodby” over the body of al-Zameli, depicts him as a civilian casualty of war, no al-Qassam Brigades headband in the picture. By concealing his terror affiliation and the circumstances of his death, the original Humanize Palestine website created a deception similar to those created by Hamas.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli was an example of this.
Below, two composite photographs, one of al-Zamli and one of al-Zamli’s body, one above the other. Each composite consists of two photographs, side by side, for comparison:

The top composite of al-Zamli, depicts the civilian casualty of war on the left, the football player. This is how al-Zamli is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 22 years old, was killed on July 9, 2014 in Rafah.
The photograph of al-Zamli on the right is who al-Zamli truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the al-Zamli who appears on the Izz al-Din al-qassam Brigades website, the al-Zamli who liked to talk about the number of soldiers he wanted to kill.
The bottom composite of al-Zamli’s body, on the left, depicts how he is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, the al-Zamli who played football for Al Zaytoon FC, and he had plans to get married, … his fiancé, shown … saying goodbye to him.
The photograph on the right is who al-Zamli truthfully was, identified by the al-Qassam Brigades headband, a terror operative combatant.
The two al-Zamli martyr posters that appear below, reveal who he really was, what his life was all about. First, it is important to understand the meaning of the various logos that appear on these posters.
Below, four logos with the Hamas flag at the center:
Top right, the Muslim Brotherhood Logo – Hamas is the Palestinian extension of the Brotherhood.
Top left, the Islamic Bloc logo – this is the student wing of Hamas.
Bottom left, the Hamas logo.
Bottom right, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades logo, the military wing of Hamas.

In the martyr poster below, the logo of the Islamic Bloc appears in the upper right corner. Al-Zamli was involved with Hamas at a young age. “The Islamic Bloc coordinates and cooperates with Hamas and its administration in the Gaza Strip, and offers a variety of educational, cultural, social and sports activities for young people.” (MEMRI) Click HERE to read about the Islamic Bloc.

In the martyr poster below, upper left corner, the logos of Hamas and the al-Qassam Brigades. Al-Zamli was a member of Hamas and the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. From a very young age, he was dedicated to violent radical jihad. His football, promoted by Hamas and the Islamic Bloc, was secondary to his love of jihad and his desire to kill as many Israeli soldiers as he could.

Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, Abdelrahman Jamal al-Zamli is one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.