مصعب نافذ محمد العجلة

The original Humanize Palestine websites were created as a memorial for martyred Palestinian terror operatives.
To view photographs of the 57 Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades fighters, martyr al-Qassami, found on the Humanize Palestine websites’ photo gallery, click HERE .
لمشاهدة صور 57 مقاتلاً من كتائب عز الدين القسام، الشهيد القسامي، التي عُثر عليها في معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية لمواقع “إضفاء الطابع الإنساني على فلسطين”، انقر هنا
Memorializing Palestinian Terrorists
Click HERE to view original Humanize Palestine Website (Use Back Arrow to Return)

Mohammed with his daughter Raneem
Mohammed Alareer, 31 years old, was killed by an Israeli airstrike while he was at home in Shujaiyya on July 26, 2014. He was a father of two, Raneem, four years old, and one-year-old Hamza.
His brother, Refaat Alareer, writes the following (excerpts taken):
In his family, Mohammed was number five after three boys and one girl. Everyone in the family called him Hamada except his dad, who always used his official name, Mohammed. Born in 1983, Hamada was timid but humorous and adventurous. He would be silent most of the time, but when he did speak, he was usually seeking to go beyond the boundaries of the given. Hamada went to college and finished a two-year degree in public relations.
During the second Intifada, Mohammed played a critical role. He had started leading demonstrations and reciting poetic chants to mobilize the masses protesting an Israeli attack on Jerusalem, or he would lead nationalistic chants at the many funerals of martyrs we had in Shujaiyya and elsewhere.
Of all the fourteen brothers and sisters, Hamada was the most distinguished and creative. His public speaking and acting skills won him the role of Karkour, the most famous television character in the Gaza Strip. Karkour, a mischievous chicken, was the star of Al-Aqsa TV’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which hosted children from all over the Gaza Strip. Early this year, Hamada won a small role in another TV show that started airing this Ramadan but was stopped due to the ongoing Israeli onslaught.

Mohammed performing as Karkour
Hamada got married five years ago and had two children, Raneem and Hamza. He was still living in his parents’ place after he got married; he worked very hard to build his own flat in the same building, which he finished last year.
Mohammed is martyr number 26 in his extended family; five of them were killed last week and had their bodies dug out of the rubble during Saturday’s twelve-hour “humanitarian ceasefire.”
His memories, his tales, his jokes, his innocent smile will live forever through us, through his two beautiful children, and through the thousands of children who loved him on TV and in real life.
Click here to read Refaat’s full piece on Electronic Intifada
(By the original Humanize Palestine Website)
- JANE ROSSITER-SMITH July 30, 2014 at 2:50 am REPLYHamada, we are so sorry to lose you and everything you gave to the world. May you live on through your beautiful children.
Sincere condolences.
JaneLiked by 2 people - Pingback: Mohammed Alareer | The Martyr
- SKYWALKERSTORYTELLER July 30, 2014 at 7:42 am REPLYMay he rest in peace. Om mani padme humLike
- DIAN TANGEY July 31, 2014 at 5:48 am REPLYMy sincere condolences
Click HERE for chicken story
Identifying Palestinian Terrorists
*Qassami: An Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades soldier or fighter. The al-Qassam Brigades is the military wing of Hamas. A Qassami is a terror operative.

Click HERE to view al-Qassam Brigades website, Alareer webpage

مجاهد قسامي
Mohammed Rafiq Al-Ar’eer
Mujahid Qusami
الشهيد القسامي / محمد رفيق العرعير
صاحب شخصية عسكرية مقدام في الجهاد
Martyr al – Qasami / Mohammed Rafiq al – Araeer
The owner of a military figure in the holy jihad
ميلاد وحياة مجاهد
شرق مدينة غزة في حي الشجاعية، أطل فارسنا محمد رفيق العرعير مبصراً إلى الحياة الدنيا في السابع عشر من ديسمبر/كانون الأول لعام 1983م، لتبدأ شمسه بالإشراق في هذا العالم متحديا كل الظروف الصعبة المحيطة به وبعائلته وأسرته، فنشأ في أجواء كالصخر، صقلت شخصية قوية شجاعة لا تهاب في الله لومة لائم.
عاش شهيدنا محمد وسط أسرة متواضعة، وكان أكثر إخوانه براً بوالديه، ملبياً لما يحتاجونه من مستلزمات، وكان حنوناً على إخوانه، سخيٌ كريمْ بقدر استطاعته.
تزوج شهيدنا محمد ورزقه الله باثنين من الأبناء وأوصى زوجته بأن تربيهم على نفس الدرب، درب الجهاد والمقاومة.
تعليمه وعمله
تلقى شهيدنا القسامي محمد تعليمه الابتدائي في مدرسة حطين في حي الشجاعية، وأكمل دراسة المرحلة الإعدادية في مدرسة الفرات، وفي تلك الفترة شهد له زملاؤه الطلاب وأقرانه بالأخلاق الطيبة.
التحق في مدرسة جمال عبد الناصر ليكمل دراسة المرحلة الثانوية وخلال تلك الفترة نشط محمد بالعمل مع الكتلة الإسلامية الإطار الطلابي لحركة حماس.
أنهى فارسنا محمد دراسة الدبلوم في الصحافة والإعلام، ليعمل بعدها في فضائية الاقصى، حيث قام بتمثيل شخصية كرتونية في برنامج خاص بالأطفال وكان له الأثر الكبير في تعزيز الروح الوطنية والجهادية في نفوس الأطفال المتابعين للبرنامج،كما عمل في وزارة الداخلية بغزة.
في ركب الدعوة
منذ نعومة أظفاره سلك شهيدنا درب المجاهدين، حيث التزم في مسجد التوفيق، ومن ثم انتقل لمسجد العائدون، وشارك فيهما في اللجان الثقافية والرياضية والدعوية.
التحق شهيدنا القسامي “أبو حمزة” في صفوف حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس، حيث عمل في الإعداد والتجهيز للعديد من مهرجانات واحتفالات الحركة، كما تميّز شهيدنا محمد بمساعدته وحبه للناس، حيث كان يتواصل مع أهل الخير ليجمع التبرعات حتى يقوم بمساعدة الفقراء.
مسيره الجهادي
تعرف شهيدنا على إخوانه المجاهدين وأحب الانضمام إلى ركب الجهاد والمقاومة وكان له ما تمنى، حيث انضم إلى صفوف كتائب الشهيد عز الدين القسام، وهنا بدأت رحلته الجهادية القسامية.
التحق “محمدب” العديد من الدورات العسكرية القسامية التي أهلته ليكون مقاتلاً قسامياً صنديداً يهاب الأعداء صوت زئيره إذا حط رحاله بميدان المعركة، حيث شارك شهيدنا المجاهد في التصدي للعديد من الاجتياحات البرية شرق الشجاعية.
كما شارك في معركة أيام الغضب شمال القطاع، وفي معركة الفرقان شارك بالرباط على الثغور الشرقية لحي الشجاعية برفقة الشهيد عصام شمالي، بالإضافة لمشاركته في معركة السجيل حيث كان من الشباب المبادر للجهاد في سبيل الله، وفي معركة العصف المأكول انطلق شهيدنا برفقة إخوانه المجاهدين لمقارعة الصهاينة وأعداء الله.
على موعد
بعد رحلة جهادية طويلة صعدت روحه الطَاهرة إِلى رَبها شَاهدةً عَلى ثَباته وصبره واحتِسابه، فما وهن ولا استكان، ولم يعرف للراحة طعم، ليلحق بركب أصدقاءه الشهداء، الشهيد عنان العرعير والشهيد محمد عبد الشكور العرعير والشهيد عصام شمالي والشهيد معمر شمالي.
لقي محمد ربه شهيداً في العشر الأواخر من رمضان يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 22/07/2014م إثر استهداف منزل بطيران الF16، حيث كان متواجدا فيه برفقة الشهيد مصعب العجلة، حيث أصيبوا بجراح بالغة أدت لاستشهادهما.
لقد كانت حياتك يا محمد حياةً جهاديةً مفعمةً بالعطاء والفداء والتضحية، فلله درك يا رجل المهمات الصعبة، فما أروع جهادك وما أروع عطائك، صدقت الله فصدقك ونلت ما كنت تتمنى من شهادة في سبيل الله بعد مشوارٍ جهاديٍ مشرف.

Jihadist rally
Our martyr is known for his fellow mujahideen and I like to join the knees of jihad and resistance and he had what he wished, as he joined the ranks of the martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam, and here began his jihadist journey alksamet.
Join the “Mohammedan ” Many of the Alksamet military courses that I have taken to be a fighter, Samiya sanded the enemies fear the voice of his roar if he put a pilgrim in the battlefield, where our Mujahid martyr participated in the fight against many land invasions east of Shojaeya.
He also participated in the Battle of the Days of rage north of the sector, and in the Battle of Furqan participated in Rabat on the eastern areas of Shojaeya neighborhood with the martyr Essam Shamali, in addition to his participation in the Battle of al-Sigil where he was a young entrepreneur for jihad in the way of God, and in the Battle of the eaten The mujahideen of the Zionist combating and the enemies of God.
On a date
After a long jihadist journey, his pure soul ascended to her lord, witnessing his fortitude and his patience and calculating him, and he did not know, nor was he known to rest, to join his martyrs ‘ friends, the martyr Anan al-Arwar, the martyr Mohamed Abdel Shakur Al-Ar’ir, the martyr Issam Shamali and the martyr Muammar Shamali.
Mohammed Rabbo was martyred in the late tenth of Ramadan on Tuesday, 22/07/2014 Following the targeting of a house in Al-F16, where he was in the company of the martyr Mosaab al-Wheel, where they were badly wounded.
It was your life, Muhammad, a jihadist life full of giving, redemption and sacrifice. I swear to God, man, the hard tasks, how great is your jihad and how wonderful you are, believe in God, believe you, and you won what you wished for a certificate for the sake of Allah after the journey of honorable jihad.

Click HERE to view website
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas) program Tomorrow’s Pioneers on neighbors’ rights.
[Phone conversation between Nahul the bee and Qais, a boy from Jenin (West Bank).]
Nahul the bee, (adult in a giant bee costume): “Listen my friend. Are there Jews where you are?”
Boy (Qais): “No. Not at the moment.”
Nahul: “I heard they come to you every day.”
Boy: “Yes, but not now.”
Nahul: “Listen, friend; do like this with your hands [makes fists], and when they come to you, punch them; make their face red like a tomato.”
Boy: “Allah willing, so that we can liberate Palestine.”
Nahul: “Allah willing.” …
[Nahul talks to TV host, young girl named Rawan]
Nahul: “My friend Qais – anyway, Rawan, I tell him to take a stone, and when the Jews come, to take it and throw it at them.”
Child host (Rawan): “Of course, the Jewish neighbors.”
Nahul: “To smash them.”
Child host: “If his neighbors are Jews or Zionists? Yes.” …
[Child host Rawan talks to Tulin, a girl in the studio.]
Child host Rawan: “Tulin, why do you want to be a police officer? Like who?”
Girl Tulin: “Like my uncle.”
Child host: “Which uncle?”
Girl: “Ahmed.”
Child host: “Is he a policeman?”
[Girl nods]
Child host: “OK, so what does a policeman do?”
Nahul (adult in giant bee costume): “He catches thieves, and people who make trouble.”
Child host: “And shoots Jews. Right?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “You want to be like him?”
[Girl nods]
Child host: “Allah willing, when you grow up.”
Girl: “So that I can shoot Jews.”
[Nahul the bee cheers]
Child host: “All of them? All of them?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “Good.”


Click HERE to view website

Transcript (courtesy of PalWatch):
Child host: “OK, so what does a policeman do?”
Nahul (adult in giant bee costume): “He catches thieves, and people who make trouble.” Child host: “And shoots Jews. Right?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “You want to be like him?”
[Girl nods]
Child host: “Allah willing, when you grow up.”
Girl: “So that I can shoot Jews.”
[Nahul the bee cheers]
Child host: “All of them? All of them?”
Girl: “Yes.”
Child host: “Good.”

August 28, 2014
Clip No. 4467
Hamas Children’s Show Tribute to Actor behind Giant Bee Character “Martyred” in Gaza War
Child-host: We are now broadcasting this show from the studios of Al-Aqsa TV, which were destroyed by the enemy. They destroyed every stone and every tree, but they will never destroy our resolute will. We will continue to broadcast this show from here, until we move the studio to the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We appear before you today, after having lost our dearest beloved, who was loved by young and old alike – the famous puppet, who angered the enemy for many many years. He is the heroic martyr Muhammad Al-‘Ar’ir, who would put a smile on the faces of children though the character of the puppet Nahoul.
We promise you, Muhammad, that the show will go on, despite the shelling and killing of over 500 children. The show will go on whether they all like it or not.
Child-host: What is your name?
Doha Sharaf: My name is Doha Sharaf, and I’m in the first grade. I’m six years old.
Child-host: As a Palestinian girl, what would you like to say to the world?
Doha Sharaf: I am a girl from Gaza, and I want to live in freedom and security, like the children in the rest of the world.
Child-host: Good. I hope that everybody is listening to you. And what do you want to say to the Jews?
Doha Sharaf: May Allah take them and gouge out their eyes, Allah willing.

وصية وفيلم الشهيد القسامي محمد رفيق العرعير
وصية وفيلم الشهيد القسامي إبن قوات الأمن الوطني مساعد أول محمد رفيق العرعير
من ضباط مشروع الفتوة ، استشهد بمعركة العصف المأكول بتاريخ 22-7-2014 ..
The will and the movie of the martyr al-Qassamy Muhammad Rafiq al-Arayer
The will and film of the martyr al-Qassami, son of the National Security Forces, the first assistant, Muhammad Rafiq al-Arayer One of the officers of the Fatwa Project, he was martyred in the food storm on 7/22/2014
Click HERE to view video
The Mohammed Rafiq Alareer Story
The Chicken and the Professors

Click HERE to read essay
This is the story of Mohammed Rafiq Alareer’s dual careers. He was the “actor” appearing on the Hamas TV station, Al-Aqsa TV, and he was the “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades terror combatant.
Alareer’s nickname, “The Chicken”, makes reference to the role he allegedly played on Hamas TV, al-Aqsa TV. His brother, Prof. Rafaat Alareer, wrote that Mohammed played a chicken, “the most famous television character in the Gaza Strip. Karkour, a mischievous chicken, was the star of Al-Aqsa TV’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which hosted children from all over the Gaza Strip.” But this was not true.
Mohammed Rafiq Alareer, the actor, played the role of Narhoul, the bee, who taught young Palestinian children to “shoot all Jews”.
The essay tells the story of Alareer’s family and his death. It documents the family’s Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades affiliations. Evidence that suggests a University of Hawaii at Manoa – Alareer nexus is also analyzed.
“Mohammed Alareer … was killed by an Israeli airstrike while he was at home in Shujaiyya on July 26, 2014.”
Alareer was not merely “at home.” While in his home, he was engaged in combat together with another Izz al-Din terror operative, Mus’ab Nafez al-Ajla. In the photo below, the two can be seen training together:

Ajla, like Alareer, was a “Qassami”, an Izz al-Din combatant. The image below is from his Izz al-Din webpage:

Alareer’s Izz al-Din webpage: “killed on Tuesday, 22/07/2014 following the targeting of the home of the F16 aircraft, where he was in the company of the martyr Musab al-Ajla, where they were seriously injured and led to their martyrdom.”
Ajla’s Izz al-Din webpage: “killed on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, following the targeting of the house of the F16, where he was in the company of the martyr Mohammed Rafiq al-Ar’eer, where they were seriously injured and led to their martyrdom”
NOTE: Alareer’s webpage cites the targeting of “the home”, Alareer’s home. Ajla’s webpage cites the targeting of “the house, Alareer’s house.
“… the role of Karkour, the most famous television character in the Gaza Strip. Karkour, a mischievous chicken, was the star of Al-Aqsa TV’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which hosted children from all over the Gaza Strip. “
Al Jazeera 10/18/14:
The martyr of the artist Muhammad al-Arajeer in the form of “Nahool ” during the program “Pioneers of Tomorrow”
The program “Tomorrow’s Pioneers,” … shown on the local Al Aqsa TV … the Palestinian artist Mohammed Al-Ar’eer was martyred during the aggression… shown by the figure of a doll in the form of “bee” deliberately make mistakes to correct a group of children guests in the program.
The program, which was offered by al-Arayer, gained widespread fame in Palestine. He began to represent the role of “Nuhul”, who commits certain behavioral errors and participates in a polite manner by a group of children.
Muhammad …drawing his audience from all over Palestine and the Arab world.
Broadcast by Al-Aqsa TV, 8/28/14 (Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project):
We appear before you today, after having lost our dearest beloved, who was loved by young and old alike – the famous puppet, who angered the enemy for many many years. He is the heroic martyr Muhammad Al-‘Ar’ir, who would put a smile on the faces of children through the character of the puppet Nahoul.”
SUMMARY: Alareer who appeared in the program “Tomorrow’s Pioneers”, WAS NOT the most famous television character in the Gaza strip for playing the part of the chicken, Karkour. He was famous for playing the part of a bee, Narhoul, a genocidal bee that advocated for the shooting and killing all Jews.
The original Humanize Palestine website routinely did this, the photographs of the Palestinian ‘martyrs’ on their website concealed their terror organization affiliation. Mohammed Alareer was an example of this.
Below, two photographs of roles allegedly played by Alareer, “the actor”, side by side, for comparison:

The photograph on the right is how the original Humanize Palestine website represented Alareer, the “actor”, playing the role of Karkour, the most famous television character in the Gaza Strip. Karkour, a mischievous chicken, was the star of Al-Aqsa TV’s program Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which hosted children from all over the Gaza Strip.
The statement above, appearing on the original Humanize Palestine website is false, Karkour WAS NOT the most famous television character in the Gaza Strip. And it is doubtful that Alareer played that role. The most famous character was Narhoul, the bee.
The photograph on the left is the character Alareer did play, Narhoul the bee, who, on the Hamas TV station, AL-AQSA TV, taught children to “shoot the Jews, all of them”.
“We are now broadcasting this show from the studios of Al-Aqsa TV, which were destroyed by the enemy. We appear before you today, after having lost our dearest beloved, who was loved by young and old alike – the famous puppet, who angered the enemy for many many years. He is the heroic martyr Muhammad Al-‘Ar’ir, who would put a smile on the faces of children though the character of the puppet Nahoul.“
“Doha Sharaf: I am a girl from Gaza, and I want to live in freedom and security, like the children in the rest of the world.
Child-host: Good. I hope that everybody is listening to you. And what do you want to say to the Jews?
Doha Sharaf: May Allah take them and gouge out their eyes, Allah willing.“
Below, two more photographs of Alareer, side by side for comparison:

The two photographs above depict Alareer with his daughter, Raneem. The photograph on the right appeared on the original Humanize Palestine Website, Alareer, a father of two, Raneem, four years old, and one-year-old Hamza.
The photograph on the left, taken from an Alareer family social media website, truthfully portrays who Alareer was, it truthfully portrays who the Alareer family is. It is Alareer’s daughter admiring a photograph of her deceased father appearing on a computer screen. It is a photograph of Alareer wearing the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades headband, a photograph of a Qassami, a terror operative combatant. This is what the Alareer family has their four year old daughter admiring.
Two more photographs of Mohammed Alareer, side by side for comparison:

The photograph of Alareer on the left is how Alareer is portrayed on the original Humanize Palestine website, his terror organization affiliation concealed, 31 years old, was killed by an Israeli airstrike while he was at home in Shujaiyya on July 26, 2014.
The photograph on the right is who Alareer truthfully was, a terror operative combatant. This is the Alareer who appears on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website, the Alareer who attended many Qassam military courses that qualified him to be a solid Qassam fighter.
This is the Alareer who was killed with another Qassami, an al-Qassam Brigades terror operative, Musab al-Ajla. They were in Alareer’s house engaged in combat when they were targeted and killed by the IAF.
Prior to August 2020, the Hamas and Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades websites had a green banner at the top of their home page. This is how the home page of Hamas’ TV station, al-Aqsa TV, appeared on March 16, 2020:

Note the green banner at the top of the page:

The green banner contained an embedded URL that linked to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades website. Clicking on the green banner would open this webpage:

This was a fund raising scheme utilizing cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to underwrite its terrorism (“resistance”). Note that the solicitation is in English. This would indicate that the fund raising scheme not only targeted Arabic speaking countries but English speaking western countries as well, such as the U.S.
In August 2020, the U.S. government seized the website, funds and assets:

The original Humanize Palestine website memorialized Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades terror operatives, and their families, Mohammed Alareer was one example. In their own words, they honored the deceased terror operatives as martyrs by bringing them back to life through their pictures, stories, art, and poetry.
Now the victims of these terror operatives have been honored. The U.S. Department of Justice has seized al-Qassam Brigades assets, funds and websites, used to finance their terror campaigns. The monies will be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund.
To read about the United States’ largest-ever seizure of cryptocurrency in the terrorism context, click HERE.